Chapter 3

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Matt's POV

It was currently 3 am in the morning and I'm still pacing back and forth thinking what i did to her.

I decided to stop chickening around and got my car keys. I went to my car door and drove out of the alley. I drove to a nearby flower shop. I bought a bouquet of flowers and wrote a note saying that i was sorry.

This might seem cheesy but it's the only thing i got. I then drove to the hospital. I went to the elevator and pressed floor number 5. I was nervous. I was an idiot. If I were her, i would just beat the shit out of me.

The elevator stopped at the fifth floor. My heart was beating fast. I went to her room and opened the door.

There she is. Sleeping soundly. I cracked a small smile as I went in. I saw Hayes sleeping at the couch. He was taking care of her I see. I walked to her bed slowly, afraid of waking her up. I placed the flowers on her table.

I held her cold hand on mine. Tears stinging my eyes. Cuts and bruises on her wrists, face and chest. I bit my lip, trying not to burst out crying.

She shifted a little. I smiled. "What did you do Espinosa?" I whispered to myself. "Matt?" Hayes whispered with his raspy voice while rubbing his eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" He continued.

"Not now Grier" I said. "Matt don't touch her" He said and pushed my hand out of hers. "What the fuck is your problem?" I shot up from my seat. "You are my problem" He stated. "Don't make me smack your 14 year old ass". He was getting on my nerves.

"Go ahead, at least it's not May" He said. Wow Hayes, smooth. I clenched my fists but then I tried to cool down.

"Matt don't" said a soft voice. I turned around and May was looking straight at me. Hayes's eyes widen. "Don't hurt him" she said. I wanted to engulf her into a hug but I didn't. "Stop hurting people you jackass" she whispered. Tears threatening to stream down my face.

"That's enough of hurting" she continued. "Have you have any idea how it hurts so much? Yeah okay you do it for fame at school but haven't you actually felt a little guilt after you beat someone? or are you just a cold hearted asshole?" she said.

"Yeah i did it for fame" I said.

Matthew what the fuck?

"See? You are a cold hearted asshole" She said. "What do you think when I came here, held your cold ass hand and almost bursted out crying?" I said. I felt a single tear slip out of of my eye.

She looked at me with pity. Wow, someone is actually pitiful for me. "You held me hand? Now I have to wash it extra clean" she said. I don't know if this is sarcasm or what.

I went up to her. "Listen here you little fuck, I came here to apologize but you being a little bitch, i changed my mind" I pointed at her. She seemed scared but she's trying to hide it.

Hayes pulled me away from her and I got out of his grip. I walked away from her room and went home, feeling bad.

May's POV

"You okay?" Hayes asked. I nodded. Matthew Espinosa held my hand and almost bursted out crying? That suprised me alot. I was being sarcastic with him.

But whatever, if he did apologize, he will just keep doing it until the day i die. That was when I saw the bouquet of flowers on the table. "Hayes what's that?" I asked him. "What does it look like?" He raised an eyebrow. I punched him lightly on the arm.

He picked them up and handed it to me. Daisies and tulips, good choice. I wonder...

"Is this Matt's?" I looked around the bouquet and saw a note.

I'm sorry for being an asshole. I really am. Hope we can start fresh. If you don't want too I understand but I really hope we can. -Matt:)

"I think you know who it's from" Hayes said. I smiled. That's so sweet of him.

Should I forgive you or not, Matthew Espinosa?

Chapter 4 is under reediting(: Hope you like this long chapter tho.

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