Chapter 47🌚

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"Don't trust everything you see. Even salt looks like sugar."


It was 9 o'clock when I woke up. I turned over to look at Kali in her crib and she
was looking at me. I got to take her home yesterday. I smiled and slowly got out of
bed. I threw my hair into a sloppy bun and picked her up from her crib.

"Good morning mommys baby." I said before kissing her forehead.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen to fix her bottle when I heard my doorbell ring. I sucked my teeth and made my way towards the front door.

When I opened the door I thought God was playing tricks with my eyes. There stood the man that I thought was dead. The man that taught me right from wrong. My keeper. My father. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Mom!" I yelled. A few seconds later she came running.

"Lil girl you better have a valid reason for..." She stopped her sentence short and looked at him and squinted her eyes.

"Okay." She said before turning around and walking towards her room.

When she returned back she just blinked. Nobody said anything we just stared. Kali broke the silence by crying. I cursed at myself under my breath because I forgot to feed her. After warming up her bottle, I sat down on the couch and fed her. He walked into the house and closed the door and sat down next to me.

"What's her name?" He asked.

"Kalyani Zenn." I said while keeping my eyes fixed on her.

There was a short period of silence before he spoke.

"He set me up Akashaa. I had to fake it because if I didn't they would come for you and your mother. They would hurt y'all and I didn't want that. I did what was best for y'all. It was always my job to protect you and ya moms. I wanted you to find the money. Which I'm guessing you did." He said before looking around the house.

"Where was it?" He asked. I looked at him and squinted my eyes.

"What you mean?" I asked him.

"The money. Where was it?" He asked again.

"There is no need to tell you if you already know where you hid your money." I said faking a laugh.

He laughed along with me and nodded his head. Something was off. Really off. My mom didn't say anything but sit on the couch and stare.

"Nanie do you forgive me?" He asked looking at her.

She stared at him and her brows furrowed together. She smirked and nodded her head.

"Yes I do." She said before getting up and walking out the room. He sighed.

"Who is her father?" He asked looking at her.

"Naharie but he's dead now." I said.

It sounded like he gasped but I couldn't be sure. His face held an expression that I couldn't even read. I could always tell what my dad was thinking. Who the fuck was this in my home?

"You?" He asked.

I just nodded my head. "King calls her 'Raani'." I said.

"King?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Devonte." I said. How could you forget the boy I grew up with?

"Oh yeah yeah. I haven't seen him in forever." He said.

Like I said before something's off. How did I not see this from when first opened the door?

"Yeah. They're gonna be really close. I can feel it. You're gonna have to meet his friends. Well they're more like his brothers. They love Raani and they'll kill for her." I said.

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