Chapter 29 We're back!

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Kendra's P.O.V.



"EEEEK!" i screamed down the phone "WOW! what was that?" Alicia yelled back. "THANK YOU!!! HOW Did YOU GET IT?" i screamed ignoring her question "you saw the house huh?" she asked "YES!" i shrieked. she laughed on the other end.

"How can we afford this?" i asked "your single" Alicia explained but i stayed quiet, confused "Kendra! we sold over three billion copies! the video got over two hundred thousand views!" Alicia explained. i stayed quiet. i was frozen with excitement!

"We're back!" I could tell Alicia was smiling when she said that. "we're back" i smiled. "we're back" i repeated a little more exited like "We're back!" i yelled .

Then i dropped my phone, jumped off my bed, skipped down my two stepped that lead to my main flor in my bed room, ran out into our seating room, sprinted across to the stairs, darted down them and ran down the hall.

"WE'RE BACK!" i screamed running out onto the loft. Jenna and Michelle ran into the living room from the front patio "what's going on?" Michelle yelled up at me "We're back!" I yelled back "what?" Jenna asked confused "Chasing Forever! we sold tone of copies! we're back!" i yelled "what are you talking about" Chell asked still confused "WE HAVE FANS GOD DAMN IT!" i screamed with a smile on. Michelle and Jenna froze for a moment. then they burst out in screams of excitement. I joined there excitement and ran down the stairs and joined them in the living room.

Then the landline phone we off

*RING!....RING!....RING!* it rung through the whole house since each room had a phone attached to the landline. Michelle walked over to the phone and picked it up "hello?" she said happily. then her face went blank "ok....yah...Yes!...i get it....done....ok....bye" and she hung up the phone.

She sighed but didn't look up from her hand which was still on the phone.

"Well?" i asked "we have a date" Michelle sighed looking at us "with who?!" Jenna yelled excitedly "the boys" Chell explained. all our faces went blank. "no" i shook my head but Michelle nodded her. i sighed "we have to call them and arrange plans" Michelle explained.

We all sighed and drug our feet upstairs.

Thing #1 thats wrong with the house: too many stairs.

Chasing Dreams: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now