
964 37 3

March 28th, 2020


Not much has changed. It's only been a week though so I guess nothing much is going to happen. And Liam just turned one month. I feel like it went by too quick. Feels like he was just born yesterday and not a month ago. When Liam hit one month, Ben told me it's going to get worse as he gets older. Honestly, I'm not ready for it.

Ben arranged for all of our stuff to be packed and shipped here. Everything should get here by tomorrow. That includes my precious car, Lola.

I was a little agitated at first about coming back to Philly, but Ben convinced me that it shouldn't be that bad. I took his word for it, because so far things have gone well. We're going to have times where we hit rock bottom, but it comes with the territory. I think the only time we'll really hit rock bottom is when I'm forced to do all the baby shit and he sits on his ass playing games all day. But for right now, we're good.

Today was an 'in bed all day' kind of day. I had smoothly made the transition into his room, instead of sleeping in the guest room. It's mostly because his bed is super comfortable.

"I might make you sleep in the room with Liam. This bed is too comfy to share." I exclaim, running my fingers along his torso. Nice body. Nice body.

He chuckles. "We'll see."

I grin, looking up at him. "You're going to the other room."

He looks down at me and shakes his head. "Nah, I'd rather be in here with you." He kisses my forehead and squeezes my ass. "So I can do that all day, everyday."

I shake my head at him, moving from my comfortable position to go to the attached bathroom. My stitches began falling out this week and I've never been more happy and scared...simultaneously. Like how? Everyday another one goes missing. But that just means it's healing.

I've spent the last week trying to figure out what being a girlfriend is like. Not just any girlfriend, an NBA girlfriend. This is going to be crazy. We haven't exactly talked about the plan regarding the season. Whether I'll be in the stands or in a suite. I actually mentioned interest in coming to work for the team again, but I don't want to leave Liam. The baby can't raise himself.

"What are you doing?" I hear.

I jump at the voice, turning to find Ben in the doorway with furrowed brows.

"What?" I ask.

"I asked what were you doing." He replied. "You've been in here for about 5 minutes."

Has it really been that long?

"Oh." I say.

"Yeah. I called you like 5 times." He exclaimed in confusion, pointing a thumb out the door. "Liam is crying."

"Shit." I mumble, scrambling out of the bathroom.

I make my way to the guest room, picking Liam up out of his crib. I sniff his diaper but he hasn't pooped. Good. So I take it he's hungry.

I grab everything I need before crawling onto the bed. I sit cross legged, holding Liam to my chest gently. From there, I begin to breast feed him. I smile in content as he does so.

"Well, this is quite the sight." I hear a few minutes later.

I look up to see Ben entering the room. I look back down at Liam, with the same smile on my face.

"Just a mama bonding with her baby." I say, running my fingers through his hair.

We sit in silence for a couple more minutes, before I lift Liam up to burp him. After that, I bounce him around until he falls asleep. I then lay him in the crib so he can sleep.

"For someone with previous doubts about raising a kid, you're doing pretty damn good mamas." Ben compliments.

"You think so?" I ask, grinning.

"I know so Ally." He replies.

I smile as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple.

"He's starting to look like me a little." He says.

"Oh god no, please." I exclaim.

"Look at him, he's got the nose and everything." He points out Liam's features.

"Please don't look like daddy Liam." I say.

"The hair and all."


"That's all me babe, I'm sorry."


"Ain't that right little man?"

"Get out."

He laughs as I push him out of the room. I follow behind, back into his room. Well...our in this case. I'm serious about taking over that bed.

When we get back in his room, he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my lips as I hold onto his forearms securely.

"When can we get started on baby number two?" He asks, biting his lower lip.

"A very long time from now." I stress.

"How long are we talking?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"5 years." I grin.

"Do you always lie like this?" He questions.

"From time to time." I shrug.

He buries his face in my neck, leaving a kiss. "Mmm."

I giggle as he starts to bite at the skin. I try to get away from him, but he tightens his arms.

"Don't run." He said, lifting me up.

"No sex until I'm healed completely." I laugh.

He sucks his teeth. "It's been too long."

"You can wait." I shrug.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, kissing his lips again. "Just one more week and we'll be back in business."

He squints at me and I grin, kissing him again. I run my thumbs along his hairline, smiling.

"You're so pretty." I tease.

"Oh hell nah." He said.

I laugh as he unwraps my legs and arms. "What did I do?"

"You just called me pretty." He shook his head. "Get off."

I grin, getting off of him. "You are."


"You remind me of Princess Jasmine."


"She's a very pretty Princess."

He side eyes me as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"You'll thank me some day." I giggle.

He leaves the room and I just laugh. I guess he doesn't like being called pretty.

Oh well. He is.

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