Chapter 17 Fix your problems people!

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Jenna's P.O.V.

after a really awkward ride home (because we took the limo again!) we all piled out and walked inside. as soon as we got inside everyone went their separate ways.

"Oh no!" i yelled "no! no! no! no! you all get back here!" I yelled some more. "wh-" i cut who ever it was off "Get over here!" i yelled even louder. they all sighed and dragged their feet over to the living room.

"Ok now...first things first...Harry...I don't know what you did to Kendra and frankly i don't want to know because i know it'll jut make me hate you more but what even happened between you two, besides everything that happened before today; cause that stuff is worth fighting over...get over it!" i yelled

"and i don't know whats going on with you and your family but Gemma you need to put all that past you...he's your fricken brother for gods sake! all you guys are suppose to fight...and Harry you need to forgive your family for whatever you did" i said sternly.

Harry opened his mouth to talk but i cut him off "don't talk!" i yelled

"Niall I'm not gonna talk to have every right to be mad" i said under my breath. then i looked along the couch

"Sophia whats wrong?" i asked "nothing!" She yelled and stormed up stairs Sophi!" i yelled after her but she didn't stop "Liiiaaamm! what did you dooo?" i asked slowly turning my head towards him "Nothing...i swear...i have no idea whats going on" he said worriedly "well you'd better go fix it because in a couple of hours we need to be back at the studio, happy and all in love!" I yelled "fine" Liam sighed. "good" i nodded

"Zayn...what's up with you and T?" i asked "I don't kn-" i cut him off "yes you do!" i said seriously. he sighed and then spoke "she's just tired of coming here thats all" he explained "thats all? Thats All?! No! that's not all! Tiana would never hive up on you that easily! so spill!" i yelled. he sighed again "she feels that she's doing all the work in the relationship" he explained "thats because she is" i nodded to him "i know but i can't just leave! Not with our schedule!" he yelled back "Zayn! you don't think she's busy! don't think she has a job! a life! she needs to lay rent and pay for a flight ticket just like the rest of us! Well...most of us...cause we don't have a private jet that we can fly all over the world with when ever we want!" i yelled "and yet she's come here how many times? I'm not sure because i lost count but how many times have you gone to Canada? oh thats right! once? twice? three times, Zayn! thats it! Three times!" i yelled "can you just stop making me feel worse than i already feel?!" he yelled standing up

"NO! because i love my friends more than anything in the world besides my kids and i will do anything to make sure they're treated right! and if that means getting what you deserve and making you feel guilty than so be it!" i yelled, turned round and stormed towards the steps.

"How 'bout you?" i heard from behind me "what?" i asked turning back around "well your mad at Louis...put your past behind you Jenna...get over it" Harry mimicked me "thats different Louis broke a promise, hurt both mine and his best friend and destroyed a family...he stuck his nose in where it didn't belong...he deserves to be forgiven as much as an innocent man deserves to go to jail" and with that i turned back around and walked up stairs.

Chasing Dreams: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now