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One Month Later...

"Alright," One chuckles, rising from his seat. He holds his glass over his head, "I think it's safe to say for the few weeks we've been...doing ok?" his face twists in confusion. "Anyway, I wanted to say I'm grateful for this...us...what we've become-"

"Finally admitted we're a family, huh?" Seven smirks. 

"Yeah, we're family, now cheers?" he dangles his glass at Seven. 

Seven jumps up wth his glass held out high, "Fucking family!" 

"Fucking family!" the rest of us cheer. 

Even after we finished eating, we sat there talked then cleaned and talked. "So, Nine" Five grins, "Do you have anything planned for the night?"

"What?" I ask. 

"Nothing" Nine mutters, his eyes glued to the floor. His cheek flush red and I step closer. 

"Nine?" I whisper.

"Are you alright Nine?" One asks. I dart my eyes to Five, she's smiling her ass off. I love her but I'll pick Nine over her any day. If she-

"I have a date tonight" Nine smiles. Five squeals a finally as Nine meets my gaze. "I asked Five to help me" he whispers, "You know? Tell everyone" 

"Do I know him?"

"No" he chuckles, "But I know you'll like him" 

I stand on my toes and he leans down (his damn height bothers me sometimes), I plant a kiss on his cheek and his smile grows.  

We say our goodbyes and I was shocked to see Five leave with Seven. No one else seems to have noticed so I don't say anything to Four. The drive home was quick, Four and I barely talked. He found it weird to call the family, family in front of them. 

"Can I use the bathroom before you take a shower?" I pout a little. 

"Yeah, love" he kisses my forehead. 

Sitting on the toilet I realize I need to shave, it's just a little stubble but still. I wash my hands, dry them off then look in the cabinet for razors. No razor but there are pads. 

"What?" I laugh. When was the last time I had my period? 

"Oi, babe!" Four exclaims on the other side of the door, "No rush but I'm a tad nip!" 

I start crying, tears of joy of course. Our little Twelve could be here in a few months. The door opens, "Babe, I'm so-hey, what's wrong?" his arm snakes around my waist. 

"Nothing" I lie. It's not a sure thing and I don't want to get his hopes up.

"You sure?" 

I turn my body to face him, "Did you have a great time? Dinner I mean" 

His eyes narrow, "Yeah...? Love, you'll talk to me, right?" 

"Of course, go, take your shower, I'm sorry, babe" 

"Fuck that, let's get you to bed" 

"I'm taking a shower too" I smile, "If you won't, I will" 

"Righto but you're staying with me" 

"What? No, I'm not" I carefully push him off me and exit the bathroom. He doesn't follow me. I didn't want to leave him like that but I can't tell him, not until I'm sure, I've missed my period before. But then again I wasn't having unprotected sex. 

Four returns soaking wet with only a towel around his waist. "There," he growls, "Take your fucking shower" 

"What the hell? Why are you talking to me like that?" 

"Me! For the past fucking fortnight, you've been pushing me away! And when you do talk to me, you're a fucking nutter!" 

Mood swings, I must be pregnant. "So, this is what we do now? What happened to talking shit out?"

"That's what you did downstairs?! You talked shit out?!" his face is red and his eyes are burning with rage. 

"I!..." I shut my mouth. I can't tell him, not now, not like this. 

"You what?!" He steps closer. 

I stood from the bed, snatching a blanket along with me. "I can't..." I whisper. 

Four stomps to me, "What are you doing?" 

"I'm sleeping on the couch" 

"Like hell you are" he reaches for my blanket and I let him rip it from my hold. My head drops and I shut my eyes, praying that the tears will stay inside. I take a deep breath then try to walk around him. "Talk to me!" he barks. 

"I don't have to do shit" I hiss. "Alright, maybe saying that we talk through shit was a bad choice of words, especially now. Happy? Now, move"

"You fucking see!" he stumbles back and pulls his hair back, "You're being a fucking hypocrite!"

"A hypocrite?" suddenly I'm exhausted, I just want to lie down and fricking sleep. I rub my forehead, "Can...can we talk about this tomorrow?" 

"Why?" his voice is beaming with fury but it's lowered, "You don't have the energy?" he taunts me. 

"You're right" I admit then fall on the bed, "Sleep now" I shut my eyes. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" 

"I love you too" 

Four's sleeping peacefully next to me when I wake up. His loud voice from last night rings in my ears. Why was he acting like that? Why did I just collapse like that? I watch him for ten minutes then mentally hit myself for falling asleep in my clothes. I stand up and pull my shirt over my head.

"Eight?" Four mumbles, his voice weary. I throw my shirt at him and he jolts up. "Eight?" he rubs his eye, he sounds more clear. Crap, I must've woken them completely. 

I unbuckle my pants then pull them down. When I duck down my stomach goes up. I throw my hand on my mouth. My mouth is watery but I can't swallow, fuck, I'm going to throw up. "Eight?" Four whispers. I turn to stone, maybe if I don't more I can't...nope. Four calls after me as I run downstairs. 

I made it to the toilet in time, I hit my knee on the door but I made it. I vomit for three seconds before Four's at my side holding back my hair. I groan, I look so awful and now Four's at me side watching me. 

"No" I moan. "Look away"

"Don't be a plonker" he chuckles. 

When I'm sure it's safe, I fall back and sit on the floor. "I'm sorry about last night" 

He removes my hair tie off my wrist, he leans closer and pulls my hair back. I kiss his neck as he ties my hair into a low ponytail. He chuckles then leans back, "I'm sorry" 

"And I'm...I may be pregnant but after this morning sickness, I'm night sure on that may be part" I rush out. 

Four freezes, like full-on statue, freezes. I watch his eyes dilate then his lips curl and he chuckles. "What?"  

I cook my head to the side, "Did I say that too fast?"

He slams his chin onto the palm of his hand and laughs. "What?" he repeats. This was not what I expected. 

I straight my head, "Baby...we're having a baby"

His eyes pop out, "I'm gonna be a dad?"

"Yes," I begin to cry, "You're gonna be a daddy" 

"I fucking love you!" he cheers then grabs my face and kisses me. 

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