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The sound of the waves relaxed the young boy. He was laying on the sand. On the same exact spot he had woke up a few days ago.

Eyes shut, he kept on listening to the beautiful sounds of the shore. The view was idyllic. The atmosphere was calm and soothing. The waves crashed against the hot sand, the seagulls flew in front of the sun, the fresh breeze softly messed his hair...

Yunho felt good.

His worries buried in his heart for a moment. Just a little moment, but he needed it. He needed those few minutes alone, just him and the nature. He needed to not think about anything, to not keep the names of his friends on repeat in his head, to not remember the night where everything happened. That beach was his safe spot, far away from his thoughts, endlessly trying to reach him.

Yes Yunho was scared, stressed, sad, lost, burnt out, but he knew it... what he had met that night, gave him something special, something priceless...

It had gave him its life.

Yunho did not wanted to screw it up. That thing had put its trust on him, and he will be eternally grateful to it.

He knew it. The sea had told him.
His friends were still alive. That simple thought made him unconsciously smile. Without even wanting it, the young boy slipped out of his relaxing state and began to think about everything he had buried in his mind once again. He was thinking about them all, and he understood what he really wanted.
A peaceful and chill night between them eight, sitting next to a wood fire, facing the horizon, perfectly knowing that soon or later that calm night would transform into a total chaos.

He missed them all.
He missed Mingi's ideas, starting every stupid things they could have done together. He missed Wooyoung's contagious laugh echoing in his ears. He missed San's energy, joining Mingi every time he had the occasion. He missed Jongho being the perfect calm lil bro before he gave up and become as crazy as them. He missed Yeosang quietly laughing at them all and making fun of Hongjoong's desperation. He missed Seonghwa's mom gaze, laughing but still judging them. And he missed Hongjoong's useless attempts to calm them down before giving up too and joining these idiots.

Those were not just... friends. They were way more than that.
They were his reason to wake up in the morning. They were his reason to fight. They were the one he had grew up with, laughed with, fought with. And they were the one he could gave his life to.

They were his entire family.

-Hey kid!

Yunho straightened up, turning half around to see who's voice was that. His whole face lighted up when his eyes landed on the person in front of him.

It was a tall and strong man in his forties. He was one of those grumpy men that you can't help but love. He had a good side hiding behind his personality. Playing the tough one while in reality he was the one who had been the most concerned about the young boy's health when him and his friends found him laying on the sand a few days ago.

Yunho had laughed a lot with him for the past few days. This man had succeed to put a smile on the boy's face while he was persuaded that it would be impossible.

The man approach Yunho, put an hand on his shoulder and with a tiny yet sincere smile he opened his mouth.

-Kid, our ship is ready to leave. We offer you a place onboard for the next island we're heading to.

Yunho's eyes widened as his smile grew wider and wider. He just wanted to hug the man tightly but he clearly knew the only thing he would receive would be a memorable slap. So he contained himself, just hopping in place like a child. That view made the man smile, even if right after he had noticed it he quickly hid it behind a more serious face.

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