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8 weeks later
August 6th, 2019

Ally was headed to the bathroom, once again to throw up her guts. She'd been feeling like shit for a little over a week. If anyone knew her well enough, they'd know that sickness was not her thing. Being sick was like getting shot to her.

"Ally, I think you should go to the doctor instead." Jasmine exclaimed, leaning against the doorframe of Ally's bathroom.

Ally stretched her arm back to wave a finger at Jasmine, only to bring the same hand back to the toilet bowl for support. After a minute or so, she was sitting up straight.

"I'm g...going to the beach." Ally retorted, avoiding another throw up fest.

Today the two were set to go to the beach with a couple friends they'd met in Philly a year prior.

"Ally, you're clearly not in any kind of condition to be outside, let alone at the beach." Jasmine stressed, watching Ally walk over to the sink to brush her teeth. "Just go to the doctor. It's best if you do."

"I told you I'm fine Jasmine." Ally lied, turning on the faucet. She placed her toothbrush under the running tap, then put toothpaste on it. "I'm going to the beach with you guys."

Jasmine watched her brush her teeth for a while, before sighing and walking out of the bathroom. She left Ally's room and went back into the living room, where their friends sat.

"She won't back down." Jasmine told them.

Alex walked over to her, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her temple.

"Wouldn't she have to set up an appointment first?" One of the friends, Chelsea, asked.

"She could. But she could also do a walk in." Jasmine replied.

"You said she's been throwing up for about a week, right?" Their other friend, John, asked.

"Yeah." Jasmine replied.

"Maybe she's pregnant." Grace, another friend of theirs suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

Jasmine shook her head in denial. "No. She can't be."

Grace, John and Chelsea all gave her a face. She looked up at Alex who gave her the same exact face. Jasmine gaped at the four of them, before unwrapping Alex's arm and walking back into Ally's room. Ally was grabbing her phone off the charger when she entered.

"Ally, there may be another solution rather than going to the doctor." Jasmine proposed.

"What?" Ally asked.

"Take a pregnancy test." Jasmine inquired.

Ally stood up straight, scoffing. "I am not pregnant."

"I'm hoping you're not." Jasmine exclaimed. "But other than that, I have no other solutions for you."

Jasmine left her room, leaving Ally to ponder the thought for a second. She could take a test, but they were not always accurate. Or so she believed. After thinking about it for a while, Ally made her way out to the living room.

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