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May 29th, 2019

Ben was back on his bullshit. Him and Kendall had been secretly dating for a couple weeks now, but that didn't stop him from doing what he was doing. He was actually a little conflicted because he didn't know if what he was doing with Ally was right. But he had spent all this time convincing her that it was. So why contradict himself now?

"Ben, did you hear what I said?" Kendall questioned.

"Hmm?" Ben replied, looking at her from across the table.

"What's with you?" She asked. "You've been really distracted lately."

"Oh. Nothing." He lied. "Just thinking about the upcoming season."

Kendall frowned but questioned him no further. She had noticed that he'd been distracted for a while now, which really wasn't like him.

"Are you sure you're okay Ben?" She asked for reassurance. She didn't know if he were lying or not, but she trusted him enough to believe he wasn't.

"I'm good Kendall, honestly." He replied with a small smile.

He loved how worried she was about him, like usual. She wanted nothing more than for him to be okay. And he wanted the same.

Kendall sighed, nodding her head in response to him. The two of them ate their food in silence, with a little bit of conversation here and there.

The two later found themselves cuddled up on Kendall's hotel room bed. Kendall with her leg on his torso and Ben with his arm wrapped around her back, rubbing soothing circles. There was silence, but it was comforting.

"I missed you a lot Ben." She exclaimed, looking up at him from her spot on his chest.

"I missed you more." He replied.

She nods with a small smile. He didn't know how to explain his feelings toward Kendall. She was beautiful, inside and out. Had so much to offer and was just so kind. But Ally also had the same traits. She was everything and more. He couldn't risk losing her. At this point he had to choose, but he couldn't. He didn't want to. He wanted them both.

Kendall shifting in his arms bought him back to reality. She moved so that she could straddle his waist.

"It's been a while." She exclaimed, smiling down at him.

Ben gave a small smile in return. "So did you miss me or the dick?"

"Both silly." She giggles, moving down so she could kiss his lips. "I missed them both."

Ben smirked into the kiss, moving his hands to the underneath of her shirt so he could take it off. As soon as he did, he connected his lips to her collar bone. Kendall hissed as he bit and kissed at the spot.

As they maneuvered their way through the process, Ben began to compare her to Ally. And it really killed him that Ally was winning.

Ally sat on her bed cross-legged, waiting on Ben to answer the phone. He said he'd call her, but she never got that call. He said he wanted to take her out somewhere, but didn't give her any details pertaining to what she'd need to wear and such.

She waited, the phone tucked between her shoulder and ear. Maybe he was busy right now and couldn't pick up the phone. Like most players in the league, Ben had an off season workout plan. He'd explained it to her a few days ago.

Five rings later, he finally picks up. His voice husky and laced in sleep.

B: Hello?

Ally pursed her lips, upset that she had woke him up.

A: Did I wake you?
B: Nah, I'm up.

She listened to him grunt as he sat up. She heard shuffling before she heard a door close.

B: What's up?
A: You said you were going to call me...like two hours ago.

Ally listened to him curse under his breath.

B: I'm sorry A.
A: No it's fine. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Ben gave a small smile on the other line.

B: Yeah, I'm good.

Ally sighed in relief.

A: Okay, that's all that matters.

The line went silent, the both of them not knowing what to say to each other.

A: Ben?
B: Hmm?
A: Still there?
B: Yeah, I'm still here.

Ben sighed as he rubbed his forehead in distress. During the time him and Kendall were having sex, Ally was waiting on him to call her back. He had plans to take her out somewhere, but got caught up in his time with Kendall.

B: I'm so sorry.
A: For what?
B: Flaking. I was supposed to take you out today.
A: It's fine Ben.
B: No, it's not.
A: We could just do it tomorrow.
B: Are you sure?
A: Yeah.

Ben gnawed on the inside of his lower lip.

B: Okay. I'll come pick you up at 6.
A: Any specific dress code?

Ben chuckled.

B: No. Just come casual.
A: Got it.

He had more to say to her, but couldn't. The words got stuck in his chest.

A: I'll see you tomorrow.
B: Alright.

Then the line went dead. Ben slowly pulled the phone from his ear, sighing as he put his head in his hands. He had taken this poor girl for granted, too caught up in his rocky relationship with Kendall. The most he could do right now is distance himself from her, but he couldn't do that. She was too good to him.

Leaning off the sink counter of Kendall's hotel bathroom, he walked back out into the main space where Kendall was still curled up on the bed asleep. He placed his phone on the bedside table face down. Then he crawled back into the bed with her, wrapping his arm around her and pulled her close to him.

Kendall groaned in her sleep, finding comfort in Ben's arms. He left a kiss on her bare shoulder, then on her neck. He rested his head in the crook of her neck before sighing. Even though he was laid up with his girlfriend, he couldn't stop thinking of Ally.

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