Chapter 23 Breaking

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A month later

Jenna's P.O.V.

"Ok kids get you coats on!" I instructed and they all ran to the front door. I quickly did a head count

"Where's Are the girls?" i asked noticing Jady, Lilly, River and Melody weren't there! "In Lilly and Jady's room" Owen told me. I sighed and walked into the kitchen and down stairs.

I took a right and walked down the little hallway that lead to a bathroom and to the bedroom.

The door was open a crack and i was tempted to open it but something stopped me

"They don't love us any more, Melody!" Lilly yelled "i don't believe you!" Melody yelled back "well you better because it's true!" Jady came in

My mouth dropped open

"B-but-" Lilly cut her off "mom doesn't love dad anymore!" she yelled

"My mom still love my dad...right?" River asked "no" Jady said "she's really mad at your dad" Lilly explained

My heart sunk


"It's ok...I'll be here for you...neither one of us have a sister so we'd gotta look out for each other" Jady said and i could tell she was smiling.

I just stood there in front of the closed door.

"Lets just face it! our parents don't love us anymore" Jady said

Thats it!

I pushed the door opened but stayed where I was. all there heads turned in my direction.

"Aunty Jen" Lilly said in shock

"Mel, River. go up stairs" I ordered "ok" they both said quietly and ram past me and down the hall

"Aunty Jen we were just-" i cut Jady off "I am so disappointed in you two" i said walking into the room "Aunty Jen-" i cut Lilly off "No! You've done enough talking!" i yelled

"Your parents love you very much! i love River and Owen very much! i don't appreciate you putting these ideas in their heads!" i yelled

"well you don't love uncle Louis anymore now do you!" Lilly yelled "Louis and I are mad at each other! that doesn't mean we hate each other or our kids!" i yelled "if you loved him you wouldn't be mad at him or wouldn't have left for five years now would you!" Lilly snapped back. "That was complicated and i regret those five years! i wouldn't expect you two to understand!" i yelled

"I understand mom and dad's problem! mom doesn't love dad anymore!" she yelled "your mother still loves you dad!" i yelled "no she doesn't! she wouldn't have kissed Harry if she loved dad!" Lilly yelled "IF SHE DIDN'T LOVE YOIR FATHER SHE WOULDN'T BE GOING THROUGH DEPRESSION RIGHT NOW GOD DAMN IT!" i screamed.

Lilly sat quietly. the whole time Jady sat and watched us

"Don't tell me my parents still love each other...cause they don't...their never getting back together" Jady said breaking the silence in the room "Jady-" she cut me off "don't! I used to sit and dream about the day we were all a family again...but those days are gone...they're not comin' back" a single tears fell down her small little cheek.

There was more silence

"Go upstairs...we're leaving" i told them. they nodded and walked past me. i just stood in Jady's bedroom thinking about nothing. I was just standing there.


"Where's Kendra and Michelle?" i asked when i joined the kids in the porch "they haven't come down from their rooms yet" River explained. i sighed and jogged up the upstairs.

The first person i found was Michelle in the guest bedroom. She was sitting on the window seat staring out to the street.

"Hey. we're leaving" i said walking into the room. she slowly shook her head "don't make me go" she whispered "you heard's this or all our work and talent has gone to waste" i said sitting beside her. "I-I can't" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "you have to" i whispered

"I think we're getting to old for this" she still hadn't looked at me and tears we constantly dripping out of her eyes "maybe we're not meant to reach our dreams" she now turn her head to look at me. "we have worked to damn hard to throw it all know that" i said looking into her grey, pail eyes.

"i can't feel anything" she cried. I now joined her tears. "come 'ere" i whispered pulling her into a hug "everything's gonna be'l see" i cried


Once i calmed down and told Michelle to meet me down stairs i found Kendra in her room, lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling and tears were running down the side of her face.

"Kendra" i said Walking into the room "i don't want to go" she cried "i know but we have to"

There was silence

"This is about more than just dating Harry isn't it" i said as realization hit me.

Kendra would have gotten mad, not have a break down! theres something I'm not seeing!

"Why do i always have to screw things up?" she asked still not looking at me. "but...Harry screws everything up" I said in a confused tone "no...i told him i didn't love him and thats why he kissed Aria" she cried "the thing that makes me mad is that he knows he doesn't love her...he knows he doesn't love Michelle...yet he makes them think-" tears cut her off

"Why do i have a feeling this isn't about Harry?" i asked

There was a moment of silence

"I have to tell Jady" Kendra said sitting up but still not looking at me "she has to know...i have to tell her"

Chasing Dreams: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now