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Hongjoong's eyes were burning with rage. Clenched fists, his knuckles were white and fresh blood started to drip from the palm of his hand.
Mary noticed it and ask herself if telling him the truth was a good idea. The rage creeping inside of him...wouldn't it consume him?

...No, his father had the same. This was just making him stronger.

-You can't imagine how relieved we were all when we knew that you all succeeded to escape, her voice was just like a soft murmur. I'm begging you Captain, find your crewmates and come back. We need you all. Tears started to escape her eyes. Please bring back the yore Nagoya and all of our wor-


Mary's eyes widened. She placed herself in front of Hongjoong while he was lost. Sounds were coming from the other side of the waterfall. They could hear the rattling of boots running outside. They're here...

-Sir there's footsteps over here!

Hongjoong finally seemed to understand. They were trapped. They needed to escape now, but the only way to get out was the waterfall where the men's were. But suddenly Mary grabbed his wrist and started to run backwards. She broke through the darkness of the rocks and reached the end of the tunnel. In the distance Hongjoong could still here the voices.


When he thought that they were gonna get caught Mary pressed one of the rock of the wall and in a huge clatter something seemed to opened in front of them. That's at this moment that Hongjoong thanks the waterfall for making so much noise. Mary lightly lifted her dress and got out a splendid golden saber. She threw it in Hongjoong's hand and pushed him in the secret passage. She gave him the lantern and she cupped his cheeks for the last time, a tear rolling down hers.

-This is the saber of your father, use it properly. Now save yourself, she said while looking at Hongjoong's eyes.

-No no come with m~

-No Hongjoong I need to stay, this is my destiny, this is my place in the prophecy. Now go.

-I can't let you behind!

-You're as brave as your father, she said a tiny smile on her face. But you need to trust me. Don't worry for me, I will soon rejoin my dear husband. Her smile was even bigger now.

Before Hongjoong could even reply she pushed again the same rock and the rock door started to close.


-Remember Hongjoong, you're our last hope...

Before the door could completely close Hongjoong saw a bunch of lights coming from the other side of the tunnel.

-They're here!

That was the last voice he heard. But when the door was at less than a inch to close he heard something that will stay in his mind.
A musket shot.
The door completely closed, leaving no sound getting trough her. Hongjoong was shocked and for a moment he stayed like that, facing the rock in front of him. Then he came back to mind and remembered that his own life was in danger too. He turned around and saw nothing except the darkness. He grab the lantern and raised it as he walked down the only path.

He was walking for more than ten minutes now when he saw a white light coming from what he thought was the end of the tunnel. He started to walk faster, reaching that light was his only goal now. He needed to escape. While he was walking everything that happened came in his mind again. A single tear escape his eyes.
That was his only question. Why him? Why all of this happened? Why was he part of that "prophecy"?
As he walked his tears flowed more and more. His cheeks were now fully soaked. He couldn't explain it but he was angry.
Angry at the men who killed his parents. Angry at the men who made his life a mess. Angry at the men who took his friends from him. Angry at the men who made him grew up in constant fear. He wanted revenge. He wanted to make those men pay for what they had done, for all the suffering they caused, for all the lives they took without even flinching, for the chaos they'd created just for the power.
If the peoples of his world couldn't change the turn of things, if they couldn't protect their loved ones, if they couldn't fight against the Royalty then he would have to do it. He would revenge all of the widows who raised their child alone, all of the orphan who grew up without anything, all of the people who were forced to look at the executions of their loved one, all of those husbands who saw their wives been taken away from them, all of the hanged rebels who fought for their rights. He will revenge them all. He will be the one who's gonna bring back the peace and free his world.
Cause his name was the one who came first in the prophecy.


It was so dark, so cold.
Wooyoung opened his eyes slowly. He was hurt. He wanted to scream from the pain. He got shot in the leg. That was how they had stopped him from debating.
He was chained up to the ceiling, kneeling down. The weight of the chains slowly breaking his back.
He had spend what he thought was the night thinking. He couldn't sleep due to the pain. Voices in his head kept screaming at him to escape. Every sounds made him flinched,
he knew they were gonna come back.

The rattling of the boots coming closer, again. He closed his eyes, then the door opened. He heard footsteps all around him. There was just one person but they were turning around him. Then the footsteps stopped in front of him, and a laughter.


Wooyoung shivered. This voice was cold. He tried his best to remain calm but just like in the forest the person grabbed his chin strongly and forced it up. Wooyoung's eyes widened and he met the face of the man in front of him.
That man... He was the one who attacked Yeosang that day.
Still the same sadistic smile, still the same distorted look in his eyes. Wooyoung looked at him with killers eyes. The man slightly laughed and sank his nails in Wooyoung's cheeks, making him frown.

-You know, I maybe would've been scared if you weren't chained up, he smiled again, you look so pathetic...

Wooyoung shook his head escaping from the grip of the man. The man looked at him before throwing his fist in the prisoner's face. A few drip of blood crashed to the ground. Wooyoung coughed while the man turned his back to him shaking his fist. He then looked at Wooyoung with the same smile.

-May I present myself, he put his hand close to his heart before bowing a little, I'm the Captain Adara, Captain of the biggest fleet of the Royal Navy and first henchman of His Majesty the King. And you are?

Wooyoung kept on looking at him with the same expression, not wanting to answer at all.
The man sighed a little before turning around him again.

-I know, that was a silly question... I already know you... he passed his hand though the captive's hair, Jung Wooyoung, son of Jung Sun-Hi and Jung Yong-Joon member of the well known pirate ship the Red Read. On the run for more than sixteen years. He stopped in front of Wooyoung and pulled his hair forcing him to look at him. But there you are... your journey stops here, just before it even started, the man laughed, You really look like your mother, it's a shame you can't even remember her. She was one of the last who got hanged. He whispered in his ear. His smile was bigger than before, I remember that time, I was just a child, but I remember everything that happened. I was so proud of my father. Been able to take down such a pirate ship and stops the rebellion... my father was a hero, to bad yours was just an outlaw.

-Don't you dare talk about my family. His voice was firm and his eyes were locked on the man's ones.

-Oh Wooyoung, don't worry you will soon join them. You know that don't you? He let go of his hair, You were just a bait, Wooyoung's eyes widened as he began to understand, the man laughed when he saw his expression, I thought you were way more intelligent, you're just a bait for your Captain to come save you like the amazing and brave Captain he is... the man smiled and came back to Wooyoung, petting his cheek, but now... we don't need you anymore, I could easily kill you now that he knows we have you. After all we have a second bait.

He let go of Wooyoung and walked back next to the opened door. He grabbed something that Wooyoung couldn't see and came back toward him. The prisoner's eyes widened again and he started debating the best he could when he understood what it was.

A saber.

-It's hopeless Wooyoung, said the man while laughing, face your end like your parents did...

The man whipped out his saber and pointed it at Wooyoung. He let the tip rest against Wooyoung's throat for a moment before raising it up, ready to throw it in his heart.



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