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I walk back inside with Four following me. I see Russell, Jax, and Dylan lying down blankets.

"Blankets already?" I ask stepping away from Four. The sun had just gone down.

"Rest" Russell answers. I can feel Dylan's eyes on me.

"Alright" I sigh, "Night big R" I walk to my room and take something for sleep, I didn't want them to be awake tomorrow morning and me asleep.

Why does Russell have to work with Dylan? I get it he loves the rush of parkour but working with Dylan....I just wanna kill him for what he did.

"What the fuck?" I whisper changing my clothes then jumped in bed. I didn't want to hear the guys so I play The Golden Girls on my laptop until I fall asleep.

I wake up to a ray of sunshine in my face. I get up and put my hair up in a messy bun before walking to the bathroom. I open the door and see Four shirtless and a towel around his waist.

"Wo...I'm sorry" I stutter. I find myself staring at his extremely muscular, wet body.

"Americans don't knock?"

I look up at his eyes and realize they're a beautiful green. His lips are pink and his hair is wet.

"I'm not American and I said I was sorry.... I'm just used to being the first one up"

"Yeah me too" he smiles.

"I'm-s-Imma let you...ok" I close the door and mentally hit myself. Nice one Riley. I walk back to my room and wait until I hear Four walk out of the bathroom. I can't get his damn body out of my head...his muscles...his fucking v-line. I walk to the bathroom and do my morning routine.

"Riley" Russell knocks on the door, I open it and smile.

"When are they leaving?"

"Today but Four stays" he walks past me into the bathroom, "Nothing happens"

I roll my eyes and walk out. Yes, Dylan is afraid of Russell but that didn't stop him from hurting me before and the only reason why Russell didn't do anything about it because we were homeless. We had more things to worry about.

I walk into the living room. Four's wearing my brother's white tank top and gray sweats and the others are wearing the same thing from yesterday. Four's folding his blankets and Dylan and Jax are just getting up.

"Can I make breakfast?" Four asks.

"If you want" I grab the blankets from him.

"What do you want?"

I thought he meant for himself, "Not hungry" I walk to the closet in the hall and put away the blankets. Russell walks out of the bathroom then towards me.

"I clean after us" he whispers.

"Four's making breakfast. Watch him" I close the door and smile up at my brother, "I'm going for my 'run'" I squeeze his arm then walk down the hall.

"Jax?" I ask grabbing his attention, "Wanna go for a run?"

"Yeah, let me get ready" he stands up then walks down the hall.

"You run?" Four asks walking in from the kitchen.

"She doesn't do parkour" Russell answers for me, "It's her own little run" why is his English better around other people?

"Little?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Little R" he smiles.

"You're 6'9. Everyone is little to you" I remind him. He laughs and I join him.

"Go. I got Regina"

I nod my head at him then walk outside. That's the great thing about living in the middle of nowhere, we can do whatever. I jump on the back of Russell's pickup truck and grab my throwing knives.

Jax walks outside wearing Russell's clothes, "Ready?" He asks walking over.

"Yeah" I jump off the truck, "Wanna run?" For a big girl, I can run pretty fast.

"No, you have knives in your hands and you do trip a lot"

"Thanks for the love...but fine" I smile. As we walk to my favorite training spot we catch up with each other.

".....you should see it. It's small but in a cozy way...I never thought I would have my own place" Jax's smile fades, "Did Dylan say something to you?"

I stop and grab his arm, "Why do you ask?"

"He's been talking about you"

Bing. Bing. I check my phone and see it's Tye.

Tye: Autocorrect. Call me when u can.

I roll my eyes, "Come on" of course he's gonna lie about it. Jax and I must've spent 45 minutes throwing knives, climbing trees and running.

We walk through the front door and immediately smell bacon. I walk to the bathroom and clean up.

"...You wouldn't believe" Four shuts up when I walk in the kitchen.

"Sorry I ruined the fun" I give Russell my phone showing him the text messages from Tye.

"You didn't. Want some pancakes?" He asks. Jax and Dylan are munching down on eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Four must be making our food last.

"I'm good"

Russell stands up and I grab my phone before he breaks it.

"I'll kill him" he growls looking at me.

"No, you're not. I'm cutting him off" I pat his chest then walk to the fridge.

"Who are you gonna kill?" Dylan asks.

"Her damn boyfriend," Russell says sitting down., I grab a water bottle and take a sip.

"Thanks, Big R," I say sarcastically.

"What'd he do?" Four asks turning to me.

"Nothing" I lie looking down, "Can we leave it?" I ask everyone.

"Sorry dars," Jax says.

"Don't call my sister dars. I know it's short for darling" Russell says, Jax mumbles a sorry and I return my water to the fridge.

"Thanks" I walk outside to the truck and jump in the back. I can't hide things from my brother, that's the only reason why I showed him the messages. We've always had a special, unexplainable connection. I hear the front door open and close. I look back and see Four.

"Hey" he smiles at me.

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