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"I'm gonna be a fucking dad!" Four yells for almost an hour. He's been bouncing off the walls, literally. "We have to tell the others!" he rushes to me and grips my hips.

I hold his shoulders, "We will, baby...but we're not-" 

"I know, but one day you will be then nine months later, we'll be parents" 

I nod. Parents. Four and I will have our little Twelve. I pull his hair out of his face and peck his lips, "How-when are we telling them?" 

"I don't care. I'm going to be a father, I just want the world to know" 

One week later...

"Where the hell have y'all been?" Seven asks. "You've been avoiding us" 

"Not true," I say. 

"I know, babe" he kisses my cheek, "Can I come in?" 

"I did invite you" I move to the side and wave him in. Seven waits for me as I close the door then we join our family in the living room. 

"Where's One?" Four asks Seven. 

"He's..." Seven pauses, "He's running late..a few hours" 

"Lucky for him we talk too much," Five says. I stroll over to Four and take a seat on his lap. 

Early today, we decided to tell the family. Seven was technically right, I've been keeping a strong distance with the others, Nine is most likely able to tell and I'll be moody around the others. I want One here, he's like my father. Four wants to tell them early so we can have the night to celebrate. 

We talk for half an hour then Four gives me the signal, my heart aches, One is still isn't here. Four and I stand up, "Let's freshen everyone's drinks" Four says. 

"Hell yeah!" Five cheers. She leads the rest of us to the kitchen. 

"No one drink yet!" Four says, making the others laugh. He snakes his arm around me, "We have news-" 

"You're getting married!" Five says. 

Four and I chuckle. "We're pregnant!" Four beams. 

NEVER have I seen a group of people so happy before, my brother included who I thought would die. Everything slows as they move in to hug us. Five was the first to hug me, then Seven then I lose track, everyone is just hugging each other. I begin to cry, tears of joy. 

"I fucking knew it!" Three exclaims which cause Four to punch his arm. "I'm talking about the glow not her belly" Three explains. 

"Thank you, Three" I smile. 

"Do you know how far along you are?" Nine asks. 

"A little over a month" Four answers. 

"Now that we know, Four! Drink!" Seven cheers. We had told the others that we weren't drinking because we had to be up early but they caught on now so Four can drink. 

We move back to the living room and continue our little celebration. "Love, tell them the good news" Four says. 

"I thought we did" suddenly I feel embarrassed. 

He chuckles weakly then whispers in my ear, "The name"

"Oh!" I turn to the others, "We have al-"

"She did" Four interrupts then adds, "And I love it"

"I have already picked a name" I correct myself. "When we first met, our names were numbers and even though I know your birth names, in my heart we are a number named family. Anyway, I'm Eight, and Four is Four, and I want to continue this-us. Our baby's name will be Twelve"

"I love it!" Five beams and everyone agrees. 

Seven slams his hand on Nine's shoulder, "You're gonna be an uncle" 

"You're all going to be uncles and aunts" I correct Seven.  

"Sorry" he smiles. 

After what feels like years with my family, talking about our new family member, and being here, we call it a night. No one talked about our absences in our future missions and honestly, it hurts. I want to be there, covering their backs but I also want this baby, I want to be a mother and I want Four to have his family. I can't even explain how lucky I am to have found him. 

"Go, baby, I'll clean up," I say to Four, who looks as drained as I feel. 

"I got this, you can go to bed" 

"Don't do that to me, Four. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean you have to teach me any differently" 

"Alright" he kisses my cheek, "Bed in five?" 

"Twenty. I wanna clean up" code for shave. 

He nods then jogs upstairs. We didn't make much of a mess but I like a clean home. I stroll to the kitchen then jump at the sudden banging at the door. "Eight!" One cries. 

"It's alright!" I yell so Four won't worry, "It's One" 

"Tell him we're sleeping!" Four yells. I laugh as I cross over to the door. I open the door and One jump in front of me, he kisses my forehead. 

"I'm so sorry, I had something to do. You know, I wouldn't miss this if I had a choice" he rushes out. 

"It's fine" I assure him. I snake around him then close the door. "We...I guess I do since Four is going to bed" 

"You what? Are you alright?" panic colors his eyes, "Are you leaving?"

"No" I laugh, "Can I? I mean, you did fake my death-doesn't matter, I'm not leaving" I step closer and hug him. 

"What was that for?" he questions when I pull away. 

"I have news" Is shake my head. "We're pregnant"

His jaw drops and I fear his eyes might pop out of his socket, "You're having a...are you...God, Eight, come here" he pulls me in for a hug. 

I laugh through tears, "I thought you would be mad"

"What?" he gently pushes me back, "Why?" 

"I dunno" I lie, "Our missions and everything you've done for us"

"Eight" he sighs, grabbing my shoulders, "Just because we died to the world, doesn't mean we can't live. You want this baby, you have this baby. Don't worry about anything else, well-of course, Four too. I'm worried about that kid" he jokes, and I laugh. 

"We-I..." I groan, "I picked a name. Twelve" 

He chuckles weakly, "It's perfect" 

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