another turn

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No one dared to speak. All looking at Hongjoong they expected him to talk.
His face was buried in his hands, rubbing it.

-This is impossible, he finally said looking up at Yunho, I'm not a captain.

-This is not what everyone seems to think, cut Jongho.

Hongjoong looked so lost at that moment. His eyes faltering across all his friends. Yunho walked toward him putting a hand on his shoulder.

-I know it sounds impossible, but after all we had seen I don't think that anything can be impossible anymore. Said Yunho.

-But what are we supposed to do if it's real, asked Wooyoung.

-I guess make our own research about the Captain Kim Hongjoong, reply Jongho.


An entire week. That was the time they had search about it.
But nothing... nothing in all the archives. Nothing concerning the Captain Kim Hongjoong. Just as he had never existed.

Again Wooyoung changed his clothes, ready to go to bed. It was really late in the night. He was a little concerned about Hongjoong and Yunho's health. During this week he wasn't even sure he had seen them go to bed. Dark circles around their eyes, they were staying up until morning comes, not sleeping and sometimes not even eating. Jongho and San had tried a lot to make them understand that this was bad for them, but they were too obsessed with this story. Finding clues about this apparently famous captain had becomes their only goal for the moment. But once again Wooyoung came out of the bathroom and passed right next to his two friends who were still on the couch, a lot of books and their computers in front of them.

-Goodnight guys, he said a little sadly.

-Goodnight Wooyoung, replied Hongjoong.

He entered his room, and just as every night now he looked at the pictures he had after all placed on his nightstand. The picture of them and their parents. He looked at it for a long moment, observing every little details that came out in his field of view. All those little details made him smile even more.

Jongho holding hands with his mother, Mingi on the shoulders of his father, himself in the arms of his parents, the tiny hand of Hongjoong on Seonghwa's shoulder, the matching outfits of San and Yunho, the matching bracelets that they all had, the ridiculous tiny key hanging from Yeosang's neck, the eye smile of pure joy from Mingi, the playful eye contact between Yunho and his father, Yeosang's mother's hand in the hair of her son, and all their smiles while looking at the camera.

He then put the picture back on his nightstand before slipping into his cozy bed. The warmth of his bed calmly cradling him, he slowly fell asleep, sweet thoughts as he keep on repeating to himself that soon or later they will all be reunited again.

Wooyoung was already asleep for a few hours now. Bundled up in his blanket the darkness around the room seemed to watch over him. He was dreaming innocently just as a child dreaming of joyful and colourful things. Everyone was asleep now, even Yunho and Hongjoong sleeping on the couch, their computers still on, emanating a slight bluish light. They were all so tired... At that moment a huge blast could had echoed in the house and no one would have flinched.
But not Wooyoung...

It was nearly 5am when he got woken up by what he thought were animals walking around the house. He heard a few footsteps and was sure that something was moving in the bushes next to the house. He stretched and yawned before getting up and walking toward his open window. The nights were starting to get hotter and he couldn't sleep without opening it. He inspected outside but saw nothing. After a few seconds he noticed that the sounds had stopped. He stayed like that for a moment, just looking outside. He then saw something on the ground. He stepped over the window, his bare feet touching the wetness of the leaf soil. It was dark but the moon light helped him. He approached the source of light that was coming from the ground and remark that it was just a little cube of glass. A little puppet inside surround by what seemed like white mist. It looked like a mock-up.

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