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I open my door and walk out. Russell's standing by the front door. He smiles when he sees me.

"I'm sorry"

Yeah, I bet you are. I nod my head, there's nothing nice I can say.

"We go on run"

I nod my head again, he walks outside closing the door behind him. I want Four here, I want...I want to watch tv. I sit down and play The Golden Girls.


It's been a few hours since the guys left and I haven't even gotten a text from them. Bing. Bing. I check my phone but it wasn't me.

Bing. Bing....Bing. Bing....Bing. Bing.

Where the hell is that coming from? I check the couch and find Four's phone. Bing. Bing. The front door opens and Four walks in.

"Hey" he smiles, "How are you feeling?"

"Someone's texting you" I ignore his question and throw him his phone.

His smile fades away, "Did you...?" He looks at his phone forgetting that I'm here.

"I didn't read it. I just picked it up when you walked in" I sit back on the couch.

"No worries" his smiles back, "Imma take a shower" He walks down the hall leaving me alone then Russell walks in.

"Good run?" I ask.

"Great. Sorry I didn't-call"

"I know"

He waits a second then walks to his room. 15 minutes later my eyelids are heavy, I get up and walk to my...Four just walked out of the bathroom in only a towel. Holy fuck.

"You going to your room?"

I force myself to look him in the eyes, "Um, yeah"

"Can we talk real quick?"

"Later. You need to get dress" I take a last look at his strong...wet...sexy body then walk into my room.

I hide in my room for about 25 minutes then walk out to the living room. Four's watching tv on the couch....shirtless. Shit, Russell must still be in the shower.

"Why don't you have a shirt?" I ask.

"Russell forgot to give me one before he hopped in the shower. Come sit down" he pats the seat next to him.

"I'll get you a shirt" I do everything in my power not to look at his body before turning around. I take a few steps before Four calls after me.

"Oy!" He grabs my arm and turns me around, "Our first date didn't work out so. Me, you, tonight"

"Are you asking or telling?"

"Both?..." He lifts his shoulders.

I laugh and he joins dropping his shoulders then a heavy pause hits us as we stare into each other's eyes. I'm not scared, not even a little bit.

"I really want to kiss you right now" he whispers looking down at my lips.

"What's stopping you?"

He leans down and smashes his lips into mine pushing me back a little. He grabs my waist, I move my hands up to his hair and start playing.

"Fuck..." he groans on my lips then tugs at my waist. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I'm a big girl, I never thought someone can pick me up other than my brother and that's because he's scary strong.

He opens my bedroom door then he tilts...tilts...tilts down and I'm on the bed with him between my legs. We never part our kiss. My hands leave his hair and I explore his body.

He groans before pulling away, "We have to stop" his pupils are huge with lips and cheeks red.

"O-k" I breathe, he falls to my side and pulls me on his chest.

"So this is your room" his chest is moving up and down really fast.

"No, it's the closest," I say sarcastically, I look up at him and smile. Why did he want to stop? Was it because of Russell or does he still want to wait?

"Alright smart ass. C'mon here"

I kiss his lips, I want this. Him. I part our lips then lay on his chest again. His breathing had slowed down.

"If I go with you, we'll have to fake our deaths right?"

"Yeah" his hand moves up my arm and he plays with my hair, "I told Russell to think about it"

I sit up, "You what? I said I'll do it"

"I know you're upset with him. You can talk to him when you're ready"

I am still having a hard time talking to him. My depression is one thing and my eating disorder is something else. Bing. Bing. I forgot I left my phone in my room. I grabbed it from the nightstand and see it's Dylan.

Dylan: Movies?

"Who is it?" Four sits up.

"Dylan. Asking me to the movies, I'm gonna say no" I simply type in no then send it.

"What's up with him?" Four growls.

I push him back and lay on his chest again, "I don't know"

"This started after you guys had sex?"


"When was that?"

"Wow" I sit up, "Why do you want to talk about this?"

"I just do"

"That's not an answer" I snap.

"If you chose him to lose your virginity to and he's this crazy afterward then he always had a thing for you" Four sits up leaning on his elbows. "I would've"

"We did it when I turned 19" I whisper looking down.

"19?" He sits up all the way.

"I knew Tye didn't like me the way I wanted him to and I just turned 19. I trust Dylan, we talked and he agreed to do it"

"Did you ever sleep with Tye?"

"No...." I bury my head into his chest, "I only did it once"

He wraps his arms around me, "I've done some fucked up thing's Myself. You shouldn't be afraid or ashamed to te-" my door swings open.

"Ge the fuck out!" Russell roars, His eyes glowing green.

"Russell I-"

"Don't!" He yells at me. Four jumps up then Russell moves to the side and Four rushes out.


"Don't!" He yells again, "That's why he wants us to join...Because of you"

There's a heavy pause of him just looking at me. I don't know what to say if Four and I had continued something would've happened and I can't tell him that.

"....I'm sorry" I finally say breaking the silence into a million pieces, "I like him"

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