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"I guess that day was early signs of me beginning to fall in love with him, but I didn't know that yet. I just knew that I liked him a lot. There was no mistaking that." I explain.

"Falling in love is normal. Sometimes it isn't for everyone." Molly replies.

"You got that right." I frown.

"You weren't wrong for loving him Ally. The physicality between you two led to you catching feelings for him. That's what sex does to people." She said. "You were justified in loving him. The situation was just messed up."

"I just feel like it could've been avoided." I say.

"It could've, in various ways." She said. "But it was something you wanted to do. That was your choice."

I nod in reply to her.

"At that moment, he was the best thing to have happened to me." I exclaim. "But eventually it dawned on me that what was happening wasn't real. It was artificial."

"And that's okay." She said. "It happens to the best of us."

"At least you know." I say.

"The purest, most loving people, are the ones who suffer the toughest battles." She explained. "The miserable and evil ones are the ones who don't get theirs til later, but they get it nonetheless."

I nod.

"Lets take a quick 5 minute break. We've been sitting here for 2 straight hours." She said.

"Oh thank goodness." I exclaim, not surprised that's its been 2 hours already.

She chuckled at my exclamation. I stand up from my comfortable seat on the couch, walking to the door for the bathroom. This baby has been sitting on my bladder for two hours straight.

When I reach the bathroom, I go in to handle my business. As I stand at the sink to wash my hands, I take a look at myself. Looking away from the mirror above the sink, I turn to the body length mirror beside the napkin dispenser.

I move a strand of hair behind my ear, looking at my five month baby bump that was poking out from my gray shirt. I take a look at my comfy outfit; black Ugg boots and black leggings. Complete with a black cardigan. Typical outfit for me.

After checking myself out for a bit more, I was making my way back to the room. I sit back down in my pervious occupied spot, grabbing my bottle of water off the coffee table in front of me. I open it up and take a sip.

Molly entered the room, sitting back in her seat across from me. We get ourselves situated a bit more before we continue.

"Alright, back to where we left off." She said, turning the pages in her notebook. "Falling in love despite the situations discrepancy."

I nod.

"Like I mentioned before, falling in love is no mistake. Especially if that's who your heart longs for." She said. "Love takes different forms for everyone."

I fiddle with my fingers.

"What was it that drew you to him?" She asked.

"His vulnerability." I reply. "I felt like he was so comfortable with me. Wanted me to listen to him for all the right reasons."

She nodded.

"He would listen to me as well. Our closeness also played a big role." I explain. "I craved him more and more as time went by."

"And he showed that same feeling?" She asked.

"Yeah." I say. "He wanted me the way I wanted him, but the only difference is I'd caught feelings."

"When did you make it known that what you were feeling was real?" She asked.

"Around the time we made love." I say, shifting in my seat a bit. "Declaring what I felt for him was a huge mistake."

"I take it you're going to tell me that story later on." She said.

"Yes, because there's so much more that leads to it." I say.

She nods. "Well I'm all ears."

* * *

Ally watched Ben get himself dressed to leave the hotel room. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, watching his back muscles flex. What about this man wasn't perfect?

Ben turned to face her, seeing that her eyes were already on him. He furrowed his eyebrows in curiosity. "You okay?"

Ally shrugged, reaching for her shirt on the floor. She pulled it over her head just as Ben sat beside her on the bed.

"Talk to me." He said. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing. Just thinking." She replied.

"Thinking of what?" He asked.

She shrugged again, looking up to meet his eyes.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said.

"Yeah." Ally mumbled.

"So tell me, what's wrong?" He repeated.

Ally pursed her lips, stopping herself from saying something she didn't want to. Instead, she thought of a quick lie to feed him.

"Just thinking about the games coming up." She lied, watching his eyes scan her face questioningly.

"Do you think we're going to lose?" He asked.

"Of course not." She said, then smirked. "To Phoenix maybe."

He rolled his eyes at that, earning a giggle.

"Yeah yeah. We don't plan on taking it easy on them if that's what you want." He said.

"Of course that's what I want." She responded.

"You don't always get what you want Princess." He said.

"That's what you think." She said.

"Don't plot against us." He retorted.

Ally winked at him, to let him know that's exactly what she was doing.

"I'm snitching and you're getting fired." Ben teased, standing up from the bed to leave.

Ally blew him a kiss on his way out. When he was gone, she went back to frowning. She was definitely caught in a web now.

* * *

"Nothing really spectacular in that part, just that that was one of our moments." I explain.

"That's cute." She said. "Seems like he really did care about what you were thinking."

"It was a facade to get me to speak up." I say. "Like he only wanted to hear what he wanted to hear. Not what I was actually thinking."

"What were you actually thinking?" She asked.

"I was thinking of how I ended up in this situation, with this painfully attractive male, knowing good and well nothing would come of it." I frown. "But telling him that was like throwing myself to the sharks."

"His reaction to your confession must have been brutal." She said.

"Yeah. I'll explain that when we get there. But it was pretty harsh." I exclaim.

"Well you're ready to move forward, that's all that matters." She said.

The best thing to do is move forward.

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