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Waking up to Four's hands roaming my body puts a smile on my face. I'm on my back, Four's head resting on my lower belly. "Eight" he groans. When I realize he's still asleep, I gently push his hands off me. I slip from underneath him and grab some piece of clothing, his boxers. Four rolls on his back and puckers his lips. I smile as I lean down and kiss him. 

"Stay" he mumbles when I pull away. 

"I'm just gonna brush my teeth and wash my face"

"Stay" he repeats. 

"Sleep" I pat his bare chest then walk to the bathroom. I find it cute how there are new toothbrushes in plastic, for guests. As I brush my morning breath away, I can't stop thinking about last night. Sex was so much more, we became one, love. I know what I say about waiting until we were safe but I didn't stop Four last night. If I didn't get pregnant from last night, I don't know how I ever will. 

The door opens and a naked Four enters the bathroom. "Had to piss" he kisses the back of my head. I finish before he even makes it to the toilet. 

"There are clothes in the dresser" He informs me. Thank my planets, I can't walk around in yesterday's clothes. 

I find it strange that the clothes are new but I've worn worst. I had to use shorts I found as underwear and a tank top as a bra. I put on baggy jeans and a green long sleeve shirt. 

"I think we should try again" Four smirks, pulling up his pants. 

"We weren't supposed to be trying last night" I remind him. 

"Love" he sighs, closing the distance. He holds me in him his arms as he speaks, "We'll be back in our flat in no time"

"You're right, I'm sorry" 

"No more fighting or training-I mean...please, no more" 

I smile, "Come on, I think I smell breakfast" I turn for the door but he holds me in place.

"That thing you did last night" he smirks, "Can we do that again?"

"If I don't eat in the next five minutes, I will never do anything again" I threaten. He ducks down and throws me on his shoulder. "FOUR!" I squeal. 

"You're gonna eat but-" he slaps my ass, "Don't ever threaten me like that again" 

"Yes, daddy" I smirk to myself. 

Four carries me to the kitchen, turns out Seven made breakfast. Four didn't put me down until Seven gave him a plate. "Thank you, Seven" I smile as I take a seat at the large table. 

"It's nothing. I was the cook back at my base" Seven says. 

Four takes the seat next to me, "I love you E-" 

"Don't steal my saying" I warn playfully. Five enters wearing shorts (that stops below her knees) and a sweater two sizes too big. Her hair is a mess.  

"You look...tangled" Seven chuckles. She gives him the finger as she sits down. He laughs, setting a plate of food in front of here. 

"Nine?" I ask her. 

"Sleeping...he was um, drinking last night" 

I jump up but Four grabs my arm, "He's fine" he says. Nine must've been real pissed to be drinking out here, he would've gone on a run, no matter how late it is. I can't help him, he feels trapped and useless. 

"Fuck that" I yank my arm out of his grip. Five shouts where he's staying as I storm out of the room.

Finding Nine drenched in sweat, lying at the foot of his bed, broke me. I rush to his side, I kick something hard underneath the bed. I kneel down and reach under the bed. It's a fucking empty bottle of Vodka. 

"Russ," I sigh, "Can you hear me?" I push his soaked hair out of his face. The bags under his eyes are red, he's pale and hot. 

I jump up, "Five!" I'm mad at her for letting this happen after drugging him. Four bursts in then Seven then Five. "Help him" I cry. 

"Seven get my bag" Five orders. She's at my side, placing the nack of her hand on his forehead. Four pulls me back, whispering it will be alright. 

I don't know what's more painful, watching my brother being sick for the first time ever and not being able to help or killing myself for having sex while he was drinking himself to this.

You can't blame yourself, I hear Four say in my mind. I know it's not him, he's sleeping on the floor, staying with me, I don't why he passed out so easy, must be exhausted. Five is in the next room to stay close. About four hours ago, we covered Nine in ice bags, Seven's been helping me change them. 

"Fuck" Four mumbles, sitting up. "How's he doing?"

"He moved once in the last hour" I pull my hair in a bun the drop my hands on my lap. "I miss him"

He stands up and he sits in front of me, "He can-"

"Look, baby, I know you're trying to help but I can't right now"

"Alright, when do you reckon he'll wake up?"

I smile, it's unnatural and feels odd on my face but I still hold it. Four's not trying to smooth the situation, he's talking about it. "I think in a few hours"

"Or now" Nine groans. I snap my head to look at him, tears already soaking my cheeks. "Ice" he mutters, pulling the ice bags off him. 

"I should hurt you" I tease, "What are you doing drinking like that?" when Nine doesn't answer, I turn to Four and ask him to leave. 

"You trust...this?" Nine asks after Four's footsteps fade away from down the hall. 

"What do you mean?" I whisper. His eyes leave mine, he looks at the wall facing him and breathes deeply. I think for a moment..trust? We spent our whole lives trusting only each other, never others.

"Are you afraid of them leaving us or...this being too-"

"I don't want to get attached" he rushes out. 

"Russell it's been over a year" 

He looks hurt and...scared. He's only scared when I'm in danger but I'm fine. I'm here with him. "When Four was first shot, I didn't care. A few missions and no one was hurt, One planned everything out, saved us. Then after a few months, you guys were attacked and...I didn't just worry about you"

"I'm not hearing the problem" this is our family now, he should be worried about the others. 

He shakes his head then met my eyes, "People around us...don't survive long"

I take his hand in mine, "We can't fear to be around others. We agreed to join them, to be part of their family...to extend us. Protect them the way you protect me and I'm sure they'll live until they are hundred"

His lips curl to the tiniest smile, "And me?"

I punch his arm with little strength, "I'll protect you, they will protect you. It's not just us anymore" 

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