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Mingi had finally returned home, happy to talk about what he had found by talking with the old fisherman, but his happiness quickly disappeared when he learned about what had just happened.
They were all in the living room, again. Yeosang had finally succeeded to calm himself down and everyone was ready to listen to Mingi. He started to talk, explaining everything that had happened when he was with Eden. Everybody were hung on his lips, at that moment they all wanted to met him. Mingi got up and took the notebook and the compass out of his bag.

-The address is here.

-But why do you have a compass Mingi?, asked San.

-Eden gave it to me. He said that one of you had it with him when he found you. Replied Mingi.


The day passed, everyone was doing their own researches in the town but Hongjoong had forbidden Yeosang to go outside. He wanted him to rest and all of his friends too, so he didn't really had the choice. Hongjoong was at home too, doing his own researches.
Yeosang was in his bed. He had sleep a little but now he just wanted to help his Hyung, he didn't wanted to be useless. He got up, walked to the living room and sat next to Hongjoong.

-What are you doing? You should get some rest. Said Hongjoong obviously worried for his friend.

-I'm okay Hyung, I swear. Reacted Yeosang softly.

He decided to join him and helped him with his researches.
It was already more than an hour that they were doing that. Yeosang was exhausted by everything that had happened. He tilted his head back and let it rest on the armrest of the couch, but something caught his eyes. He got up and took the object in his hand, it seemed like a normal compass but something in it looked expensive, just as it was made of gold. He then came back next to Hongjoong. He handed it to him and the oldest inspected it for quite a long time, turning it in every way possible.

-Look, right there, he said. There is something carved on the side of the compass.

-« Captain K.H », read Yeosang. A captain, he repeated to himself.

Why would one of them being found with the compass of a captain. This doesn't make any sense.

-Wait look there!, told Hongjoong showing the dial.

-What I'm not seeing anything.

-The needle, he said pointing at it, the one that show the north. Something's wrong with it. She's different.

He inspected again. And he noticed it. At the upper side of the compass, where was the needle that show the north, was a small keyhole. The hole was so tiny that the key must have been ridiculously small.

-Shit we need a key, cursed Hongjoong.

-Hyung we might need to go talk to the fisherman too, said Yeosang, I think we have much more questions right now.

Hongjoong agreed, forgetting already that he wanted Yeosang to stay inside. They took the compass with them and started to go in the direction Mingi had told them about.

San and Wooyoung were currently on the road, trying to reach the address of the much talked about playground. They had split from the boys who continued to search for more information in the village. They were already walking for more than thirty minutes when they reach the old place were they were playing as children. They took a small path that goes up between the old residences. Wooyoung started to feel oppressed as he obviously recognised everything. Those memories were so distant but Wooyoung remember it as if it was yesterday. Everything came back in his mind, screaming at him to run away.
They finally reached an old rusty playground and Wooyoung's heart stopped.
It was too hard. A tear rolled down his cheek as he stepped near the slide. He could almost see Yeosang hidden behind and scaring Yunho.
San took his hand trying his best to comfort him.

-We need to search and then we come back home, okay?

Wooyoung nod, smiling briefly at San. They started to search for anything, but their hope keep on dropping at every minute that passed by with still nothing. Wooyoung was in his thoughts when he raised his head to San.
His eyes widen in fear and he jump on him, pushing him to the floor.

-San watch out!

Both of them landed on the sand of the playground. Wooyoung pulled San up and instinctively San placed himself in front of him.
Someone was in front of them. An all dressed in black man. His face was covered but San was sure he saw him smile.

-Who are you?!, yielded San.

The man chuckles stepping forward to them. He turned his face to Wooyoung, walking to him. Wooyoung head hurt like hell. He felt dizzy and was forced to lean on San. San turned his face to look at him, worried. Wooyoung mouth opened trying his best to say something, but no sound were coming out of his mouth. His legs let go and he fell, caught up at the last moment by San.

-Wooyoung, Wooyoung?!

San tried to wake him up but it didn't work. The man took another step closer to the boys.
San got up placing himself between the man and Wooyoung.

-Don't you dare come any closer!, San was scared but protecting his friend was more important at the moment.

The man started to walk away visibly satisfied of what he had done. But San stopped him catching him by the collar. The man struggle and succeeded to escape San's grip throwing him to the ground. When San raised his head the man had already disappeared, but something was on the floor. A sort of parchment, it must have fell from the man's pocket when San caught him. He quickly grabbed it and took Wooyoung on his back making his way back home to be as far as possible from this unknown man.

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