Chapter 54 Kissing in the bathroom

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Jenna's P.O.V.

"Louis" i giggled as his lips moved from my mouth to my neck. "Louis" giggled again when he didn't stop. when he still didn't stop i changed my voice "Lewis" he instantly stopped and looked at me funny.

"i love you-" he cut me short "i love you too. now can i express it?" He asked me...kinda sassily actually! He bent over and went for my lips again but i turned my face and put my hand up to stop him from coming any closer.

"What?" he asked worried i was mad or something. i sighed "Don't get me wrong I want to but...we have guests outside waiting for us" Lou sighed in understanding. "ok" he nodded.

I put my wet, cleaned, cake-free hair up in a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom and down the hall. Luckily no one noticed we walked out together! try explaining that to your parents. even if we are grown adults....well...I'm an adult.


I sighed when Louis rolled over and kissed my neck "Louis" i said seriously but that didn't stop him from moving his lips down more and pulling at the hem of my shirt. "Louis stop" i said pushing him off before he got to far. he looked at me funny again, sighed and fell beside me, staring up at the ceiling like me.

"What's wrong, Jenna?" he asked "nothing-" he cut me off "Jenna. what's. wrong." he said a little more harsher. "Louis it's just that-" he cut me off "Jenna!" he yelled. He didn't want to hear excuses. "are you scared it not gonna work again?" he asked worried

"Louis" i hesitated. "*sigh*" for some silly reason i couldn't spit it out! "I-....I'm already pregnant" i said simply. His face went blank. he let out a breath and a smile appeared on his face. "are you serious?!" he yelled excitedly. i nodded my head with a emotionless face. "oh my god" he smiled

"why aren't you happy? your suppose to be happy." His smiled faded "what's wrong?" he asked again. i sighed "Jenna?" he pushed me to answer.

"It's just" i started "what?!" he pushed "what?!" He said again. "Alison told Aria, Aria told Harry, Harry told Niall, Niall told Michelle and Michelle told me" i blurted out in one breath "told you what?!" Louis yelled with a confused face on. i hesitated to answer "that" i stopped myself "that" i said again "th-.....that you kissed Ally" i finally blurted out. Louis face went blank again. he didn't talk

"do you love her? Do you love her more than me?" i asked "Jenna....that was along time ago" he shook his head "that was when i was gone" i said quickly after him. he hesitated to say something. his mouth would open to speak but close after nothing came out. "Louis?" i pushed him to talk.

"I-...I thought you weren't coming back...i thought you forgot about me..." he said quietly "Louis i never-" he cut me off "and as if you never kissed anyone while you were gone! River probably isn't even mine!" He yelled angrily. "Louis!" i gasped at what he said "She looks exactly like you! She has your eyes and your hair and yourEVERYTHING! Don't tell me she's not yours!" i yelled louder. "i would never do that to you" i said quietly and calmly.

After a moment of silence i laid back down, staring up at the ceiling and Louis did the same. We laid there in silence

"No matter what anyone tells you...i will always love you with all my heart...and no one can change that" he said turning his head to looked at me and i to him "understand?" He asked. i lightly nodded my head.

Then we turned our heads back to the ceiling.

"Did you go to the doctor yet?" he asked. i nodded "yah" i said realizing he wasn't looking at me. he sighed "Louis, i would have told you sooner i just...i was just scared it was lying to me again" i explained

Since Lou and I got back together we'd been trying for a baby but it kept coming up negative. Then one morning i did the test and it came up positive! i was so exited i ran out and screamed out at the top of my lungs "I'M PREGNANT! I'M PREGNANT!" But as a week went by i noticed i wasn't feeling any different...Nothing at all! I took the test again and it came up negative. i didn't believe it so i took it again. negative. and again. negative. I did this seven times hopping to see a positive not...nothing. I still didn't want ti believe it so i went to the doctor and they told me there was no baby. I was crushed! without Louis and the ceremony to plane i probably never would have stopped crying! of corse there was 18 to recored and our daily drama too but...i never really got over it. so when this one came up positive three times in a row i booked a doctors appointment as soon as i could to make sure.

it's their but, i couldn't help but ask Louis. thats all i could think about for the past two days. i knew i didn't have to ask but i felt the need to. i needed to be reassured that he loved me! Stupid right? he hasn't seen this girl in years and I'm asking if he wishes he would have choose her over me?! but i had to. i didn't want this baby to come into this worked whole Louis and I don't love each other and it live with a split family, possibly not knowing me or Louis depending who would fight for custody. all this seems so silly in my mind now but...but i just needed to hear it from him. i needed to feel it from him. and the kiss we shared after that conversation proved it. he loved me more that he loved the starts. more then he loved his dreams.

Chasing Dreams: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now