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"Nine, I got a car coming your way," One says into the headset.

I watch as three large cars drive down the only road for miles.

"15 minutes everyone! Go!" One's voice shouts over my headset. Seven jumps to his feet then down the wall. Seven and Three run into the house through the same door. Not long, gunfire fills the air.

"Eight I'm behind you!" Nine's voice roars behind me, I spin around and see Nine running towards the opening in the wall.

"Light and easy!" I yell back. The plan is to save the hostages, take the money then burn the house. Nine and I are in charge of the burning. The gunfire stops then our truck comes rushing in.

"We need more people!" Two screams ( in an annoyed tone ) into the headset. I hear There laughs.


A sharp pain takes its place in my right shoulder, "What the hell was that?!" I yell into my headset. No one answers. The gunshots and screams stop. I slip my arm through my bow then set it on my shoulder, I jump down the wall and run towards the house. As I approach the door Nine comes running out with bloody hands.

"What happened?!" I yell, Nine pushes me back and I realize it's not him that's hurt.

"Russell let me go!" I yell as he holds me back.

"We have to finish the job" he growls then throws me over his shoulder. He carries me to our truck and throws me in the passenger seat.

"Imma get him" Nine growls with a strong tone, "Stay your ass here"

He runs back into the house. Time stops as I wait for the others, my body's shaking and the pain in my arm won't leave.

Finally, Seven, Two and Three rush out with the hostages, One's behind them holding large bags. I jump out then run to the back and open the doors.

"Eight!" Nine yells for me, I push pass the others to the front and see Nine carrying Four in his arms.

"What happe-" a strong arm wraps around my waist before I can reach Four. I'm pulled back then slammed into the truck.

"You left your damn post!" One yells in my face.

"And you let him get hurt" I snarl.

He looks at me hard before backing away, I return the stare before rushing to Four. He's sitting in the passenger seat holding onto his arm for dear life.

"It doesn't hurt" he laughs in pain trying to hide it.

"Never asked if it did" I force a smile.

"Everyone in!" One yells, Four moves over and I jump in.


We drive until One thinks it's far enough to stop, Three pulls over and One and the Hostages jump out.

"What's going on?" I ask, "We have to get Four some help"

"He's giving them the money then a helicopter is coming to pick them up" Three answers.

"Four still needs help"

"I'm fine..." he groans laying on my shoulder. I want to push him off since he's laying on his bad arm but I can't.

"That doesn't hurt?" I ask.

He sits up, "Only when you talk about it" he grabs my hand with his good one, "I'm fine babe"

"You're strong" I lean in and kiss him.


We drive back to the motel, One and Seven carry Four to his room and Five's right behind them. I had to stay outside.

"Five's a Doctor. She'll help him" Two says as she moves to my side.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Four screams in the room. I jump to the door but Two grabs my hand.

"You can't stop it"

I nod my head then she lets go. We waited for 30 minutes, a painfully scream would leave his room and Two would yank me to the side. The door opens then Five and Nine came outside.

"You can see him," Nine says to me then he kisses my temple and I run inside. Four's laying in bed, shirtless with a bandaged arm and Seven's sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"...she punched him right in the face and he falls to the floor" Seven finishes his sentence and they both laugh.

"Don't Tell me I missed the joke" I say stepping deeper into the room, they both turn to me and Four smiles.

"Hey, babe" Four croaks.

"I'll leave y'all two alone," Seven says as he raises from the chair, I smile at him as he passes by.

"Come here, I won't bite....maybe" Four chuckles.

I step closer, "I don't want to hurt you"

He slowly sits up, "You can't....Come here"

I close the distance then gently sit on the bed, "I don't know what to say"

He pleases his hand on my knee, "My foot hurts"

I burst out laughing and he joins me. Our laughter dies then I grab his hand, "You can't do that to me"

"Do what?" He asks.

"Get hurt. You're the skywalker, What the living fuck where you even doing in there"

"My job and it's just my arm"

I shake my head, "You could've bled out"

"But I didn't. Riley please, I'm right here and I'm fine"

"For so long it's just been me and my brother. I didn't have to worry about mama, she took her medication and she stayed home. Nothing to worry about-"

"I was worried too," he says cutting me off, "Out there on that bloody wall by yourself. Worrying that guys with guns might come back"

I stutter as I try to find my next words. Four was being shot at and he was worried about me?

"I'm sorry" I rush out then lean in and kiss him. His hands move down to my waist then he tugs, I swing my leg over and straddle him. The kiss deepens-fuck his arm. I pull back then jump off.

"I'm fine" he repeats.

"I'm not!....I can't hurt you"

His lips apart but no words come out. I don't wait for him to say anything, I rush over to the tv and turn it on. SpongeBob plays.

"Showtime?" I ask churching up my face.

"Yeah" he laughs then he pats the seat next to him. I walk over and sit down.

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