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After staking out the house we drive to the closet village and One got four rooms in a motel.

"Hey, let's go to party" Three says grabbing Two's hand and spinning her around.

"I'm down" Seven says.

"We're in," Four says signing me up. I squeeze his hand but he just smiles more.

"I'm gonna stay here with One" Nine says.

"Please come" Five grabs his arm and pouts then says something in Spanish.

Four leans down to my ear, "Has he talked to you?"

I shook my head violently, what the hell is her deal? My brother's bi and he's more attractive to boys but Five is fucking sexy, She can turn almost everyone but not my brother.

"I'll go" Nine sighs, a growl escapes from my throat and Four pushes me back a little.

"No drinking too much y'all," One says then hands Seven a credit card, "Stay close"

We got directions to a little party/bar thing, it wasn't far so we walked. The sun is setting, giving us a beautiful sky blanket of red and orange.

Strong arms wrap around my waist, I was going to attack but the smell of Four's college fills my nose. I look down at his hands and run my thumb over his hand tattoos.

"One just gave me your phone" he places his chin on my shoulder.

"So you decided to scare me?"

"I wanted you in my arms" He lets go of me and spins me around.

"The teams gonna leave us" I remind him since the team continued walking.

He grabs my hands and places them on his shoulders before grabbing my waist, "We can go back to the motel and watch more movies. I like having you under my arm"

"Like in a bird way?" I cock my head to the side and he laughs, "I don't want to leave my brother. Let's go" I pull away from him and head in the direction the team went as Four holds my hand.

We approach this little outside bar thing. Real simple, no walls, bar in the back and dance floor in the front.

I stop when I see Five and Seven dancing together, "What the hell is her problem?" I growl.

"Nine's dancing with a guy. He must've turned her down" Four shrugs his shoulders.

"Doesn't matter. Come on" I drag him to the dance floor.

"You want me to get you a drink?" Four whispers in my ear since the music's a little too loud.

"Please" I squeeze his hand before he walks away.

"Hey, beautiful" Three wraps his arm around my shoulders. I almost elbowed him in the ribs.

"Where's Two?" I ask.

"She's first watch"

First watch? Really?....I nod my head. Someone places there hand on my back and I spin my head around. Four. I have to calm down.

I sigh, "I need y'all to stop scaring me"

He laughs, "Sorry babe" he turns to Three, "Thanks"

Three removes his arm and steps back with his hands up, "Sorry numbers" He walks away.

"Sorry about that-" he starts but I cut him off by kissing him. "Mmmm" he pulls away and hands me my drink.

"You're not drinking?"

"I know you don't drink so I just wanna take care of you while you do"

"Looks who's being all cute and sweet," I say playing with the end of his shirt.

"What else is a boyfriend supposed to be?"

Boyfriend? "What did-"

"I'm sorry" his shoulder shot straight up and he stumbles back a little, "I just thought-and I like you. I thought you did"

"Aw, look at my cute boyfriend stuttering. Do you want to kiss me or should I kiss you?"

He laughs, "Me kiss you" he closers the distance and kisses me. Hard.


We dance for hours, Nine went back to the motel with some guy. Great. The rest of us stay together, I'm not on watch though.

"Eight!" Three shouts walking towards us, "You're up"


"No" Four grabs my waist then pulls me closer, "We're leaving"

Three gives Four a hard stare, "Fine....were right behind you"

"C'mon," Four says turning us around.

"What the hell was that?" I ask when we put a little distance us and the party.


Four ushers me back to the motel then to my room. Four leaves my side then rushes to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

"Ok...." I whisper to myself, I kick off my boots then start to undress. I put on my minion pants for men and a blank Friends shirt. The bathroom door opens and a shirtless Four walks out.

"You feeling better?" I ask laying on the bed.

"I think" he walks around to the other side of the bed, "Three's a fucking wanker"

"Why did you pull me away? If I knew I was leaving earlier-"

"I didn't want you too" he hisses before sighing.

"Ok, come here" I sit up and pull him down on the bed. I wrap him in my arms and kiss his temple.

"Look at you being a sweet girlfriend" he chuckles and I join him.

After his body loosens up we put on a movie since I was drinking I fell asleep pretty fast.


*Bang Bang Bang*

"Four! Eight! Wake up" One's voice roars from the other side of the door. I jump up, rush to the door and open it to One.

"Heeyyy One" I force a smile as I squint my eyes from the new lighting.

"We're leaving in 10"

"Great" I nod my head as he walks away. I shut the door then turn to Four, who's still sleeping.

"Four" I groan walking over to him, "Get up"

"Shhhh" he mumbles.

"Don't shush me" I grab a pillow and hit him with it, immediately he jumps up. "Oh looks who's awake"

"That's not funny" he growls with a thick accent.

"Neither am I. Now get up, we leave in 10"


One left a duffel bag in my room that was half-filled with clothes. I think Nine got one too. I put on camouflage pants, a dark green shirt with my black boots. As for my hair, I simply tied it in a low ponytail.

When I'm ready, I walk out of the bathroom.....Four's wearing the same thing I am.

"You ready?" He asks stuffing a gun in the back of his pants.

"No.....lets go"

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