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But worst of it, it was empty...

The seven silhouettes entered the cabin, eyes widened and observing every single corners of the room. Turning around until realization hit them...

...Hongjoong was gone.

The entire ship, which, a minute ago was calm and completely quiet rapidly became an anthill.

The men ran here and there, some getting off of the ship to search their captain into the island while some others tried to understand how everything had just gone wrong.

Mingi and Jongho were the first ones to stepped off the ship. As soon as their feet had touched the pavers of the harbour, their both started running toward the streets of the relatively big village, followed closely by some of the crewmen.

San had jumped out of the embarcation, climbing effortlessly the facade of one of the biggest structure of the city, jumping from roof to roof and looking down at every silhouette his eyes could get.

Wooyoung, Yeosang and Seonghwa stayed aboard with the rest of the crew.
Seonghwa was absolutely terrified about his friend's state but as the first mate he needed to keep calm.

Yunho climbed into the lookout, a spyglass he had found around in hand. He raised the object to his eyes, adjusting the lens to his vision, looking down from his mast at the entire city in search of his friend.
But unfortunately, absolutely nothing in view except the tiny dancing lights of the island.
The researches on land gave nothing much more and soon all of the crew was standing on deck, facing their first mate as apprehension and fear started growing in them.

Hongjoong had just vanished...


"The man in black waits
as he stroke his hook and smiles
his eyes sparkles in the dark
waiting for you to steal your life"



-Let go of me! Growled the man being dragged down the big corridor.

This place seemed to familiar for him. It resembled in every way to the one in which he had been locked up before arriving in this world. The hallways were completely similar, the moldings and the gildings exactly the same, nothing had changed... except the outside world of course.

The young man had no idea how he had arrived here. One thing sure he was being held against his will and he had no idea if his crew was safe and sound.

This was the only thing he was praying for.

His crew.
His friends.
His family.

His first reason to fight as a captain.

The young boy and the men dragging him -which looked in every way to royal guards- quickly arrived in front of an imposing wooden door. Someone pushed it and this one opened in a loud and grating squeak.

The two men pulled the young boy inside before throwing him violently to the ground.

His hands tied tightly behind his back and the chains on his feet made him completely defenceless, to the greatest pleasure of the few people elbow leaning on the big table that was resting in the middle of the room.

His head hurts him like crazy and he couldn't even feel his legs at this point. His senses were slowly loosing him as his exhausted body rested on the cold cobble ground. He still managed to catch the sound of footsteps coming to him.

-You did a great job Se*\\h*a.

The voice was cold but still amused by the situation.

-The King will be proud. Everything will soon be finished...

-Sir, if you do not mind, there's no time to loose. Another voice spoke up.

-You're right. For what seemed like an eternity, the person stopped talking. The young boy's eyes were closed but he still could feel every gaze on him. We are leaving for Nagoya...


Destruction ... was the only word strong enough to express the sight of this island. Debris, dust, ruins, ashes and even more smoke escaping from some ten-year-old rubble, as if all this had only happened yesterday.

The yore Nagoya...

Here it was. The place that was before the splendid and cheerful capital of this world. The one and only island that once held the assembly in charge of the good will of the lands and its inhabitants. The one that was describe as a true paradise, gorgeous and calm.

This was what was remaining of it.
Only memories.

Nagoya was now a big island split in two. The "clean" side of the island, filled with luxurious houses and their beggars, overlooked by the palace of his majesty the King, and the other side completely wrecked, siding the windows of every single houses in the city so that anyone would know what was waiting for them if they ever tried to rebels.

Ironically, the only thing that survived the war of almost twenty years ago was the gallows, standing proudly at the border between the two cities.

The king reserved it for what he knew was going to be it's last use.

He was waiting for that moment.

For that exact moment where everything would come to an end.

Where he could finally keep the wolf from the door.

He knew it. Killing him resumed to killing all of them.

He had that only name hang to his lips. That only name that was making his life so hard.

Kim Hongjoong...


Author's note:

A shorter chapter this time,
I'm sorry I got too overwhelmed with school and kind of forgot to write.
Sorry if the content of this one isn't the best, I tried to do as much as I could with the time I had.

Have a great week guys.

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