Chapter 45🤱🏿

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"I thank the universe for taking away everything it has taken and giving it to me everything it is giving."


-Rupi Kaur

2 Months Later:

My breathing quickened as I tried to slow it down.

"Akashaa slow down your breathing." King said to me.

I eyed him and rubbed my arm. What did he think I was trying to do? I was 8 months and 3 weeks now and my baby was on her way. These cats just had to get me started.

Jah walked into the room with my baby bag. He opened his mouth to say something but it looked like he changed his mind. He smirked and rubbed my belly.

"Boy get your hands off me." I said through clenched teeth.

I was in pain and didn't want to be touched at all.

"Girl is that anyway to talk to your man?" He asked me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Jah man you better stop before she hit you too." King said while laughing.

"Yeah yeah." He said.


The doctor walked into the room with a couple of nurses and smiled at all of us.

"How are you feeling Akashaa?" One of the nurses asked me.

"I feel like I have to push." I said.

The doctor came over to check and smiled at me. "You are 10 centimeters dilated. It's time." He said.

"Uh uh she need a new doctor." Jah and King said in union.

I sucked my teeth and shook my head. The doctor laughed.

"So which ​one of you clowns are going to be in here with her?" He asked.

"King man you got this. Sha baby I love you." Jah said before quickly walking out the door.

King watched Jah walk out the room and scrunched up his face. He walked out the room to get suited up and I focused on me breathing. I know it hurt Jah that he couldn't be in the room to watch me deliver the baby but I wanted it to be King.

We had made this pact years ago that when I gave birth, he had to be the one in the room with me. It's weird and confusing I know but this was one thing I couldn't break.

"Where is the dad?" A nurse asked.

"In the waiting room." I said.

"You do know that you can have two people in here right? I think this is something that he needs to be apart of don't you think?" She asked.

I looked at her and turned to look at the door. I counted slowly to 20 before King walked back into the room and stood by my side. He held his hand out for me to grab. I slowly extended my hand and grabbed his. Truth be told I was scared. I don't want nothing to happen to my baby.

"I got you." King said.

It's like he was reading my mind and he's been saying that since I told him I was pregnant.

"I got you and Kali." He squeezed my hand lightly and I smiled.

The door swung open and in walked Jah suited up. He walked over to the other side of me and held his hand out for me to hold. I grabbed it slowly and he squeezed my hand. My decision was dumb and he knew that.

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