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When I walk back from the bathroom, Four is laying on the couch with his hands on his face. He must've heard me because he jumps up and our eyes lock. "So?" he asks. 

"What? I thought you wanted to have a baby?" I ask, walking over to him. I swing my leg over and straddle him. 

He grabs my hips and looks up at me with his sparkling blue eyes, "Yeah but only if you're ready" 

"If I get pregnant right now then it was meant to be. We talked about this" 

"I know" he sighs "Wanna go again?" he's holding back a smile. I grab his bandaged hand, there's blood.

"You were balling your fist too much" I whisper, I can feel is eyes on me. He tucks my hair behind my ear with his other hand then caresses my cheek. 

"I love you Riley" he whispers. 

I look at him and shake my head, "Eight, my name is Eight"

He smiles, "I love you Eight much" 

I giggle at his words, "Come on" I climb off him. "It's like one in the morning" 

He stands my hand before standing up and I lead the way to the stairs. "Nope," Four says then snakes his arms behind my legs and my back. He picks me up and carries me up the steps.

"Little too much don't you think?" I ask. 

"No," he presses his lips together when our eyes lock. We reach our bed and he carefully puts me down. He jumps over me, making me laugh then he covers us with the covers. We face each other then he pulls me to him but keeps a gap between us. I don't even care anymore, I'm here with him and that's all that matters. I rub my nose on his cheek and I hear him chuckle.

"I fucking love it when you do that" he sounds tired. 

I pull back and see his eyes are closed. "Twelve" I whisper. 

His eyes slowly open, "What?" 

"Eight plus Four. Twelve. When we're ready and we have our baby, I wanna name them Twelve" 

A warm smile spreads across his sleepy face, "I love it" he whispers. I pull our bodies closer and feel nothing but his warmth and strong arms around me. No pain! And it's because of him. 

When I walk up, I'm on my back and Four's head is on my stomach. I don't wake him. I grab the remote, turn on the tv, and play with his hair. I can't stop thinking about what I told him last night. This is my family now, not just Nine and Four. One, Two, Three, and the rest of them are my family. 

Ding-Ding. My phone goes off. I grab it from the nightstand and read my screen. 

(FAMILY GROUP CHAT) One: Movies in an hour. Be ready. 

I smile, One is such a softie. I bet he feels bad about last night, I didn't want to snap at him but I had to. 

Four can be ready in five minutes so I decided to just let him sleep. I carefully slide him off me and stand up. I groan in pain, I feel like someone just whacked me in the back with a bat. My chest hurts but not as bad. 

Four jumps up, "What? What happened? What's wrong?" he rushes out still half asleep. I wanted to go out with the family, I really do. I'm sorry Four. 

"Noting, it's just me" I whisper to him. "Sleep, we're leaving in thirty minutes" 

"O-what?...ok" he lays back down and I can't help but smile. I ease into the pain and walk to the closet. I put on his gray and black sweater with his gray sweats he wore like once. I take my time walking downstairs, fearing the pain might back. I brush my teeth in the sink as I make Four a sandwich. 

"Eight" Four shouts from upstairs. 

"I'm here!" I shout back. I walk over and look up. He's standing at the railing. 

"What are you doing?" 

"One said we're going to the movies" I inform him. 

He groans, "Do we have to go?" 

"Yeah, we do. I made you a sandwich" 

He smiles then steps back. I know what he's doing, "Four don't!" but I'm too late. He jumps off the second floor, over me and tucks and rolls when he lands. "What did I say?" I growl. 

He shrugs, "I wanted a kiss" he walks over and kisses me passionately, I tug at his pants and kisses him just as forcefully. He pulls away and I smack his head. 

"You wanted your damn sandwich" 

"That too" he smiles, running his hand over the spot I hit him. I laugh. His smile fades and he cups his hand over my wound. "How is it?" 

"Better now...stop jumping off the second floor" 

He smiles, "Imagine if we picked the other place" 

"Oh god," I smile. He would've been jumping from floor to floor. He turns me around then wraps his arms around my shoulders. 

"I love you EIght much" he whispers in my ear. 

I laugh, "So we're staying with that?" I hear him gasp then his arms leave me and he walks around to the kitchen. "Babe, I"m sorry" I laugh following him. He stops at the island and plants his palms on the edge. I can tell he's holding a smile. 

I stand at his side and rib his arm, "I'm sorry. It's bloody adorable" that breaks him. He smiles but quickly recovers. 

"Please" I whine, "Forgive" I do my puppy face but he closes his eyes. I lean to kiss his cheek but he pulls away. My mouth drops. 

He looks at me, "Whoa baby I'm sorry. Come here" he opens his arms for me but I push him back. 

"Kiss your sandwich" I swallow my laughter and walk away. 

"No, baby, I'm sorry" He follows me then his strong arms wrap around my waist. "I'm sorry" he pleases little kisses across my shoulders. 

"Fine" I groan, turning around, his hands never leaving my body. I wrap my arms around his neck. "But if you ever dodge my kiss again, I will hurt you" I warn him. 

"I'll hurt me for you" 

I smile. He kisses me so hard I'm pushed back, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I laugh smile on his lips but it just motivates to kiss me harder. He leans down, grabs the back of my thighs, and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his torso, I stop smiling and kiss him hard. I slip my tongue in his mouth and he moans. He spins around, takes a few steps then sets me on the island. His hand slips into my panties, I moan on his lips when he rubs me softly. 

Knock Knock Knock. "Eight!" Five yells. 

"For fuck's sakes" Four growls, pulling away. "Wait!" He barks. 

I laugh, "Wait for what? We have to go"

"I wanna hear you moan" he smirks, sliding a finger in me. 

"Fuc-" I cover my mouth from moaning out loud. He bits my finger then yanks my hand away from my mouth. 

"Let them hear you" He pumps faster. I grab his hand, stopping his movements. He pouts. 

"We have to go," I say slow and clear.

"Fine" he groans. He grabs my other hand and places it on the bugle in his pants. I gasp. "Still wanna go?" He smirks. 

I lean up and lick his bottom lips then moan, "Yes" 

He jumps back and rolls his eyes. I burst out and laughter. 

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