Chapter 40 The plan: Zayn

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Tiana's P.O.V.

"C'mom! follow me" Zayn smiled pulling away from our hug "where?" i asked "just C'mon" he laughed, jumping on the stage and leading me off the left of the stage

He lead me back stage, down a hallway and into a dressing room.

We walked inside and the whole room seemed to be glowing with a dim, yellow light and when i looked around i saw a hundred or more lightbulbs hanging from string off the celling. There were two stools placed in the centre on the room and a small table that held two wineglasses and a bottle of champaign.

"Zayn" i smiled "wh-whats this?" I asked in shock of what he did "oh just a little something" he smiled

"C'mon sit down" he said leading me to one of the stools. Then he ran back behind a black curtain and pulled out a guitar

"what are you doin'?" i asked "I'm gonna sing you a song Love" he smiled putting the strap over his head.

i got shivers when she called me "love".

He sat down on the stool beside me and did a quick ear-tuning of the guitar. then he started playing

"There's a lightin' in your eyes i can't deny. then there's me inside a sinking boat running out if time" he sang
"With out you I'd never make it out ali-i-i-ive. But i know, yes i know I'll be alright"

"There's a devil in your smile. it's chasing me. and every time i turn around it's only gaining speed. there's a moment when you finally reali-i-i-ize there's no way you can change the rolling tides. but i know, yes I know that I'll be fine."

I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. there was something about this moment that made everything that happened between us disappear. it made me love him more. with every word he sang it made me love him more

"This time I'm ready to run! Escape from the city and follow the sun. 'Cause i wanna be yours! 'cause you wanna be mine! i don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night!"

"This times I'm ready to run! where ever you you are is the place i belong! 'cause i wanna be free! And i wanna be yours! i will never look back now I'm ready to run"

Tears formed and i couldn't hold them back as they started pouring out of my eyes. i have never loved anyone as much as i love Zayn in that moment!

"There's a future in my life i can't foresee. unless of corse i stay on coarse and keep you next to me. There will alway be the kind to critici-i-i-ize but i know yes i know we'll be alright"

As he sang the chorus again i really listened to the lyrics. i mean really listen to them! Not just watch his lips move up and down and swoon over every word. i really listened. and i understood! He was gonna try! he was going to try his hardest so he doesn't lose me again!

"This time i ready to ru-u-u-u-u-un. I'll give all i got for lo-o-o-ve"

I was know full out baling my eyes out. i couldn't help it!

When he finished the song i was stil froze.

"Tiana," he said looking in my eyes "i swear i will never do anything to hurt you again. because....i love you...i love you with all my heart and i will never let you walk away again because....because without you....there is no me..."

I wiped my tears but more just poured out.

"Well?" he asked worried after a few moments of silence.

i looked down and wiped my tears again. i looked back up at him and smiled "i love you" i whispered. a big smile flashed on his face "you do?" he smiled "i love you" i said a bit louder "I LOVE YOU!" i screamed throwing my hand in the air.

Them somehow we pulled each other into a hug. "and I'm never leaving you" i whispered.

We pulled apart and i found myself staring into his soft brown eye.

"I love you" i whispered again "i love you too" he whispered back as we started leaning into each other.

When our lips met my stomach jumped, my heart dropped, my fingertips went numb and shivers ran up and down my spine.

i slightly opens my eyes as when Zayn pushed me back a bit and place his hand on my cheek, deepening the kiss. there were fireworks going off all around us and our whole world seemed to be spinning.

Not breaking the kiss i sorta launched my self at him, jumping off my chair and landing on his lap. i wrapped my legs around his waist and brushed my fingers through his hair, while my other hand made it's way to the back of his neck.

When we finally broke apart i look in his eye "i love you" he whisper.

i laughed a bit at how much we were saying that but i think we were making up for lost time.

"I love you too" i whispered back and then i pushed my lips against his again.

Chasing Dreams: part of the Chasing Forever series: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now