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Being surrounded by nature has always calmed my brother and me, we never understood why or how but it works for us. 

With her hands on her hips and a vexed look soaked into her face, "We are not going" Five hisses. "We have one rule, stay inside"  

"It's just a few miles" Seven shrugs as the rest of us put on our running shoes. 

"A few miles too long. We can't go!" Five exclaims. We're quiet for a moment before she turns to Nine, "Can we talk?" she whispers but we all heard her. Nine nods then they walk down the wall. 

"Oy" Four grabs my elbow, stopping me. I was going after them and didn't realize it. 

I look back at him, "Let's just go" 

Seven, Four and I walk out, into the warming day. A few think clouds that make the sky seem even. We were about to take off but then Nine rushed out. I asked him what happened but he assured me it was nothing to be bothered by. 

As always I was in the back. Seven and Nine raced each other (of course Nine won) and Four slowed to stay with me, I scowled at him every time he was at my side. He's faster, he knows that I know that and I will hurt him if he holds back. 

I can't see Seven or Nine but I can hear them their laughter echo throw the unknown forest. Nice to know Nine is feeling better. Four's close by but that's only because he's bouncing off every rock and tree he likes. Parkour at the soul. 

"Ahhh!" screams of pain slice through the peaceful quiet. It must be Seven, Four's in my view, and Nine rarely screams. 

"Seven!" I yell picking up my pace. When I reach the top of the tiny hill I see guys at the bottom. Seven's rolling on his side to his back, groans of pain escaping his lips. Nine and Four are at his side. 

Seven claims he would've broken his bone if it wasn't for Nine catching him. We ran for almost an hour I think, so walking back was hell. Nine carried Seven back-the whole walk back-with one arm.

"I-H-how-how" Seven stutters to find his words as we approach the house, "Has he always been like this?" he asks me. 

"This strong?" I smile then shrug, "Yeah" 

"At least he didn't carry you like a fucking baby," Four says. He opens the door and I help Nine carry Seven inside. 

A gasp, "What happened?" Five doesn't sound like herself. "I told you this was a bad idea!"

"Are you gonna help or not?" Seven snaps, shocking all of us. 

"Miss. Five?" a woman enters the room. She's young, must be twenty-four or five. Her light brown hair lies perfectly on her shoulders. She's wearing a dark blue skirt that stops just above her knees, a long baby blue button-up shirt, and black heels. Her face is covered with light makeup but it's not like she needs it. She's perfect.

"Who's this?" Seven asks. 

"One sent her" Five answers, "She's our...maid? I guess. Susan right?"

"I'm here to care for you" Susan smiles. Her eyes travel to Four and her light grin turns to a large smirk. 

"Four" I growl. He moves to my side and snakes his arm around my waist. He must've fucking noticed. We turn back to Seven.

"I'm fine" Seven laughs, "I've honestly been through worst"

Five gave Seven something for pain then wrapped his ankle in bandages. Susan stayed with us, pissing me off. I thought I wasn't the jealous type but here I am, sitting on Four's lap, claiming what's mine. 

"Will you be staying here?" Nine asks Susan, "I mean-do you have a place in town?"

"No, I live outside of town" her grin is fake. Where did One find her? 

"Nine?" Seven says, "Help me up"

My shoulders shoot up, "It hasn't even been an hour"

"I'm fine" he smiles but he sounds irritated, "It's just my ankle. I need to take a shower anyway, we all do" we laugh at his statement. 

I stand up, pulling Four along with me. His hands grip my waist then he kisses my shoulder. We follow Nine as he helped Seven to his room. After Seven forced us out of his room, we return to ours. 

"Alright" Four sighs, "Go on with it"

"With what?" I begin to remove my pants. 

"That girl, you don't like her"

I ignore him as I yank my pants off my feet. "What do you reckon?" he asks, "I'll-"

"I know you won't do anything" I snap, "It's her. She was watching you and-" I stop when I see how amused he finds me. I punch his arm. He reaches for me but I push him off, when he got jealous, I didn't laugh in his face. 

"Oy, love" he grabs my waist from behind and pulls me to him. "Can I join you in the loo?" with the tip of his fingers, he gently rubs his hand up and down my inner thigh. 

"Four" I breathe. Even with all this time together he still manages to take my breath away. 

"I'll take that as a yes" he spins me around and I gasp on his lips. He doesn't wait, his perfect lips mash into mine. With his hands still planted on my waist, he lifts me up. My arms and legs wrap around him. 

Although we've only spent a day here, he knew where he was heading. Our lips never parted as we walked to the bathroom. He set me down then I yank his shirt up. Surprisingly, he lets me pull it off him. I remove his pants as he turns on the water. He was harder than I thought. Hard for me. 

I start to feel better, putting my mind at ease I remind myself that he wants me to be the mother of his child, his firstborn, he wants me to be his wife. He loves me, that's it. Susan has nothing on me. 

We pull down my pants and panties together. The second they are removed, I'm in the air again and my limbs are around him. We step into the tub then I'm pressed up against the cold wall. I gasp into Four's mouth. He slowly slides into me. My eyes screw shut and my strong grip on him tightens, pulling him closer to me. 

"Four" I moan/gasp. 

"Bloody fucking hell" he groans, "You feel fucking amazing" 

His slow moments make me wonder if there's something wrong. He pulls his head away from my neck kisses me. Against the wall? We rarely do this, he doesn't give him the...hold he needs. In bed, he grips at the headboard, in the car, it's the streeling wheel, on the table, it's the edges. Anything to fuck me harder. Maybe now he'll just grip on to me. 

His thrust grows stronger and my body begins to bounce a little when he fills me. "Scream" he moans, "Let them...fuck, let them know...who you being to"

"Four!" I howl then feel him twitch me. I scream, again and again, begging for him to go harder. I have to unfold my arms from his neck, fearing with my grip, I might pop his head off. 

"Fuck!" he barks. I was right, he's gripping on to me as he grips onto the headboard. Again, he twitches in me making my stomach knot in the best way possible. His moans, his cursing, his begging for more of me, his finger digging into me, all of it pushes me closer to the edge.

"I'm close" he grunts then grabs a handful of my soaked hair and yanks. I swallow my screams, knowing this gives him pleasure. 

Again, he comes inside me then I come on him. 

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