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Yes, I don't do parkour. Yes, I'm afraid of heights. Yes, I don't run or jump but I have to now.

Everything seems to slow down as I leap into the air then speed up as the roof comes crashing in. My left foot was the first thing to make an impact then I fall, rolling until someone stopped me. I look up and see Russell.

"Your leg" he snaps. A second later everyone was surrounding me.

"My everything" my ribs hurt along with foot and head. I cut my knees for sure.

"Come on" Russell carefully moves his arms under my back and legs then picks me up. The six of them run across the roof to the door with my brother carrying me. Even with me in his arms, my brother is still the fastest out of the group. We run all the way down to the truck.

"Ship!" Dylan yells as Russell jumps in the back of the pick-up. Of course, Dylan would take us to the ship. Dylan and Michael sat in the car part and the rest of us in the back.

"I'm fine" I groan as Russell sets me down. I check my knees, Yep I'm bleeding.

"I thought you knew how to land" Nikki laughs.

"I did. Russell, can you give me a water bottle?"

He hands me a bottle we keep in the back, I lay out my legs slowly and pour the water on my knees. Pain shots through me, I breathe through my nose and take the pain.

"I don't get it" Nikki continues, "You've made bigger jumps before, even landed better than us. How the hell do you mess that up?"

"It was Russell" I hit his chest, "Why'd you stop?"

"Because him" he growls at Four and I knew exactly what he meant. Four had done something to me, I fucked up the jump because of him.

"I'm Nikki" she smiles at Four.


"Like the number?" She asks and he nods his head. Dylan makes a hard left turn and we all jerk to the left.

"Dylan!" Nikki yells hitting the window. I check out my knee and see I didn't just cut skin I lost lumps of skin. The rest of the drive was silent. I see the ship and almost froze completely, it's been so long since I've been here.

Russell carries me out the car, through the gate and all the way up the ship. It's still abandoned and by the look of it, we're still the only ones that have touched it in decades.

"What is this place?" Four asks amazed.

"It's where we practice, hang out. Sometimes sleep" Dylan answers. We walk all the way to our hangout ( captain's deck )

"Practice?" Four asks.

"Parkour. You can run in the dark?" Dylan asks. They're actually getting along.

"I can run anywhere, anytime," Four says proudly.

"Let's run," Nikki says smiling up at him.

Four turns to me, "Can I?" I don't know why he was asking me but I nod my head and they take off. Russell and I stay at our table and watch as they jump off the deck down to the lower deck.

"What was that?" Russell asks.

"I think that was a front handspring," I say sarcastically knowing he was asking about Four. He shots me a warning look and I smile.

"Fine, I don't know ok? What happened to you at the party?"

Russell takes a second to look up at the sky before answering me, "Hunter was there"

"Oh..." I don't know what to say, Russell wasn't fighting Hunter but he was fighting for him. Hunter wasn't completely ready to come out of the closet yet.

"Four's fast" I change the subject.

"Nikki can't keep up. You gonna tell her?" He smiles at me.

"Tell her what?" I feel my cheeks warm up.

"About you and Four-"

"Really? I snap, "You basically try to kill him when he asked me out" I remind him.

"Different" he growls, I want to ask how but instead I watch my friends make a stop.

"You really trust him enough to come back here?" I finally ask.

"Miller's long gone" Russell turns to me. "I saw you and Dylan"

"I don't know what that was about-"

"Y'all were good friends" he points out.

"And I miss that but he wants more" I pout laying back in my seat. My friends start to run back and I stand up.

"Hey" Russell grabs my hands, "Sit"

"I'm fine. I've been through worse" I smile at him then see hurt in his eyes, "I'm fine really"

The guys jump up and climb over the railing.

"Oy. What are you doing up?" Four asks I roll my eyes at him then turn back to my brother.

"I'll be back" I want to go back to my spot. The part of the ship that was mine and no one else. My cargo. Russell nods his head and I walk off. I walk down to the main deck then to the only cargo box on the ship.


I turn around and see Four, "You followed me?"

"Russell asked me to. Plus you still owe me a kiss"

"Here? Now?"

"Yeah" he steps closer, "What's wrong with it?"

Dylan and I had our first kissed here. I just can't tell Four that.

"I'm sorry but-"

"RILEY!" Russell yells over deck. "We're leaving!"

I look at Four, "Later?"

We walk back up and say goodbye to the others. Russell, Four and I walk back to the truck. I sat in the back seat and Russell and Four sat in the front. Again the ride was silent so I fall asleep.

I woke up in my bed, I look out the window and see it's still dark. It's only been a few hours since the ship thing. My pants are ripped and my knees have plasters on them.

"Really Russ?" I groan getting up, I walk to the bathroom and turn on the water. I take a 35-minute shower then get out. After wrapping myself in a towel I open the door and see Four...shirtless.

"Hi" he smiles.

Why are you shirtless?

"Because I sleep better without a shirt" he answers and I realize I asked that out loud. Nice one Riley.

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