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It's been a year since mama died, since Nine shut everyone out, including me. If it wasn't for Four, I would've been completely lost. A week after mama, Two started training me, it's been going so well that One said next mission I can fight. 

A couple of months ago One decided to settle down and got all of us a place in the city. Four and I are living together in a loft. 

"Four! Have you seen my green yoga plants?!" I yell. 

"I hide them" His say above my head. 

I set back and look up at the second floor, "Why?"

"When you find them I'll tell you" He smiles leaning on the railing. I roll my eyes and run upstairs. I walk past him and walk to the closet. 

"What are you doing?" Four asks following me. 

"I'm wearing your clothes since you're hiding mine" I look through his clothes then feel his large arms wrap around my waist. "Four" I growl annoyed. 

"Let's stay here, in bed" his thick accent fills my ears. 

I push him off me, "Last time you said that you left" 

"Alright, I'm sorry about that but you know the guys" 

I turn to him and grab his shoulders, "If you wanna be together then come with me, Two actually likes you. When was the last time you saw the family?" 

He shrugs, "Dunno"

"That's sad since we have diner together once a week" 

"I just wanna spend time with my girlfriend" he grabs my waist and pulls me closer, "I won't leave, I promise" 

Fuck, that one got me. "Why don't you come with me? I do parkour with you sometimes" 

"That's different" he steps back and sighs in frustrations, "When you remember when you first started?" 


"If I go with you then the urge to fucking you in your sexy clothes might win" 

I laugh, "I'll come home early, ok?" 

He nods his head and I peck his lips, "Now where are my pants?" 

"Under the bed" 

"Four" I growl stomping to the bed. 

"Sorry" He mutters. 

I grab my pants and stand up, "I'll change in the car. I gotta go" I kiss his cheek and run downstairs. 

"When will you be home?!" He yells over the railing. 

"Early, I gotta go!"

I feel awful for leaving Four like that but I need this, I really like Four but he can't be the only thing I have in my life now. I grab my keys and run out the front door. As promised I changed in the car, every red light my plants were more and more off. 


"Put your leg right there," Two says patting her shoulder. I swing my leg over then tuck my body forward. We flip over, I land on my back with Two tangled in my legs, I wrap my leg around her neck then she bangs on the floor. I release her and she stands up. 

"That was good" Two smiles helping me up, "Tomorrow weapons" 

I sigh, "Two we talked about this. If I'm using a weapon then it's a bow"


I smile, "Ok, I gotta go" 

"I'll call you tonight"

"Of course, can I take a shower?" 

"Yeah, do me a favor and rearrange Three's stuff"

"Consider it done" 

Usually, I take a shower at my place but I wanna surprise Four. I take a quick shower, making sure to wash and clean everything important then thank Two again. I kept my word and rearranged Three's stuff. We share a quick hug then I leave. 

When I get home, Four isn't here. Did he go out with the guys again? I roll my eyes, he's been doing this a lot lately. I told him I was coming home early. 

I walk upstairs then to the bed and grab our photo by the bed. It's Four and me at the park with the sun setting behind us. It's my favorite picture. I walk back downstairs and grab a book, To the Lighthouse, Four loves it. 

A few pages into the book, the front door opens, I jump up and smile but it quickly fades when I hear Four and a girl laughing. Four walks in with Five. What the fuck? Four stops when he sees me, his face whitens. 

"Eight," Four says. 

"Whoa," I sigh. I feel like crying. Five never stopped going after Four and with everything Four and I have been going through, he must've broken. 

"Eight, it's not...I can explain" 

"Don't" I drop his book on the couch and head for the front door but Four steps in my way. "Move" I growl. 

"It's not what it-" 

"I don't care what it looks like!" I yell at Four then look at Five, "I would've died for you and this is how you repay me?"

She looks at Four and I ball my fist, I swallow the urge to punch her and push Four out the way. I run out of our apartment and down the hall. 

"Riley!" Four yells after me. I ignore him and run faster. Fuck, I left my car keys. The only one that lives close enough is One. 

I don't stop running, my feet won't stop and I don't blame them. I can't stop hearing Four and Five laughing together. I run faster. My heart is pounding but I don't think it's from running so fast, I'm fucking angry. Why? He promised. 

I had to wait for One to let me in, I'm just happy he was here. I jun up to his apartment and bang on the door then it opens to a shirtless One. 

"Whats's wrong?" One asks. 

"I can't think" I step inside and he moves back. 

"What?" he asks closing the door. 

I spin around, "How well do you know Four? Because I thought I knew him pretty well but then he does...Ahh!" 

"I have guest, can we hold the yelling?" he steps closer and grabs my shoulders, "What happened?" 

"Four and Five" I cry, "I came home an hour and thirty minutes early and...fuck, how stupid am I?" 

"You're not stupid. Wait in the living room and I'll get rid of my guest" 

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I should go to Nine's" 

"No, it's fine. Living, please" 

"Yeah" I walk to the living room as he heads down the hall to his room. 

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