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Five Years Later...

Being a mother of a hyper little four-year-old, that believes they can do anything and needs no one, I'm used to waking up to burnt food. Four is missing when I open my eyes. I can hear them downstairs, laughing. My heart swells. I put my hair up at I walk downstairs. 

"That's mummy," I hear Four say. I turn and something little knocks into me. 

"Morning, mummy!" Twelve yells. My sweet baby girl, she so much like her parents and honestly, that scares me. She has untamable energy like her father and a stubborn attitude like me. I'm not that stubborn but with Four's stubbornness, it's a lot. She has my brown wavy hair and his eyes, his jawline too which I adore. She honestly looks more like him, she even has a light accent. 

"Morning baby" I laugh. Four strolls over to us and kisses my forehead hard. 

"We made you breakfast," Four says as I pick Twelve up and place her at my side. 

"I did!" Twelve pouts. 

He kisses her forehead, "Yes. Sorry, baby girl" 

I peck her cheek then hold her out to her father, "Go with daddy so I can eat"

"I'll take her upstairs and change so you can eat in that very fast way you usually do," Four says, warning me the food our daughter made is uneatable. I nod then they run upstairs. I love my daughter and she gets my not able to cook to save your life, from me. I make it look like I eat my breakfast then make a smoothie. 

"Mummy!" Twelve calls for me from upstairs. 

"Yes, my love!" I cry back. 

"Can we go to park?!"

"Of course, baby!" 

Bang! Four jumps from the second floor. I'm going to kill him, I don't want Twelve thinking this is ok. "Shit" Four groans, limping towards me. "I landed wrong" 

"I heard it. We talked about this" I hiss, "Stop making me the bad guy-" 

"I'm not" 

"Twelve thinks that's ok" I growl in a whisper, "She wants to be like her daddy, it's bad enough One is showing our little runer, videos of her father in our old mission!" 

I've talked to One about that but Twelve remembers things from her birth, she surly remembers watching her daddy jumping from building to building. 

"Well, stop calling her your runer!" he sounds as irritated as me. 

"And who started that?" he did. "We both know damn well she'll kill me if I stop that" 

He sighs in frustration. "I'll stop...and talk to her" he adds with a lighter mood. 

"Thank you" I run my fingers through his hair, "I'm sorry"

He smiles before grabbing my waist, "I'll take your apology with a kiss" 

I smile as I bring my lips to his. Somewhere in our beautiful kiss, our hands find each other and our fingers chain. "Mmm..." Four moans before pulling away, "Park"

I smile as I push his growing hair out of his face. "Look at you being a great daddy" 

"I'm whatever my girls need me to be"

I take his perfect face in my hands then kiss his forehead. I'll be completely lost if I lose him. He's always at my side, always says the right thing, even after the birth of our daughter, I saw something in him, he was scared but more ready than I was. 

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