Chapter 15

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May's POV
After my parents went home, Matt decided to go home. After he went home , i took a shower and blow dried my hair an straighten it. I didnt bother to use any makeup so i didnt. I decided to call Hayes and Alex since i havent talked to them lately. I group called them and then Hayes told me that Alex and Hayes are dating.

M-so anything going on?
A-hayes did you tell her.
H-not yet.
M-tell me what?
A-and me
M-wait. You're tellinh me that you guys are dating?
H-who calm down May
A-calm down dude*laughes* thanks anyways.
H-how bout u?
M-u didnt no?
A-its matt isnt it?
H-congrats May omg?!?!?!?!!!!???!??????!!!!!
M-haha calm down
M- ok bruh. Gtg. Call u back later.huggs!
H-byee! Huugs
A-byeeo! Huuggs
Then I hanged up. Matt should be at home now. So i decided to text him.
{M-Matt, Ma-May}
Ma-Hey Matty;)
M-Who is this?
Ma- um May...
M-Are you Matthew Espinosa's sister?
Ma- um i'm his gf.
M-Oh will you come to the hospital?
Ma- w-what? W-why? What happened?
M-Matthew Espinosa got into a car accident and he is now in the hospital.

I didn't reply the message. I was shocked. Tears stinging my eyes. Matthew. I took my jacket and i ran out of the house. I ran. My tears rolling down my cheecks."Matthew no please" i mumbled while i was running. About 10 minutes of running ,I arrived at the hospital. I ran to the desk and asked the nurse. "Um , M-Matthew Espinosa" i asked crying. "Room 316" she said. I ran to the elevator to level 2 and waited. I was crying. I put both of my hands on my face and sobbed. All I was thinking was Matt. The elevator stopped at level 2. I rushed to find room 316. I opened the door and saw Matt. My sunshine. Lying on a hospital bed, with cuts all over his body. Tubes stuck up on his wrists. And a bandage around his head. I couldn't help but just cry. Tears rolling down my cheeck. I walk towards him slowly. Looking at him. His eyes are closed shut. I looked at him and held his hand. His cold freezing hand. I kissed his forehead and looked at him. "Matthew, p-please don't leave me" i sobbed. Then i placed my face on his bed and cried while holding his cold freezing hand.


Matt's POV
I woke up on a hospital bed. My whole body hurt. I felt really dizzy. Then I noticed someone holding my hand. I looked at the bed and I saw May. May was there , sleeping while holding my freezing hand. The bed covers were wet.

Was she crying?

I then saw her waking up and she looked at me. Our eyes met. I saw her beautiful dark brown eyes filling up with tears. Then a tear rolled down her cheeck. She was speechless. "Hey, don't cry" i said placing my thumb on her cheeck to wipe off her tears. She hugged me and I hugged back. She cried on my shoulder and i rubbed her back. "Hey it's okay. I'm gonna be fine" i reassured her. She just kept sobbing. Then Cam and Nash went in the room. "Matt omg! Are you okay?!" Nash screamed. "Yeah I'm good" i said. May then let me go and looked at Cam and Nash. I'm sure that she smiled at them because they smiled. She then looked at me. Her eyes were red and puffy. She told me that she's going to the bathroom to wash her face. I was fine with that. She went to the bathroom while Cam and Nash was there in the room. "Bruh you ok?" Cam asked. "Dizzy brah" i told him. "What happened?" Nash asked. "Idk. I think I was in a car accident" i told them. They noddedd and they went outside my room to tell my friends the news.

May's POV
I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I suddenly felt it was my fault. I just shook it off. How can this be my fault?
You did this. This is your fault. Die. He doesn't need you. You're just gonna hurt him. You're trouble. You're trouble. Go die. Die.

I kept repeating that in my head. I was confused. I panicked. What happens if we are still together? He would get hurt all over again. "AHHHHHH!!!" I screamed in the bathroom. Then I sat down with my back on the wall, my hands on my head and taking a hole lot of my hair and just swaying back and forth. I had a panic attack.

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