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The news had spread to all the islands, everyone was aware of the killing of the son of one of the most revered pirates in their world.

The breaths were cut, the prayers were heard and the weapons were taken.

Nagoya was calm for the moment.
But the other island had become a chaos as the old pirates who had heard the call of the Aurora raised.

Everything had started again, just like twenty years ago.
Pirates against soldiers.
Freemen against corrupted peoples.


A crowd far too silent stood around the wooden structure, only the sound of the fine rain was heard. The sound of drums echoed in the great expanse so empty. The demarcation of the old and the new city was far too hard to watch for many of the spectators present.

The nobles were placed in front of the esplanade, having a better view of something that many did not wished to see. Further on, an armed guards barricade kept the access closed for the common people, despite their desperate attempts and their cries of rage and dismay, nothing could have changed things and very quickly calm was restored by the following threats from the men armed in front of them.

The torned clothes, the deep and clearly visible wounds, the emaciated face, the messy hair and the seemingly fresh blood flowing from his cuts, the young man which everyone had their eyes on was dragged through the mud. Swung at the foot of the esplanade like a vulgar object that no one would want. His head hit the step full force, letting escape a slight moan of pain to the young man. Laughter were heard among the nobles and especially in the balcony. The young man looked up at these coward people without any dignity, hiding high above all these people, rejoicing in the boy's pain and in the ones who would mourn his departure.

One of the people on the balcony reveled even more than the others in this painting that took shape in front of him.
A huge red cape covering his clothes embroidered with gold, this large scepter he proudly held in his hands and this imposing crown simply placed on his head, the man smiled. With a satisfied smile full of mockery, he turned his head slightly towards his wife, also dressed in an equally ridiculous outfit. Their happy subject by their side and the people of the court hiding their desire to laugh behind their hands covered with gloves of silk, linen or other equally expensive materials.

The flower hats of these ladies and the exantric accoutrements of those gentlemen, hidden by their distinguished and beautiful color, the eagerness and rapacity of those who wore them.

Some tears were spread among the lower classes, there was nothing more to do...

The guards grabbed the young man once again, forcing him up the few wooden cracked stairs and yanked him in the middle of this old gallows. Facing a perfectly tided rope he lowered his head as the hangman walked toward him. He took the rope, put the young man's head in between the hole and tighten.
That's at this exact moment that the cries amplified, followed by screams and wrangle coming from the people.

His feet perfectly placed on the trap, his hands tied behind his back, and this collar conforming to the shape of his neck, the young man caught the eyes of the king a last time and in a burst of courage shouted.



Author's note:

This chapter is shorter than the others,
I'm sorry but I have a good reason for that that you will understand later 😄
Anyway thank you for reading it and I hope you liked it.
Stay safe and healthy guys
Have a great week :)

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