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After I put Regina back in the bed I walk to the living room and find Four reading the book. I smile before sitting down next to him.

"I thought you wanted something in return"

He puts down the book then smiles at me, "You want me to stop?"

"No no. Continue, please"

"Is your mum alright?" He asks closing the book.

"Yeah. She's just sick" my smile fades and I look down at my lap.

"I'm sorry-"

"No it's fine" I look in his eyes, "We stay here and help her"

"This is probably a bad timing but...have you considered going on that date?"

The truth was I haven't but it's really not my say. Russell met him before me so he had to ask Russell.

"You can say-"

"No" I rush out, "I mean you'll have to ask Russell. You met him first"

"Sure" he smiles.

"Really? Why would you go through the trouble if you're leaving?"

"I've already died and I can die again tomorrow. Plus I'm not some Wanker that'll pass the opportunity to take you out on a date"

My phone rings, I check and see it's Tye.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I sigh, I didn't text him back so now he's gonna call me...every once in a while.

"Who is it?" He puts the book down and looks over, "Tye? Your...boyfriend?"

"No-well I didn't really break up with him"

"Of course" he growls standing up. What's his problem?

"Let me" he grabs my phone and picks up.

"Four!" I stand up but he backs away.

"Oy...don't worry about who this is" he growls into the phone, "....she's actually right next to me...she told me she's breaking up with you....fuck off you bloody Prat"

I notice the tattoos on his arm, numbers on his hand and one under his bicep.

"Here" he throws me my phone.

"What the hell was that?"

His eyes darken as he steps closer, "Was this some bloody trick? Leading me on?"

"Me? You're the one that asked me out....wait. Did you really ask me that? After everything I told you?"

His face softens, "I'm sorry. I-I-I...I'm sorry"

Something was bothering him and he obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

"It's fine....thanks for ending this officially with Tye" I sit down and pat the seat next to me.

"I..." he sits down next to me, "My ex cheated on me, some left me like nothing" he looks me in my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell like that"

"Really?" He chuckles, "I get mad, snatched your phone and accused you of lying to me. Why are you saying sorry to me?" He leans in and my heartbeat speeds up...I stop him.

"What's wrong?" He breaths on my lips.

"I can't" my heartbeat slows down, "I can't do this to my brother"

We hear keys at the door and we jump back from each other then Russell walks in.

"R" Russell walks over, stands me up then hugs me, "How's mom?"

"She's fine" I pull away and smile up at him.

Russell turns to Four, "Thanks for watching her"

Did my brother trust him? Holy shit I didn't think about it before, my brother left me with him. How long have they known each other? My brother doesn't just leave me with anyone.

"Mom" Russell whispers then kisses my head and walks away.

"Imma ask him now" Four stands up and I move in his way.

"Now? Are you crazy?" I put my hands on his chest and freeze. He feels so strong.

"We can go out tonight" he smiles at me, I hear Russell's footsteps and I step back.

"Party. Tonight in city"

"Who invited you?" I turn my body to Russell.

"Friends" he growls.

"Russell, can I talk to you outside?" Four asks behind me, Russell nods his head and they walk outside.

"You've got to be-ahhhh" I flop on the couch and pull my hair to the side. Bing. Bing. It's Four's phone. I lean into check-Bang. I run outside and see Russell holding Four in the air by the neck against the house.

"Russell! Let him go!" I yell.

Russell slowing turns to me then drops Four. He falls to the floor gasping for air. I run to him but Russell pushes me back.

"Something happened" Russell snarls.

"Of course not! Russell!"

He lets me go, I kneel down in front of Four and push the hair out of his face.

"Breath. I'm so sorry" I whisper but it was no use. Russell heard me.

"Something happened!" Russell roars.

"Nothing happened" I snap at him.

"Fine" Russell grabs Four's leg and pulls him away from me. He picks Four up by the throat then push him inside. Four's strong and muscular but my brother is freakishly strong. I follow them inside and shut the door.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I yell as Russell pushes Four on the couch. He was still having a hard time breathing.

"Party tonight" Russell growls at Four, "That's the date"

"Thank you" I choke.

Russell turns to me, gives me a sorry look then walks away. I wait to hear his door close to rush to Four.

"Are you ok?" I check his neck, it's red with a large hand mark.

"I'm fine" he laughs, I get up and grab him a water from the kitchen.


He takes a few sips then sits the bottle down.

"You weren't kidding. I didn't even finish my question" he laughs....again.

"I'm sorry, he means well. He's just-"

"Overprotective? I'm surprised he said yes"

Russell walks back, "Room" he growls. I hate when he does this, I really want to fight him on this but I can't say no to him.

"Ok" I walk back to my room then close the door. I put my ear against the wall and listen for any fighting noises but didn't hear anything so I took a nap.


"Riley....Riley" Russell shakes my arm gently. I run the sleep out of my eyes then blink repeatedly. Every blink clearer than the last.

"I'm up" I mumble closing my eyes again. 

"Get up. Ready. Party"

I hear him walk away leaving my door open. I wanted to ask him about Four if Russell had hurt or killed him.

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