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"You should've seen him!" Three laughs, "I've never seen Four like that. His eyes were bloodshot! He almost killed the son of a bitch!" Nice to see Three got a kick out of what happened. Four kept his promise and got us back home, not One's apartment. Everyone is here, all the numbers. One, Nine, and Four still look pissed. Five fixed me up and now she's working on Four's hand, he needed a few stitches. 

"What the fuck?!" One roars, silencing us. "You guys had one fucking job! Watch her! It's a fucking roof party! How do you-" 

"Shut up!" I snap at One. His mouth drops open along with everyone else but I don't care. "Don't you think they already feel bad enough? I'm not even worried about me" I laugh a little, "I'm worried about Nine, Four, Five, Two, even Three. They wanted to help me and now they're being yelled at? No, fuck that. Yeah, something happened but doesn't it always?" 

"Eight don't" Nine whispers then stands up, "We should've never taken you out" 

"Then what would've happened?" I ask him then look at the others, "I was dying in that damn apartment-no offense One-yeah I'm not happy about what happened tonight but I'm happy I went out tonight" 

"Four almost killed a guy!" One snaps. I look at Four, he's staring at his bandaged hand, not blinking. He wished he had killed Dylan, it's written on his face. 

"And before that, we were having fun," Two say and again, all our mouths drop open. Two was the last person I expected to talk, let alone to side with me. Seven and One weren't with us so they wouldn't understand. We did have fun, I just fucked up. I should've called for help, instead, I stood there listening to him. 

Two stands up, "Are you done?" She asks Five. 

"Yeah," Five whispers. 

"Let's go," Two says, "If Eight and Four need our help, they know how to reach us"

I stand up and hug her, making sure to place a kiss on her cheek. She walks away and Three takes her place in front of me. We share a hug and a peck on the kiss, I watch as he walks over to Four and grabs his shoulder. Four doesn't move. Three follows Two to the door. I think they're waiting on the other. Five says goodbye to Four then hugs me. Seven was next then One, he hugged me a little longer than the other. Four doesn't look up from the floor and he's starting to worry me. 

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Nine asks. I nod, smiling. His English has gotten so much better. He walks over and hugs me. I feel better already. He places a kiss on my forehead before pulling away. 

He walks over to Four, "Thank you" he whispers. 

Four looks up at him with wet cheeks. He was crying? Why? Four nods his head then everyone leaves. I sit next to Four. Now I can hear him, he's sobbing quietly. I chain my arm with his and lay my head on his shoulder. His tense body loosens up and he sinks into my touch. 


Four finally breaks the deadly silence by signing heavily, "I can't get your screaming out of my head" 

I pull away, "What?" 

"You were screaming, that's how I found you"

"Oh" is all I can say, I don't remember screaming but it makes sense. My throat is killing me and it's because of Dylan. "Kiss me" I whisper. He looks at me shocked. "Please" I beg. He nods his head before leaning in and kisses me. He kisses me softly, is he still scared to touch me? I wish I knew what he was thinking. Maybe he thinks I'm crazy for wanting him to kiss me after everything that happened at the party. But I don't care, all I think about it Four when he kisses me, it's different from us sitting there and hanging out. There is still only him when we do that but that always feels like it's going to end. This doesn't. 

The kiss deepens and I fall back, surprising he follows and hovers over me, keeping his hands planted at my sides, holding himself up. I cup his face and open my legs for him. He adjusts his legs then falls in between mine. I tug at the hem of his shirt, he pulls away and I almost whimper. With one hand he reaches back and pulls at his shirt. I help him take it off then his head ducks down and he sucks on my neck. My hands roam his body. I can feel how hard he is already.

"Riley" he moans, softly thrusting against me. I moan and he does it again, harder this time. He sits up and yanks my shorts off then rips my fishnet. I try to sit up but he pushes me back down. 

"Don't...please" his eyes are soft yet filled with lust. I nod my head and lay back completely. He unbuttons his pants, pulls them down a little along with his boxers then his erections pops out. He climbs back on me and kisses me hard. I knew he wasn't gonna waste time taking off our clothes. We haven't had sex in weeks. 

He pulls away and our eyes lock. He looks worried, "If it hurts, let me know. I'm begging you"

"I will" I breathe. He nods then kisses my jawline. He slowly enters me and I gasp. He stops and looks at me. 

I laugh, "That was a good sign" 

He takes a second to think then slides farther into me. His lips return to my jawline then more down to my neck as he slowly pumps in and out of me. This isn't like him, taking this slows, he does sometimes but that's more like every blue moon. He's scared. 

"Billy, I love you" I moan. He kisses my lips. 

"I love you" he moans into my mouth. 

I hate the gap between us, I pull his body down and he actually lays on me, holding himself up by his elbows now. His chest barely touches my wound, I don't care if it did, I still want him on me. 

His pace quickens and I feel him twitch inside me. "Fuck" he moans, I can he's holding back. He does parkour, his heart pounding in his chest is something he lives for. Slow sex is not really his thing. 

"Four please" I beg. He pulls back and our eyes lock. His eyes are so dilated that there is a tiny ring of his blue. He thrusts into my hard and I moan out in pleasure. Goodbye slow Four. 

We have our usual rough and fast way for a little then we come together. Lasted longer than I thought-"Four!" I growl when I realize he came inside me. NO FUCKING CONDOM.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I can't stop myself"

I lay back and start laughing, "Was this your way of getting me pregnant?" 

"No" he sighs. Four knows I won't take the morning after pill or get an abortion, I'm keeping my baby. He climbs off me and I head to the bathroom. 

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