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"So...when the time came to tell Jasmine about you and Ben, how did that come about?" Molly asked.

I take a deep breath.

"Well...I wasn't my usual self. She must have took notice in it because she can calculate my every move. It's weird honestly." I explain.

Molly chuckled.

"I just...didn't want her to know that I was putting myself in a dangerous situation. But I had to fess up at some point." I explain. "So I did...the night of the All-Star game."

"What led up to the confession?" She asked.

"Whenever they showed him on TV, I would squirm uneasily. Or I would be making noticeable heart eyes at him." I exclaim. "In case you haven't noticed this entire therapy session today, I wear my emotions on my face. And that's how I ended up having to confess."

* * *

Ally sat beside Jasmine the night of the All-Star game (Feb. 17th), watching as they introduced the All-Star reserves for Team Giannis. She clapped when they finally introduced Joel Embiid as a starter.

After they were introduced, they moved on to Team LeBron. Ally was on high alert at this moment because she knew Ben was on this team, and she almost dreaded hearing his name. It would trigger something within her that she really didn't want to happen in this moment.

Once again, the universe had failed her. When Ben got introduced, she felt the blood within her run cold. He was a very attractive man to look at, but it killed her that she could never be with someone as handsome as that. He had everything going for him, she was the last thing that needed to be in his way.

Jasmine took notice in Ally's mood change, ready to ask her what was up. Before she could get the chance to, Ally stood up and walked to the kitchen. When she came back into the living room, Jasmine asked her pending question.

"Ally, what's wrong?" Jasmine asked.

Ally held the glass of liquor to her lips, raising her eyebrows at Jasmine's question. "Hmm?"

"You look....pale." Jasmine replied, concerned.

Ally swallowed her drink before looking back at Jasmine. "Nothing."

"Sure?" Jasmine said.

Ally only nodded at the question, afraid her words might fail her. That she'd slip up and say something she didn't want to.

"Okay." Jasmine said, brushing off the idea.

Ally sighed in relief that Jasmine wouldn't question her anymore.

About an hour in to the game, Jasmine took notice in Ally's fidgets and squirms whenever Ben appeared on screen. Her concern skyrocketed at that moment and she was more than curious on why Ally was acting weird whenever Ben appeared on the TV.

Muting the TV, Jasmine turned to face Ally. "Okay, what's really wrong?"


"Don't give me that bullshit Ally." Jasmine cut her off. "You're acting really weird, as you have been for a while now. What's going on?"

Ally didn't answer her immediately, which left Jasmine to ask another lingering question. "Has something happened at work?"

Still no answer, which only sparked her curiosity further. "Ally, please say something."

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