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-Sir! We're getting attacked!

The man's eyes transferred his absolute rage and insanity. He went rapidly in front of the man and pushed him hardly.

-So assure you to do your job correctly and kill them all if you don't want to regret to had stepped through that door. Said the man seriously.

The guard spoke a little "Yes sir " before turning around and shutting the door behind him. The Captain then walked toward Hongjoong, still on the ground at his mercy. He knelt down near the young man and once again grabbed his chin, obviously not being gentle. He watched the eyes of his prisoner, sinking deeply in them as he said with a deadly expression "I'm gonna change that stupid prophecy... this is where you'll lose your crew captain...". Hongjoong tried to release himself, debating against the dagger pinning him to the ground and the grip of the man still on his chin. The man slightly laughed at the view of the young captain trying to escape his fate.

-It's useless Captain, it's over... his smile was now more and more wide. Your crew is gonna die and soon you'll join them.

He then walked back to the little column, still in front of the book, starting to recite again.
Hongjoong was now badly injured, he had lost a lot of blood and his view even started to get blurred. He closed his eyes for a moment incapable to support the pain anymore. He saw a white light. A white blinding light coming in front of him. The light rushed to him in less than a second. Hongjoong opened his eyes back widely. "Where am I?" He said to himself.

People were walking around him, not paying attention at him. He was in the middle of a an old village. The people were dressed as if they were coming from another century. The houses were made of old wood and chaff. The stalls of the little shops holds fruits, vegetables, fishes, herbs, and sometimes even some metallic tools. The people were walking calmly, probably doing their purchases. At nearly all meters, a guard was standing. Some kids dressed with some old dusty clothes were running everywhere, slaloming between the adults. Hongjoong stepped toward one of them, kneeling down to be at the same height as him. When he opened his mouth to asked him where he was, one of the little boy's friend came to him, probably playing catch up. The little boy saw it and turned around, running toward Hongjoong. The young man didn't had the time to react that the little boy was already at a inch of his face. When he though that they were gonna bump into each other, he only saw the little boy passing through him as if he wasn't even there.
Hongjoong fell backwards, shocked about was just happened.
He had his answer... No one was seeing him nor hearing him. He wasn't there. He was just a witness of what was happening. He stayed like that for a few seconds before standing up, when he heard a conversation between two villagers. He couldn't hear them clearly, so he stepped toward them. The men were murmuring, as if they were scared that someone could hear them.

-... so what happened? Why do you need to get away from the city? I don't understand, whispered the tallest man. You can't just leave everything behind you... the face of the man in front of him got sadder, a small tears escaping his eye.

-That's the point, I don't have anything anymore... he simply replied.

-What? And your wife, your children? You can't abandon them.

-They're already gone my friend...

The man got confuse at his old friend's words. He mumbled a small "uh?" and his friend started speaking again.

-Those bastards... They entered our house, late in the night. They broke everything they could, hits me the hardest they could, and I passed out. When I woke up, the house was empty. Said the man sadly, they sold her as a slave and killed my kids...

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