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The next three days past by like a dream, Four and I stayed in bed, just eating, laughing, sleeping, talking with each other. We decided not to wait, the day I find out I'm pregnant, we'll tell the others.

One finally made the all-clear and came to pick us up. Four and I were the first to be dropped off, Two and Three were waiting for us inside, making for no one was here. I've never been so happy to hear Three's sarcastic comments. It hurts seeing them leave so quickly. 

I put my hand on the railing, I place one foot on the first step before Four's hands grab my waist. He turns me around and pulls down my shirt, his eyes are glued to my almost scar. 

"I can't fucking believe he tackled you" he whispers, "You're still healing and he tackles you" 

"My gunshot wound? It's fine"

"There was a hole through your chest" he looks into my eyes, "It's only been-" 

"I'm fine. What's wrong? Where is this coming come?" 

He shakes his head, "We've barely healed from our last wound before a fresh one almost kills us. Look at your hand, now your eye and you still dealing with this" he gestures to my chest. 

I bring my other foot on the step (enjoying the height) I wrap my arms his next. "Look where we are babe, we're home and we're not going anywhere any time soon" 

"Alright," he sighs, "Promise you won't get hurt anymore" 

"There's a bandage covering your head and I'm the one that can't get hurt anymore?" 

"Smartass" he mutters. 

"You like my ass" I snap. 

"Fuck yeah" he hoists me up, I laugh as I wrap my legs around him. I lick his lips as he carries me up the stairs. He stops (we must be in front of the bed). 

I straighten my shoulder then pull his hair out of his face, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," he breaths. 

"Well, I'm not. Put me down" 

He doesn't fight me, he doesn't make a face or sighs, he puts me down. When my feet touch the floor, I grab his waist and turn us around. "What are you doing?" his accent is so thick I almost jump on him. 

"Lay down" I order. He reaches back and pulls his shirt off, I step back as he removes his pants and boxers. "Careful" I hiss as he lays back on the bed. As I crawl on the bed, he preps himself on his elbows. I take his growing hard staff in my hands and twirl my tongue around his tip. 

"Fuck..." he groans. I lick up and down his staff before taking him in my mouth. I watch him as he curses my name under his heavy breathing then he throws his head back and lays back. I squeeze my thighs together, seeing like this can make me come. 

"Eight" he moans. His fingers tangle my hair as he grabs a hand full of it. I don't even need to bob my head anymore, he's moving my head and his hips to fuck my mouth. Suddenly he stops me and he sits up, pushing me up along with him. He yanks my pants and panties down to my thighs, I finish pulling them off then he grabs my waist and pulls me onto him. 

"No" I push him back before sliding on him. "Oh...fuck" I moan. I hate being on top but I love having him fulling in me. Since Four had a head start I rock my hips against his, fast. He sits up and smashes his lips on mine. I don't want him up, I push us back down. 

I part the kiss and sit up, I slam my hands on his chest to make sure he doesn't jump up again. "I want...your lips" he moans. I say no but it's just another moan. 

Pleasure takes control of me, my eyes screw shut, my mouth is wide open for moans and Four's name, I dig my nails into his chest, red makes being left behind. I feel Four's hand grab my inner thigh then his thumb rubs my clit. 

"Fuck! Four!" I almost collapse on his chest. 

"I love fucking your tight little wet pussy" his voice is raspy. He twitches in my then swoosh, I'm on my back and Four is hovering over me, leaning his elbows. He thrusts into me hard. 

"Four!" I manage to moan. I try to flip us but he won't budge. 

"No" he grunts thrusting harder, "I'm gonna fuck you. Got it?" 

I nod. I feel myself approaching the edge, my walls tighten, my legs go weak, and my stomach knots. "Four!" I moan. 

"That's right, baby" he groans, "Come for me" 

And I do. I became undo and then so does he, our eyes locked the entire time. After catching our breath, he kisses my lips then collapses next to me. 

"You're head" I breathe. 

"I'm fine" he pulls me to his chest. I kiss his sweaty chest then sit up and remove my shirt then return to his chest. "I love you" he whispers. 

"I love you too" 

"Let's go again in a few minutes?"

"If you agree to have me on top" 

"No, you move too slow" 

"No, I don't!" I squeal. I sit up and grab his staff. 

"What are-fuck! What are you doing?" He tenses up again like he did when he came. 

"Want me to prove how crazy I am?"

"Shit! Fine! Let me go!"

I laugh releasing him. His body loosens up then I plant a kiss on his cheek. "You know I'm just worried about you right?" 

"Yeah but I'm fucking fine" he sits up, "We had sex not long after you were shot" 

"That's different" 

"How?!" He barks. 

I flop back on the bed and look up at the ceiling, "I could've died. You don't know how happy I was when we had sex, not just because we were one but because I finally felt like I had control in life. You'll recover in no time, I didn't know if I was gonna make it"

"Love" he whispers then kisses my stomach, "We're fine, remember?" 

Unable to speak, I just nod. I feel his lips move up my body then he licks around my wound. I gasp but because it hurts or stings but because he did it in general. He looks up and peers into my eyes, "You wouldn't leave me" his soft voice brings tears to my eyes. "Crap, did that hurt?" 

"No" I laugh, "It felt really good" 

He leans forward and kisses me.

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