alive ?

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Every heads turned to Jongho. Everyone wanted to think that it was him but at the same time no one could believe it. They all exchanged a look. It nearly took five minutes before someone dared to break the silence.

-No... it can't be him..., spoke Yunho.

-It can only be him, reply Hongjoong.

-But why? I mean it's so weird, why would those people had said that? And why would they beat up San and Mingi ?, asked Yunho, completely disoriented.

-There is something that we ignore, but if it's really Seonghwa-hyung we can't stay here without doing anything.

-Yeosang is right we need to find him. Said Mingi.


The night had fallen, everyone decided to go to sleep early, tomorrow would be long and they knew it.

Wooyoung walked to his bedroom. He locked the door and prepared himself to go to sleep. He decided to change his pillowcase, he tried to reach the top of his cupboard but he wasn't tall enough.
He started to grumble to himself and went in the living room to get a chair. It was dark, the only light was the one coming from his room. He stepped forward but strangely he was very cold. He then noticed that the front door was opened. He turned the light on and closed the door thinking that one of his friends must had forgot to do it. He then got a chair and came back to his room.
He placed it beside the cupboard and climbed on it. He found his pillowcase and tried to grab it, but it was stuck. He forced and it finally gave away.
Wooyoung felt back on his bed, the pillowcase in his hand. He let out a little sight before closing his eyes. Suddenly he heard something fall in his room. He sat down and noticed a small box that seemed a bit dusty. He took it and placed it on his lap. It was an old cardboard box with nothing written on it or anything else that could've helped the young man to understand what could contain this box.

Without waiting any longer he opened it.

There were a bunch of old notebooks from his different years of school, some old toys, a lot of pictures of him, his parents and the rest of his family. He reached the bottom of the box, but when he was ready to put everything back inside he notices another picture.
It was eight little boys, smiling. He let out a small smile, remembering everything about this pictures.
It was the end of a 2009's summer day, the boys and their parents had a really great day. At the end they all wanted to take a picture. First they took a picture of the children, he remembered who took that picture, it was Jongho's father. And then they took a picture of all of them.
Wooyoung search a little more on the box and found the other picture, you could see all of the boys with their parents. After a few minutes of looking at it he put everything in the box again. He grabbed the chair and decided to put it back in its place. When he reached the table he noticed that the front door was still opened. It took him a few secondes to reach it and close it again. He was too tired to worry about that for the moment. He decided to go to bed and to talk about it with the boys the next morning to know who decided to go outside at midnight.

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