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Sounds... Too many sounds. They're back.
I don't even know why they left. For what I think is a long time, they started going outside a lot. What are they doing? What are they searching?
Am I finally gonna die?
Alone in the dark, like always, I can't even move, can't even speak, can't even cry.
The sounds... it's getting closer.
Still the same rattling of their old boots. Still the same loud wooden sound when they open that door. Still the same footsteps echoing in the corridor. But this time there's something more...
The footsteps are heavier, not the same as usual, not as robotic as usual. It sound like they are dragging something with them.
A voice...
A scream...
And finally cries...
Who is he? Why did they bring someone else? Does he have something to do with "this"?
In the distance I heard him. Again.

-LET ME GO! Get away from me! ...Please...

That voice...
I know that voice. I already heard it... I think...
They still seems to drag him somewhere, but I can't tell.

Then a gunshot. And a scream. Then nothing.


Ten in the morning. That was the time Yunho woke up. Nearly everyone was awake, just Jongho and Wooyoung were still sleeping. He took the initiative to go wake them up. He entered Jongho's room and walked to the bed. He softly shook him, trying to wake him up, and a little sleepy head exited from under the blanket. Yunho let out a tiny laugh at this view. He then walked toward Wooyoung's room. He turned the handle and stepped inside, finding a little ball under the blanket. Just as he'd done for Jongho's he slowly shook him. But Wooyoung wasn't moving. He started to shake harder, but nothing. He took the blanket in his hand and remove it just to find a bunch of pillows.
Wooyoung wasn't there.
Yunho came quickly in the living room, finding all of his friends even Jongho who had join them.

-Where is Wooyoung? He asked panicked.

-I don't know, you did not go waking him? Replied Mingi.

-He's not in his room, he's gone!

Everyone started to worry. They were all looking at each other, praying that one of them will say that he had heard him said he was going outside or something like that. But no one had seen Wooyoung this morning. And Hongjoong and Yunho were clear, Wooyoung did not opened the door of his room.

-There must be something... like he maybe just got out a little without telling us... said Jongho trying his best to reassure the boys and himself the first.

-Yeah and without his phone, shoes, or coat... cut San.

-We will search for him, okay guys? Don't throw conclusions too hasty, tried to calm Hongjoong.

They all separated, Yunho and San went in the village, Mingi Hongjoong and Jongho went at the edge trying to find people who might had saw him, but Yeosang had to stay home. After what happened last time the boys didn't wanted to let him leave the house, even if Yeosang was more afraid to stay alone.

They had leave for nearly thirty minutes, Yeosang kept on searching in the house, trying to see if anything was gone with his friend  or if anything had be forced. But nothing. Nothing was missing, and nothing that shows that someone could had entered the house. Yeosang was desperate. He keep on asking himself the same questions. Where is he? Is he okay? Did he left by himself? Was he tired of everything? Did someone or something had forced him to?

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