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When I woke up I took a shower and put on my black ripped jeans with my dark green shirt. That shirt that just fits perfectly and actually looks good on you. The entire time Four and Russell stayed outside for some reason. When I was completely ready I checked on Regina, since she was sleeping I gently placed a kiss on her forehead and walk outside.

"Beautiful" Russell whispers as I approach him. I can see Four in the passenger seat staring at me.

"Not so bad yourself" I smile, he put on his favorite green shirt with black sweats.

"Come on" he wraps his arm around me and leads me to the truck. Overprotective. The drive was long and quiet which is weird because Russell would let me play music but not this time.

My window was all the way down, I had my arm and head out it, taking in the woods then the city. Every once in awhile Four would look back and stare me down.

"All right" Russell parks the car and almost rip off my head when he put up the windows. We walk into the creepy apartment build and take the elevator to top then stairs to the roof. Immediately I am hit by bright colorful lights swirling around and loud music.

The three of us walk over to the bar and I see Jax, Dylan, Michael, and Nikki.

"Nikki" I rush over to her then wrap my arms around her. She returns the hug laughing.

"Hey" I pull back, "How you been?" She looks so pale and thinner than usual. Her beautiful long hair is dirty, cheeks hollow and eyes sunken.

"Still running" she smiles, "Hey let me get you a beer" she turns back to the bar and Dylan approaches me.

"When do I get a hug like that?" He has a fresh cut on his right cheek.

"What happened to your face?" I reach up and touch under his cut gently.

"Nothing important" he grabs my hand then kissed it, "Wanna dance?"

"She's dancing with me" Nikki grabs my waist and pulls me away from her brother.

"Maybe after" I don't know why I said that but I don't regret it. Dylan is still family and bad history isn't gonna change that.

"Maybe not" Nikki growls before pushing me to the dance floor. We grind on each other for three songs then took a break.

"So Who's the cute guy you brought?" She asks sitting down.

"That's Four" I totally forgot about our "date" tonight....but it's not like this party was about to end.

"Hey" Dylan smiles. I didn't even see him walk over.

"Can I get that dance now?" He held out his hand. I search the crowd looking for my brother or Four but found no one.

"Ok" I smile grabbing his hand. We walk out to the middle of the dance floor under the light. It was an upbeat song playing but Dylan knows me better. He places his hand on my lower back and I hold on to his neck. We do a simple one two-step.

"I'm surprised you remember," I say honestly.

"I remembered everything. I know you hate looking people in the eyes" he grabs my chin, lifting it up so we made eye contact, "Because you're afraid of what you might see"

His eyes are sweet and warm. I smile and he leans in.

"Dylan..." I push him back a little, "I'm here with Four"

"Four? Really? After everything we've been through?" His smile is long gone.

"You left me Doofus" I turn around and slam into something hard. I look up and see Four, jaw clenched and everything.

He stares Dylan down for a little then looks at me, "Can we talk?"

"Yes" I feel like melting in his arms and I don't know why. He snakes his arm around my waist and pushes me to the other side of the roof. With no party.

"Four I-"

He pushes me to the edge then leans down rubbing his nose against mine. His grip on my waist is tight.

"I'm sorry" I breathe, I grab his shoulders as my breathing speeds up.

"What the bloody hell happened between you two?"

I like the way I feel around Four and...I didn't want to lose that, "He was my first"

Four pulls back with widening eyes, "What?"

"Dylan was my best friend and I trusted him"

"Did he leave you after?"

"No" I look over the edge and jump forward into Four. He catches me by my waist and I breathe heavy into his neck.

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid of heights" I pull away from him, "Dylan and I never agreed to become anything....I fucked up for wanting to do it that way"

"Do you miss him?"

"As a friend, yes. Don't be mad"

A heavy pause. I don't know what to say or do so I just hold on to him. I didn't want to let go.

"Can I kiss you?"

I nod my head hard earning a chuckle from him. He leans in-


I pull back and throw my arms in the air, "What the hell?!" I look back and see Nikki.

"Russell. Fight"

I push pass Four and the three of us run to the crowd circling a fight. Nikki pushes our way to the middle. I see Dylan and Jax trying to pull Russell off some guy who wasn't moving.

"Russell!" I yell over the crowd. He heard me and stops mid punch. The crowd cheers louder for him to continue but he jumps off pushing Dylan and Jax off.

"Hey!" Some guy yelled. I jerk my head to the right and see four security guards running to us.

"Run!" Dylan yells and we all jump in action. We all jump to the other side of the roof since I was the one in the back I watch as my friends jump to the other rooftop.

"Riley!" Russell yells stopping then he turns around.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" I yell. He jumps and lands perfectly on the other roof. My turn. I feel a hand swing at my back and I pick up the pace. Damn you big thighs. I jump up the little ramp then jump off the roof....

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