Chapter 12💫

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"No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth"

I woke up feeling refreshed this morning. The sun was shining bright through my curtains. I could feel the heat hitting my face and that made me happy. Today was getting off to a good start.

During my shower, I made sure to take my time doing my face routine. I lotioned my body, got dressed and threw my hair into a messy bun before going downstairs.

Music was coming from the kitchen and I could see my mother and Tina dancing. I smiled at the sight. This reminded me of when I used to see her dancing around the kitchen with my father.

Walking into the living room,  everybody was sitting down watching whatever was in the tv. That right there threw me off. I never told any of them that they could come over, especially King and his girl.

"What is y'all doing here?"

"I officially wanted to meet everyone and decided on cooking." My mom said.

I turned around and looked at her. Any amount of happiness I felt went right out of my body.

"Ma, you could've asked me if I was okay with that. No offense but I don't want the company and I damn sure don't want you in my shit. The lil house warming was cool, I guess, but you gotta go." I said turning and speaking to Devianna.

"I think it would be good for them to stay. The food is almost done." My mom said.

She was starting to piss me off. And just when I thought my day was going good.

"You're not serious."

"What's the issue?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could feel everybody's eyes on me. Waiting to see what I was going to do next.

Opening my eyes, I looked at my mother for a brief second and turned towards my stairs before stopping .

This is my house. Who's authority goes over mine?

"You could leave right along with them." I said to her before walking away.

I wanted to go to Myrtle Beach today. The plan to just lay around was screwed up and I wanted nothing more to just be in Naharie's presence. Picking up my phone, I dialed his number.

"Yes?" He answered on the fourth ring.

"Are you busy?" I asked him.

"Yeah. What you want?" He asked before grunting.

I rolled my eyes and hung up on him. This boy was bugging too. I woke up feeling like this was going to be a good day and it hasn't been so far. The fuck.


I watched the people swimming in the water, kids running around, messing up each other's sand castles. One little girl kept trying to build one but kept getting frustrated 'cause it wasn't coming out right. I chuckled quietly to myself.

The sun beating on my skin felt so good. I could relax and let all of the tension go. I was starting to feel better. Looking up at the sky and I watched the little clouds that were present go by.

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