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A/N: Ally's due date was supposed to be some time in March, but as stated in the previous chapter, her blood pressure dropped; which caused her to faint, and in any situation is very crucial. In order to keep her and the baby alive, they had to perform an emergency C-section to get him out because he wasn't getting any oxygen. They also had to get her blood pressure back up, all in a span of 2 hours. A miracle story 🤗.


February 27th, 2020


Still at the hospital, as if I don't have a life outside of here. I feel like if I'm in this bed any longer, I'm going to go nuts.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked, looking at me from his spot on the chair.

"I wanna go home." I reply.

"You can't right now. The nurse wants to closely monitor you to make sure your stitches are good and that Liam is doing okay." He explained.

"He told you this?" I ask.

He nods and I sigh, laying back down.

"I feel fine though." I protest.

"You probably do, yes. But too much movement can disrupt your stitches." He said.

I look over at him questioningly. "When did you become a doctor?"

"14 hours ago." He exclaims, yawning.

I frown.

"You should get some sleep, you look like you barely slept." I say.

"I wanna make sure you and Liam are okay." He replied, literally fighting sleep. You can see it in his eyes.

"We're fine Ben." I argue. "Go to sleep."

He nods, slouching in the chair and laying his head against the back of it. His fingers clasped together against his chest. Looking like 6'10" worth of handsomeness.

I turn to look over at Liam, who lay in the cradle soundly. He looked peaceful. I probably look like shit compared to him. I can't wait to get home and shower...a hundred times.

I take the blanket off of me, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I wince as I push myself up. When my feet touch the cold floor, I shiver a little. I lift up my gown, frowning at the stitched up line on my abdomen. It was only about 4 inches long. Not too big.

I sigh, letting my gown drop down again. I slowly start to make my way toward Liam, wanting to hold him and kiss him a million and one times. He's the light of my life right now.

"Hey baby." I exclaim, finally reaching him. Ugh! He's so beautiful. "Hi handsome."

I listened to his tiny grunt. I place my hands on the side of the cradle, watching him sleep. As I watch him, I continue to ask myself a thousand questions. How am I going to take care of a baby? This is another human being that I have to care for and nurture. Am I even qualified for the whole mom thing? What if I mess up? I'm gonna be such a bad mom.

After looking at him long enough, I stretch my arms out to pick him up. He slightly whimpers and I freeze. I did not want to wake him. I slowly pull my arms back and just continue to look at him. I then remember Molly and wobble my way toward my clothes. I search my pocket for my iPhone 11, then pull it out. I go to her contact so that I can FaceTime her.

Soon she picks up.

Hey Ally!
How are you? It's been a while.
It definitely has been a while. And I'm doing alright.
That doesn't sound too promising.
*giggles* How are you?
I'm okay. How's the pregnancy going?
It's over now.
*gasp* You had the baby already?
Oh my god! Can I see?
*turns the camera on Liam*
Oh he's so precious. What's his name?
Liam Grey Simmons.
Hi Liam. Ugh! Look at that face.
*turns camera back* I know right? I just want to kiss him over and over again.
Do so! Shower him with tons of love. God, I wish my kids were still that young. *eye roll*
*giggles again* I want him to be this small forever.
*chuckles* All I can say is pray.
I thought you weren't due until next month though. He's early. What happened?
My blood pressure dropped yesterday and I fainted. He wasn't getting any oxygen, so they had to perform an emergency C-section on me to get him out.
Oh wow. Are you guys okay?
That's great to hear. How much more longer are you supposed to be there until they let you out?
Hopefully I can get out today.
That's unlikely. They just stitched you up yesterday.
*groan* I really just want to go home.
*gives small smile* You'll be out soon. Just take it easy for now.
*nods* Oh! Ben is here.
Ben as in...Ben Simmons?
*laughs* Yes
Oh shit. How did that happen?
The team was in Phoenix last night to play the Suns and I went to the game. While I was talking to one of the other players after the game, he came up to me.
Oh wow. How did that turn out?
Well...I was only talking to him for a minute before I fainted. Technically I was chastising him.
Yeah. When I woke up in the hospital, I freaked out a bit before my mom explained the situation to me. Then I held Liam for a bit, as well as a few of the others, before Ben requested that we be alone for a minute. He apologized and confessed his love for me.
He did what? Oh my goodness.
Was he sincere? Did he mean it?
So he says. I forgave him, but I also told him it was going to take me a while to trust him.
Ahhh okay. That sounds about right.
He says he wants to help with Liam because we both created him.
*frowns* But I'm sort of up in the air right now.
How so?
Like whether I'm going to be a good mom. I have no idea how to take care of a kid.
Oh Ally. It's okay. I was the same way.
*sniffles* I just feel so overwhelmed and alone thinking about this.
Being a first time mom is hard. But as time goes on, you learn more. And you're not alone. You have your mother. Your father. You have Ben. You even have me.
Don't think about it too much Ally. You're going to be okay.

We talk for a little bit more before hanging up. Just when I did, Ben was waking up.

"Dude, go to sleep." I stress.

"Why are you out of the bed?" He asked groggily, ignoring my statement.

"I wanted to see Liam." I exclaim.

He only blinked at me, tiredly.

"I told you he would be fine." He said.

"I wanted to see for myself." I reply, sticking out my chin confidently.

He shook his head at me. I begin making my way back over to the bed, wincing as I tried to push myself up. The movement stretched out my abdomen and I was hoping to God the stitches didn't come loose.

"Wait." Ben said, standing up and walking over to me. He lifted me up by the waist and sat me on the bed. "This is why you were told to stay in the bed Ally."

I rolled my eyes, moving my legs and allowing him to put the blanket over me.

"Can you not move anymore?" He asked. I squint at him, but only nod in response. "Thank you."

I watch as he makes his way back over to the chair. We sit in silence for a bit, me fiddling with my thumbs and him scrolling through his phone.

"I realized I haven't thanked you for being here." I exclaim, breaking the silence as I continue to fiddle with my fingers. "You didn't have to stay, but you did."

When I didn't get an immediate response, I looked up at him. He had locked his phone and sighed, looking at me. I cut him off before he can speak.

"I know you probably told my mom that I was upset and wanted nothing to do with you, but she convinced you to come anyway. Knowing that Liam is just as much yours as he is mine." I explain.

I look at him expectantly. He shakes his head at me.

"If it weren't for me making the trip out here with the team, I would have no idea that Liam existed." He said. "I take it you would've told some of the guys before you told me."

"I might have." I gnaw on my lower lip.

He chuckles.

"Well, I wouldn't have wanted this any other way. Me being here with you and Liam is all that matters right now." He said.

I nod.

"How're you feeling?" He asked.

"I'd feel better if I could leave." I answer.

"Never mind." He said.

I giggle.

I honestly cannot wait to get home.

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