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Pain hit my upper body like a damn truck at full speed. I collapse on Four's chest. "Baby?" he whispers, "Baby, tell me you're awake" 

"I am" I groan. My chest is fine, no open wounds but there's still pain. 

"Where does it hurt?" 

I don't answer, I need this to stop, I can't be weak around them anymore. One hit, that's it and I'm like this? Hu is buff, does parkour too, but just one hit...kill me. I push away from Four and smile. He scowls at me, "Don't lie to me" he growls through his teeth. 

"Did I say anything?" I shake my head slowly. I can't breathe, my chest is closing. "I love you" I manage to say. 

"Baby, I love you. What hurts?" 

I bring my feet up and lay my head on his rest, "I'm just tired" 

"Five hurry up" Four begs.

My body was up before my mind was, I know that because I kicked Four in his side. I sit up and rub my eyes. "I'm sorry babe" 

"It's alright, love" he smiles. I look around, we're in One's van that seats twelve. Four and I are in the back row, Nine's sleeping in the row in front of us but I can't tell if anyone else is laying in the other rows. One's driving, I see him in the mirror and he looks exhausted. We're surrounded by forest but the sun is still out, what day is it?

"Where are we?" I croak. 

"One didn't want to risk it, we're heading to the safehouse" 

I steady his face, the bags under his eyes scream for sleep, his cheeks are a little puffed and he's pale. "Did you sleep?" I ask then he shakes his head. "Four" I groan.

"I didn't want you to wake up alone" 

I grin, "Nine would've woken up" 

"Five had to drug him" he informs me, "Gave him enough to put down a horse" 

"That won't be enough, Nine is...special. Anyway, who's here?" I ask, changing the subject. 

"Seven and Five, since they were with us, One dragged them along" 

Two and Three are back in the city by themselves? Most of our time is here. We should be together. Four falls on my lap and I play with his hair. 

"I want a baby" he mumbles. He reaches out his arms then rubs my back. His slow movements and hie eyes shut tell me he's mostly asleep. 

I know damn well he wants a baby, he made me watch one too many family movies and talked about how lovely the babies were. I trace his scars, just thinking. Our little Twelve, will they have Four's accent? My eyes? His strong jawline? 

Another thirty minutes of driving we finally pull up to One's tiny mansion. One and I woke the others. It took all five of us to carry Nine into the house, we settle him on the couch, we all struggled. 

"Eight, come here" One calls for me. 

"I'm sorry about what happened," I say when I approach him.

"I need any information you can give me about Hu, his crew, Cam, and your old friends. I need to know what happened"

"Ok," I whisper, "One-"

"Get some rest" he whispers then walks around me to the others. "You guys know how this works, you only call Two, Three and I, don't go to town, no one knows you're here and I wanna keep it that way. There are a few cars in a garage but that's for a getaway"

"How long are we going to stay here?" Five asks. 

"As long as it takes. I'll clear everything up"

"We should be with you" Seven says. 

"I'm already risking it with Two and Three" One snaps, "I'm not putting the rest of you" 

Four pulls me close to him, comforting me. "I gotta go" One sighs, "Y'all know where the monitor room is?" 

"I do" Five whispers.

"Ok, I gotta go. I come back when I can" One steps back. He displays a forced smile then leaves. 

"What?" Nine mumbles. His eyes flutter open and I rush to his side. "I'm gonna kill him" he snarls, his voice hoarse. Now I see why they drugged him.

"We're fine" I assure him.

"I can't move" he hisses.

"He shouldn't be up" Five whimpers.

"No more...I won't...fight" he groans. We help settle Nine on the bed and he passes out again. This place is a little cold so I asked Seven to get some blankets. After I'm satisfied with Nine's resting, we leave to pick our rooms. 

Four and I pick a corner room so there'll be more windows. We showered separately. When I exit the bathroom, Four is standing by the bed in only his boxers. "What's wrong?" I ask. 

"Seven stopped by, he was worried about you" 

"That's sweet of him" I smile as I tie up my damp hair.

"You can't blame yourself," he says, sitting on the bed. He props himself against the headboard. "Come here"

I close the distance and sit on his lap, planting my knees at his sides. "Do you remember what you told me in the car?"

He thinks for a moment, "No, not really. Why?"

I push his hair out of the face, "Nothing bab-" I stop myself. "I love you so much and I want you in my life"

He sighs deeply, "Our little Twelve"

I peck his forehead, "When we're safe again...we can try"

The joy and hope that lights up his face makes my heart swells. His smile is so large, I fear his face might break. He sits up, "Are you serious?"

"I should smack you for asking me that"

"Oh baby, I love you so much" he kisses me hard, like never before. I snake my arms around his neck and pull him closer. 

Four has wanted his little own family for so long. Before me, Four held his heart in his hand, looking for the one thing he so desperately been craving for. Love. Now that we've found it in each other, he needs more and I can't explain how lucky I am for being the one to give it to him. 

He grips my waist and throws me on the large bed. I laugh as he climbs on me. I chain my legs around him as he presses his forehead on mine, I lean up to kiss him but he pulls back. Peering into my eyes, he whispers, "Marry me" 

I smile, "Four, you're just-" 

"No, I'm not. I already consider you as my wife" 

I gasp. He's serious. "Baby" I whisper, "I think we're already married" 

He chuckles, "It's not like we can get the papers anyway"

I laugh and when it dies, he kisses me again. 

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