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"Nine calm down," Seven says handing Nine a drink.

I rub Nine's shoulders, "Count big brother"

Nine growls then jumps up, I stumble back as Nine stumps to the bathroom. I sit down where Nine was sitting and sigh.

"Thank you for trying to help Seven, we've never been on a plane before"

"We're here for y'all"

I smile at him knowing he's telling the truth, "Thank you"


"Nine!" I jump up, run to the bathroom and open the door. Nine falls to the floor. I step back and two strong arms wrap around my waist then pull me back. Four.

"Riley" Four whispers in my ear....and I blackout.


I open my eyes and see Russell sleeping across from me. I was sleeping on someone's shoulder...not Four. Not Four. Not Four. Not Four. I look up and see Four sleeping.

"Good nap huh?" Three asks sitting next to Nine.

"This is a private jet, all these seats and y'all sit me next to him?" I growl pulling away from him.

"Trouble in paradise?" Three smiles.

"No paradise to begin with" I stand up and jump over the seat, "What happened?"

"You found Nine passed out in the bathroom then you passed out"

"Nothing I haven't heard before" I look around and see everyone else asleep. I turn back to Three, "Why are you awake?"

"Force of habit. We always have one guy awake when the rest of us are sleeping"

"We're on a plane," I say in a duh tone.

"Force of habit" he repeats mocking my tone. We share a laugh trying to keep it low though.

"Can you keep watch?"

"Yeah. Get some rest" I close the distance then pat his chest. I wait until he is in his chair to sit by Nine.


I look forward, Four is wide awake and is looking at me. "Go to sleep. I'm the second watch"

"I wanna chat"

"Well, I don't" I growl.

"Then let me" he leans forward, "This....is my life now and the thing that happened with One, I'm sorry"

"That's it?"

"I'm not good at this"

I can't help but laugh, "So What? You don't wanna break the rules but you can't stay away?"

"I like you....I'm sorry"

I stand up, walk to him and kiss his lips. I pull away and smile, "What now?"


"Alright!" One roars and Four and I jumped, "Everyone wake up!"

Four and I were watching movies. Four ladies the movie and groans leaning on my shoulder. The rest of the team wakes up, 20 minutes we land.

"You alright?" I ask Nine as we approach the cars.

"Leave it" he snaps at me.

"Five, Two and Nine you're with me," One says making a stop, "Three and Four in one car. The rest in the other"

"Later" I promise Nine, he nods then walks away.

I turn to Four and kiss him, "Be nice"

"Cute" he laughs, "Stay close"

We all climb in our cars with our partners and drive off. For most of the ride, Seven and I would take turns playing our songs.

"Where are we?" I ask after lowering the music. "We're in the middle of the jungle for sure. But where?"

"Don't know, we're just the eyes"

Eyes? Does that mean Nine knows? I put the music back up and sit back in my seat. We drove for 20 minutes then drove for another 15 before coming to a stop.

"Are we doing another gas stop?" I ask looking around.

"No, we're all getting out"

We jump out of our cars and move up to One's car. "We walk from here" One informs us.


"Are we there yet?" Three whines.

"Stop acting like a baby" Two growls.

"We didn't even prepare for walking, let alone the jungle"

"We've been walking for 10 minutes" One groans.

"10 minutes too long. Where are we going? You said we'll be watching this guys house"

"We are. You think we could should with our trucks and have no one noticed us?"

"Stupid" Two says to Three.

"Are we doing anything today?" Five asks One.

"No" One answers, "Just watching"

I feel someone's hand slip into mine and I look down. Four's. I look up at him and smile, "Not scared?"


"I hear children," Nine says out of nowhere.

"I don't hear anything" Two turns to Nine.

"He's right though," One says, "I don't hear but he's right"

"Wait there are children here?" Seven asks stopping in his tracks, "You never said anything about kids"

One turns around, "Relax. The day we attack is when the kids are gone"

We continue walking for another few minutes before laughing children and men talking fill our ears. We stop.

"Everyone has there headsets?" One whispers to us, "Put them on" he says without an answer. We put on our headsets.

"Seven and Eight with me" One orders, "Nine and Four on the wall. Stay low. Everyone else spread out. Watch each other's six's"

I remove my bow from my shoulders and place it in my hands, I place my arrow and follow One. Seven stays on my heel as we move our way through the trees and branches.

We climb a little mountain that makes the house visible, "There's kids" Seven growls.

"We went over this" One sighs rubbing his forehead.

Seven's on my right and One's on my left. We're laying on the ground, staying low watching the house with binoculars.

"Too annoying?" I laugh at One.

"You'll fit in" he laughs back at me.


We watch the house for 20 minutes as One gives information and the plan on the headsets. We retreat back to the cars.

"Military solider huh?" I ask shutting the car door.

"That obvious huh?" Seven asks.

I laugh, "I heard you broke a few rules"

"Four and his big mouth. He's a good kid and he cares about us"

"Thank you for saving his life" I play with the string coming out of my ripped pants.

"You're welcome. What did you do to him?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask looking at him.

"The first time I really met him, he was talking about how dreadful females are. Now he can't shut up about you"

I smile/blush "I don't know" I look down at my lap. He talks about me...

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