Chapter 1 Five years later

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Niall's P.O.V.

we walked off stage and then rushed down a long, white, skinny hall way.

"Good show boys!" Bill (from management) said happily "you say that to us after every show" i said walking ahead of everybody.

"well! it's decided!" He said as if i never spoke. "whats decided?!" Liam asked as we entered our dressing room. "your seventeenth year anniversary tour" Bill explained "wait what?!" i yelled

Seventeen years of tours, concerts, interviews, talk shows, photo shoots, fans, tweets, bad publicity, good publicity and not seeing my family. i have to go on another fricken tour!

"But i thought you said we get a couple months off!" i yelled "i know i did and you will! after the tour" he explained. I sighed and sat down in a chair so Lou could fix my hair before we went out to sign autographs. "how long is the tour?!" i asked "it's a world tour" Bill explained. I'm getting really tired of him explaining things! "A world tour?!" i yelled jumping to my feet.

Ok so there goes another year without seeing my family because i have to spend half of it on tour!

I just sat back down, crossed my arms and thought violent thoughts.

"When do we start?!" Harry asked. Bill handed us all a piece of paper that had names of countries and cites and dates on them.

I looked down the list of dates






April 10

Lilly's brithday.

Please be in Canada. please be in Canada. please be in Canada....China...damn it!

I continued to looked down the list.

August 11... Mexico city... Mel's birthday.

Yup! another year with out seeing my family!

Michelle's P.O.V.

"AAHHH!" i screamed sitting straight up.

i looked around. It was still dark in my room but i could tell it was sunrise because a bit of light from outside was leaking through my closed blind.

I curled up in a ball at the head of my bed, eyes wide open and fear racing through my body. "It's just a dream. It's just a dream" i said rocking myself back and forth.

Every night for the past two years (since i saw Niall last) I've been having these dreams but every night they get worse, more detailed.

Niall still doesn't know about the "thing" yet! it's been seven freaking years! it was just a kiss! you think i would have forgotten about it by now! I haven't. because every night i keep having these damn dreams about what would have happened if Kendra didn't walking in on us that night. it starts out with a kiss that i can't stop and then before i know it we're know.... IT'S KILLING ME! and every time the phone rings i fear rushes through me because i always think its Niall calling to yell at me because Harry told him. Kendra knows what he was doing those two years so there no stoping him! seven years i've been keeping this from Niall. for SEVEN FRICKEN YEARS. and i hate it.

All of a sudden my alarm clock went off. i shot my head in it's direction and read 7:00. "the girls" i sighed and stood up.

i walked down the hall and into Lilly's (age 12) room "Lilly! get up!" i yelled and she moaned telling me she heard me. then i walked down the hall a little ways more to Melody's (age 5) room "Mel! time for school!" i yelled at her and i got a "mhm" in response.

Kendra's P.O.V.

our house is crazy in the morning. when you have two adults (Jenna and I) and six kids (Jady (age 12) Luke (age 11) Henry (age 9) Owen (age 10) River (age 9)) living under one roof.

Two story house with a basement, seven bed rooms, three bathrooms and a two car garage. it was a lot of money but we payed it all off!

"LUKE WAKE UP!" i yelled up the staircase.

then i crossed the room and walked through the kitchen. "JADY HURRY UP!" i yelled down the basement stairs. "I'M COMING!" Jay yelled back

"River! don't forget your lunch" Jenna reminded River and she jumped up from her seat and ran to her book bag "i got it!" she told Jenna "well then who's is this?!" Jen asked holding up the brown paper bag that was sitting on the counter "Thanks aunty Jen!" Jady said grabbing the bag from her hands and walking to the door to put it in her book bag.

"LUKE!" I yelled up the stairs once more. then Henry walked out of the bathroom on the main floor, down the little hall way under the staircase and into the porch area of the house. "Henry go change you pants" i said looking at his stained, ripped pants "but mum!" he complained "Henry!" i said sternly. he sighed and stomped up the stairs. "and wake up your brother while your up there!" i yelled after him.

"Why do i feel like I'm forgetting a kid" i sighed sitting down at the table. Jenna stopped and thought. then she walked out of the kitchen, turned the corner into the living room and i heard her opened up the patio door "Owen!" she yelled out it and then emerged from the living room and back into the kitchen. In ran Owen and Candy; our white and cream coloured Husky dog. "Caaannndddy!" i yelled as the dog walked through the kitchen, leaving muddy foot prints all over the place "Owen take her back outside!" Jenna ordered and Owen grabbed her light pink collar and lead her back outside.

"I hate mornings!" i said laying my head down on the table. "Me too" Jenna said standing up grabbing a piece of paper towel to wipe down the floors.

"But hey! we're doing pretty good for Louis or Harry not being her" Jen smiled at me and i smiled back "good point"

Chasing Dreams: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now