where it begin

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     A group of eight young boys were walking down the street. It was a calm afternoon. They passed the entire day together. They were really use to it. For the past few years, they had always spent the holidays together.

It was currently 6pm. The days were warm, but Hongjoong San and Mingi needed to go home. They waved to their friends and took the path to their homes.
The five other friends decided to have fun a little more. They started shouting and running everywhere with a huge smile on their faces, making the passers-by smile in their turn. They were so happy at that time. They were playing hide and seek. Seonghwa was the seeker and started to count...
1, 2, 3, 4...

The four friends ran again. The boys were running to the square, trying to find a spot to hide, but Yeosang had a better idea. He went up one of the small alleys, he didn't knew this path. He then came across a small child playground who had obviously not served for a long time. He took that as a chance, walk over the slide and hide behind it. He was so proud of his hiding place.

58, 59, 60 ! Ready or not i'm coming !

Seonghwa moved away from the wall he was counting on. He decided to go to the square, because he knew that the boys probably went this way.
He was right.
Within ten minutes he already had found all of them... except Yeosang. The three boys decided to give a little hint to Seonghwa. They told him where they saw him running. They all took that way and soon arrived to the little child playground. The four of them were searching, when...

- BAAAAH !!!

- AHHH! Oh my god, you scared us to death Yeosang!, shouted Yunho.

- Ahah I'm so sorry guys but that was hilarious!, he then recover his breath, hey my hiding spot was the best!

- Yeah you're right it was cool, reply Jongho.

- i found all of you so that means I won !

- You won what kid ?

Seonghwa quickly turn around and saw a bunch of men. They were eight or nine, he was too scared to focus. His mom always taught him not to speak with strangers. His friends were as scared as him. It wasn't normal... this place was isolated and the men's behaviours were really weird for the situation. But he was the oldest so he took a deep breath and answered.

- We played hide and seek, and he won.

- Oh, I see... you know what I used to play hide and seek when I was a child. Do you want me to show you a good hiding spot?

His voice was so weird. Seonghwa was maybe young but he knew that this man didn't had good intentions.

- No thank you but we need to go, our parents are waiting for us.

- Oh but that wasn't a question...

The five boys didn't had the time to react, the men jumped on them, holding them tightly and covering their mouth so that no one could hear them. The man Seonghwa was talking to before pulled out five syringes of his pocket.

POV Seonghwa:

He then approached Wooyoung and stick the needle in his neck, Wooyoung stopped debating and fell asleep. He did the same to Yunho and Jongho and then came to me. I tried to scream so hard but nothing was working, the needle sank into my skin, it was painful. My eyes were slowly closing and my entire body let go. The last thing I saw were Yeosang terrified eyes.


Author's note:

Hi 👋 , it's my first story in english so please be understanding cause it's not my first language. I get inspired by a video who's called by the same name on Shinymoon channel, please give her a lot of love cause she is really talented.
Thank you

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