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It was 4am when Jongho woke up.
He was sure that he heard something. He sat down and rubbed his eyes trying to get them used to the dark. He was still sleepy but he decided to get of his bed and walked to the living room to see what happened. He switched on the light and adrenaline started growing on him.
Two man practically all dressed in black with some sorts of long coats were ransacking in the drawers. When the light switched on they turned around to look at him. They started running to the front door, escaping from the young man.

- Hey! Stop!, Jongho shouted to them

He started to run trying to catch them. But they were already gone into the darkness.

He then returned inside and found Hongjoong who had probably been woken up by the din.

-What happened?, he asked with a sleepy voice.

-Hyung something is wrong.


The clock rang 8am. Jongho and Hongjoong were still on the couch not daring to sleep. They had spend the rest of the night being on guard, afraid that the intruders would come back. Those things never happened before. This couldn't be just a robbery. They knew something was wrong. This couldn't be a coincidence. This had to be something related to Seonghwa.

When all of the boys had finally woke up they all had a sort of meeting to talk about what happened. Hongjoong and Jongho wanted the opinion of their friends.

-Are you sure about what you'd seen Jongho?, Mingi asked.

-A hundred percent sure.

-This is too much in such a short time, said San, I mean why all of those things start to happen now?

-This is linked to Seonghwa, spoke Yunho, this can't be anything else.

After a solid talk the boys decided to stated their plan from the evening before. They determined to search every little things in town that could lead them to the kidnapping trail of Seonghwa. Even if they all knew that this was going to be practically impossible. It has been ten years since their friend had disappeared, no one even remembered that boy so finding a witness or anything relate to him would be nearly hopeless, but it was all that they could do.
However Hongjoong had to ask a question that he knew was going to hurt his friends.

-What happened back then ?

All of the eyes turned to him as if he had asked the forbidden question.

-Hyung I'm not sure we should talk about that, reply Wooyoung.

-This is the key to find him, I know this is hard but you need to explain to us what happened. You never told us, just to the police. We never knew what happened, Why? Do you not trust us?, claimed Mingi.

-Of course we trust you!, practically screamed Yunho, but...

He looked around to see his three friends that were with him that day. He clearly saw that no one was ready to talk so he took his courage in hands and started to talk.

-Okay, fine, I will explain it to you.

-Hyung!, shouted Wooyoung with wide eyes.

-It's okay Wooyoung, we need to start with that if we want to find Seonghwa.

Wooyoung lowered his head knowing that his friend was right but he just didn't wanted to remembered those painful memories.
Yunho took a deep breath then started talking.

-I don't remember a lot of things actually, lots of my memories are blurred, he said looking at the rest of his friends, when I woke up I had no idea where I was, it was pitch black and it was quiet, until I heard someone crying. It was Wooyoung...

Wooyoung knew his friends were looking at him but he didn't even straighten his head as if he was ashamed.

-...I tried to approach him but when I moved the door of the room we were in opened, the light filing the room, we could finally see each other. We were all on the ground in a sort of confined room. But before we had the time to think some men entered the room. One of them caught me, he was pinning me to the ground. I looked around and saw that they were doing the same to the others. At the door frame there were another man in a all white suit wearing a weird mask on his face, we couldn't see his eyes but we were sure he was looking at us. Then...

San noticed that Yeosang started to tremble and tense. He linked their hands trying his best to comfort him.

-...he raised his hand not saying a word, and pointed at two of us.

At this moment San was sure he felt Yeosang shivers.

-... then I remember I raised my head to see Seonghwa and Yeosang been taken by force. I still hear their screams... his speech got cut off for a moment, it was hard to finally say it out loud.
Jongho, Wooyoung and I spend a long time alone in the room, wondering if the boys were alright, if they did anything to them, or if they had killed them...
I don't know for how long we stayed there, but every day was a torture. We even stared to hallucinate, seeing ourselves everywhere. Just as if there were two versions of us. Then men came back everyday, trying to make us talk. I remember they were shouting at us asking us where they were... where he was...

-Where who was? Asked Hongjoong.

-Hyung it's... it's complicated..., replied Jongho,

-Please... this could help us. Continued the oldest, the voice as soft as possible.

-You. Finally spoke Yeosang.

The silence fell in the room. Confusion could be seen in the faces of the ones who didn't knew the answer.
A nearly imperceptible "what?" came out of Hongjoong's mouth, and Yeosang raised his head to look at him.

-They were asking us where you were. He insisted on the "you".

-They wanted us to lead them to each of you... Wooyoung's voice was nearly a whisper at this point.

-That's when we understood that this wasn't a normal kidnapping. Every head turned to Jongho. Not the kinds of things our parents warned us when we were younger. They didn't took random children that were isolated... they waited for us to be isolated.

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