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A giant tentacle...

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Without even noticing, he stepped backward, hitting the rail of the stern behind him.

A second thunderstorm flashed in the sky, making the scenery even more terrifying. The young captain couldn't even move, completely absorbed by the mystical animal facing him.

In a huge blast, another tentacle emerged from the waves, right next to the ship, making it sway. The crewmen that were once near larboard flew into the air. Their screaming bodies crossing the length of the ship before coming into violent contact with the black water, the wooden planks following them into it. The mainmast broke with the shock and the sails got tangled into each other.

The young boy still couldn't move but his mind was screaming at him to do something, to save his crew. His eyes were still fixed on the giant creature, who's eyes were now above the surface. She seemed to look at him for a moment and within a second, a shrill cry made his ears hiss. Instinctively he placed his hands on them, trying his best to reduce the pain it made him feel. He fell knees down and shut his eyes hardly just as if any of those things could help him. He seemed to be the only one hearing this horrible cry, the remaining crew members running toward the canons, loading them with anything they could reached. The ship kept on moving forward, swaying from left to right.


Soon, the ship got completely surrounded by the creature's tentacles. Hongjoong got up, ignoring the immense pain beating on his head and rushed back to the helm. Unfortunately, just before he could even reached it, one of the tentacles grabbed the ship, encircled it completely.


The creature forced and just before Hongjoong could even realised, the wood of the deck let go in a huge crash. The ship broke in half and the sea seemed to open beneath them. The young captain grabbed the helm with his entire strength, hearing the screams of his crew above the cry of the creature.


The bodies fell into the sea, the ship sank toward the abyss and the young captain looked up toward the sky, praying for his crew...

"Captain wake up!"


Finally his feet touched the ground. He walked on the harbor boards, finally treading a solid ground and not the vulgar planks of this old moldy ship on which they had sailed. Behind him, Jongho was walking slowly, admiring the upper side of the island. This one was adorned with a wreath of luxurious houses, dominating the entire city. It had nothing to do with the lower side...

Mud, completely destroyed houses -if we could even called this houses-, cart pulled by the sole force of the few men who had some left, wild cattle wandering in the semblance of road, people covered in dust and sweat, working their head off so that this one doesn't get blown out...

This part of the city had nothing to do with the one above. Everyone at the bottom was looking up, hoping that one day, their place would be up there.

This simple image hurts the young boys deep down their heart. Just as they knew that those people's dreams were meant to be unachievable.

But they had more important things to do right now. Jongho had dreamed again. That same dream and he was persuaded...

Yeosang and Wooyoung were here. Wandering somewhere in this big island. They needed to find them before finding the others. Four of them would already be a good start.

Jongho rushed a little, following Seonghwa's steps. Splitting was the worst idea. They already had been separated way too much.

The two men stayed side to side, walking in the muddy streets, avoiding the passerby. Looking everywhere, they were trying to get a single sign of life from their friends.

Hours and hours of walking leaded to nothing. Jongho approached an old man sitting, against one of the walls of the street. He seemed to be sleeping, and his clothes were covered with mud and dust. His large hat covering his face, this man seemed to ignore the world around him. This path had less people walking on it, and soon the two men found themselves alone with the sleeping man. Seonghwa turned to look at him, confused. Before the youngest could reach the man, Seonghwa grabbed his arm, turning him around to face him.

-Are you insane?! Asked to oldest eyes wide open.


-We don't know him. Replied the man, still gripping his friend's arm. We should not approach or talk to anyone. It could be dangerous.

-What? So you think this old man could be a soldier of the Royal Navy? Said the youngest mockingly.

Seonghwa became speechless. He knew that this was completely ridiculous, but being too careful was better than being irresponsible, right?

-And how do you wanna find them if we don't even ask people if they had seen them? Continued Jongho.

-We could just look for them.

-Hyung, it has been literally four hours since we're doing that...

Jongho turned around and walked to the old man, Seonghwa still behind him, apprehended. The youngest faced the old man and in a soft voice asked politely "Sir?". The man did not even flinched or moved a muscle. Again Jongho ask softly, "Excuse me Sir... Hello?". Still nothing.
Jongho stretched out his hand to the man, and gently lifted his hat. In a crack, a decaying head fell from it, rolling before running aground at Seonghwa's foot.

-AH! WHAT'S THAT! Shouted the man, breathing heavily due to the shock.

Jongho hadn't moved a inch, eyes wide open, completely lost and shocked.

-I...I think he's dead... the words fell out the mouth of the youngest and he stepped backward, getting away from the now headless rotten body.

He seemed to now smell the horrible scent of decomposition and grabbed his nose, trying to block the scent. He quickly walked toward Seonghwa. The oldest was still completely shocked, trembling and heavily terrified. Jongho grabbed his wrist and pulled it hardly out of there.

The head rested on the ground, the bones peaking behind the few rotten flesh remaining. The eyes were missing, letting two black holes where they originally were. The mouth was just a thin line but if anyone had seen it, they would swear they had saw it twist into a smile...

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