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February 14th, 2020


I wasn't able to experience a lot of things. One of those things being this stupid holiday called Valentine's Day. I mean really, what is with that? One day out of the entire year to express your love and gratitude for your significant other. Why can't you do that on a, I don't know, regular basis?! Americans will just pick a random day and make it a holiday. Everytime I look there's a new damn holiday.

I'm sorry I just took you through this emotional rant about Valentine's Day, but I just needed to find what the importance of this day was.

On the flip side though, I'm officially back in Phoenix. After my session with Molly and my talk with Jasmine, I moved back to Phoenix a few days later.

My mom was excited to see me, but shocked that I'd come back pregnant. I decided to give her the run down on what led up to this. Luckily, she completely understood. However, she was very disappointed in how things went down.

As for my father, he didn't take too kindly to any of it. His only daughter, pregnant. He thought his three sons were bad, now his baby girl went rogue? I'm surprised he didn't shoot the house down. It took mom 3 full hours to calm him down before we sat down and discussed everything. That was 3 months ago.

Now here I am today, walking around my apartment rubbing my 8 month pregnant belly and waiting for the 2020 NBA All-Star weekend to begin. I've literally been doing everything I can to avoid finding out the gender; I want to be surprised at birth. So I just brought a lot of gender neutral stuff because there's no telling what I'm having right now.

I've decided on a few names for either gender as well. I'm just so excited for this baby to be here. They've been kicking me...a lot. I don't know why they find the need to do so, but it's whatever.

Ask me if I've gotten much sleep in the last few months. My answer will be hell nah. I just know it's going to be much worse when the baby is actually here. So to be honest, I'm kind of not ready for what's to come. But I'll figure it out...right?

* * *


All-Star Weekend in Chicago is off to a good start so far. It is only Friday night though.

Joel and I were on our way to a bar/restaurant that wasn't too far from the players hotel. Yeah, you read that right. The players hotel. Everyone participating in All-Star weekend is in this hotel. The top 3 floors to be exact.

When we got into the restaurant, we were immediately seated at a table. One of the good things about All-Star weekend is that just about everything is paid for. All you have to do, as the athlete, is show up.

Once we get seated, the waiter pours us some water and gives us a minute to decide what we'd have.

"I would ask what's been keeping you occupied, but I would know because we're on the same team." Joel inquired, breaking me from my thoughts.

I chuckle. "Nothing but basketball at the moment man."

"I figured you would say that." He replied.

I nod.

"How about you?" I ask.

"Same thing; Basketball. Just gotta add in the girlfriend and we're all good." He said.

I grin. "How's that going?"

"It's going."

I squint in curiosity, but nod anyway.

"How's your love life?" He asked.

"Non-existent." I reply, sipping my water.

"You sure? When I was talking to you after last season, you sounded a little distracted." He said.

I shrug.

"I've been good." I say.

He only nods, taking a sip from his own glass of water.

"A lot of things have changed since last season." He exclaimed.

"Indeed they have." I respond.

A little shift in the roster definitely does the trick.

"All I know is I miss Ally." He frowned.

My stomach dropped to my ass.

"I talk to her from time to time, but I never really get to say much because I'm too busy with basketball." He explained.

"You talk to her?" I ask.

"Yeah. We exchanged numbers after the loss to Toronto." He said.

"Oh." I say.

He nods, giving a small smile.

"How is she?" I ask, very curious as to how she's doing.

"She's good. Great actually." He responded. "She always sounds so excited to talk to me."

I frown. After our last encounter, I felt bad about what I had said to her. Honestly speaking, I didn't mean any of it. I just....didn't know how to express what I truly felt for her. It would've been hard to do so being that I was in love with Kendall too. But that love for Kendall felt artificial, compared to what I felt for Ally.

I just wish I could see her and hold her. Apologize for how I had done her. Make her see that she truly means a lot to me. She was never just sex to me, never. There were things we'd done that I've never done with another woman. She was the realest to me, and the most gentle. I can never forgive myself for what I had done to her.

"You alright man?" Joel asked.

"Yeah bro. I'm just...thinking." I reply.

"About what?"

I chew on the corner of my top lip, debating on if I should just tell him.

"Ally." I respond.

"Ally as in last years equipment management? The one I still keep in contact with?" He exclaimed.

"Yes Joel." I say.

"What about her?"

I sigh as I get myself ready to tell him everything. Although my mother and father were the first to know of my mistake, Joel was one of my best friends. It's only right that I tell him.

Here we go.

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