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We welcomed Five and Seven into our apartment. "You're early" Four growls at them. I kiss his arm and his body loosens up. 

"One asked us to" Five smiles, "He wants to make sure we don't rush around with..." she looks at me. 

I roll my eyes, "One needs to stop babying me"

I find it funny that we watched an action movie and we found it ass. "That shit was utterly embarrassing to us" Two snarls as we walk into the lobby. 

Three anchors his arm on her shoulders, "Got that right" he kisses her temple. "Hey, do I remind y'all of that idiot-"

"Yeah" Four answers before Three could finish his question then we burst into laughter. 

"I didn't even finish" Three pouts. 

Four snatches my waist then yanks me to him. I smile, "Looks who's not scared anymore" 

He shrugs, "I know my girl can handle it" he kisses me softly. 

"I'm trynna keep my food down," Nine says, "Thank you very much" 

I smile pecking Nine's jawline. We walk outside and stop to admire the flyers everywhere. "What the hell is this?" Seven asks. 

"Us" One whispers picking up a flyer, "It's our money fall"

SMALL PEOPLE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! STAND UP AND FIGHT the flyer reads with a picture of one of our blimps under it. 

"We did it" One chuckles weakly. "But this is only the beginning"

"Hell yeah!" Three cheers. Everyone does their own little celebration, not me, my body aches with stringing pain. Out of nowhere Four turns to me, grabs my face, and slams his lips on mine. Swallowing the pain, I kiss him back. Four can stop my own death by just looking at me from a mile away. He pulls away and smiles.

"I love you Four million" I whisper. 

"Bloody fucking hell that's better" 

I laugh, wrapping my arm around him. We approach the cars then Three stops us, "We should something. Dinner then party" 

"Eight needs rest," One says. For the first time since I woke up, I don't say anything. Four snaps his head at me but I can't meet his gaze, he mutters a curse before kissed my temple. 

"We'll drop them off" Five says. I don't speak, I can't have them knowing I'm in pain, I've fought too hard and too long to let one accident dictate the rest of my life. 

"We'll meet at Franky's," One says, "Then continue there" 

I rest my head on Four's shoulder, I feel defeated, how could I have been so careless? Everyone agrees then we climb in our cars. Seven's in the driver's seat, Five takes the passenger seat and Four and I are in the back. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Four whispers. 

"You recovered so quickly, why can't I? What's wrong with me?" 

"Not one bloody thing" he kisses me softly, "You're strong, baby you...you could've died on that table but you didn't. You lost too much blood, you had a seizure, for fuck's sake, I was scared out of my mind. If the tables were turned I would've died" 

I whimper at his words. I broke when he was shot in the arm, I can't think about his death. "Don't" I cry, "Don't ever say that" 

"Sorry, love" he pulls me closer but not like usual. He's scared again. 

"Get some rest," Seven smiles at me. 

"Thank you. Have fun" I return the smile. 

"Be careful" Five smirks. 

"Shush" Four growls. Four waits for me as I climb out of the car. He shuts the door for me then drops his arm on my shoulders. We share a smile then I kiss his jaw. He knows how bothered I get when he's too gentle with me. 

I didn't recognize him at first but the snake tattoo under his eye reminds me. I gasp then Four's yanked from my hold before I could turn to him, Hu swings a punch at me, I duck. Pain, I ignore it and send a right hook to his rids. I spin around and steady my balance. Four's being held back by three of Hu's men. His bottom lip is already busted. 

"Eight!" He barks. I snap back at Hu but not fast enough, his fist slams into the side of my head. Everything spins and I almost blackout. ALMOST. He swings again with his other hand but I bring my arm up, blocking it. I kick his stomach, he groans in pain as he stumbles back. I take my spot. With all the energy I have, I connect my fist with his forehead. The pain that rockets up my arm is worth the blood that gushes out of his wound. He falls, hitting his head on the sidewalk. 

Four! I snap my head in his direction. Seven and Four are each fighting their own bad guy, the third guy is on the floor is unconsciousness with blood spilling from his nose. I run over to the guy Four is fighting, before his fist could slam into Four's perfect face, I grab his arm and twist. 

"AHHHH!" the guy's scream fills the air, slicing into the silence. I knee him in the gut then (with my leg still in the air) I kick him in his face. He falls down but I won't release his hand. I twist it again then stomp my foot into his throat. He gasps for air. 


I'm yanked back by a pair of arms around my waist. Four. I'm thrown into the back of Seven's truck then Four jumps in. Five drives off before For can even shut the door. 

"Who the hell were those guys?!" Seven howls. Four pulls down my shirt to exams my chest. 

"Nothing" he whispers then our eyes lock, "Are you dizzy?" 

"No. Your lip" I reach my hand out and wipe the blood from the corner of his lip. 

"I'm fine" 

I plant a quick kiss on his forehead, "I know them" I say loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"What?" Four questions. 

"How?" Seven asks. 

"From before" I answer, "When we were with Miller" 

"I-I-I-I thought you s-said that was dealt with" Four stutters. 

"Because it was," I say. 

"So why come back?" Seven asks, "They were waiting for us. For you" 

"Shut the fuck up!" Four growls snapping his head at Seven. 

"Four" I grab his face and make him look at me, "It's true. They think I know where Cam is" 

"Do you?" Five asks. 

"Nikki does" I answer her, "And they'll come after me to get to her" 

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