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The ship of the Royal Navy had nearly arrived to their final destination. Again a hundreds of meters and they would touch the ground of their dear Nagoya.

When the ship finally sided the pontoon, the men began the move. Throwing off the ropes, mooring, lowering the sails, dropping anchor... The deck was active.

Topping everything, the captain was contemplating with a proud smile, his accomplishment. He had succeeded. Succeeded to capture the most wanted pirate ever. He had brilliantly taken over from his father.

Yes, the captain Adara was proud and confident. Who could even dare to challenge him? Who could even look at him in the eyes? Who could follow the steps of this god?
Yes, the captain Adara was imbued with himself, painting himself as a god, a frightening beast that no one dared to approach. For him he was the most powerful man alive, the most respected man alive and the only one who made all of this possible...

...but right behind him, a dark figure was standing still, observing and judging the arrogance of this miserable human.
After all isn't that the only thing they were capable of?
Only his eyes were showed, and those ones had enough of that stupid picture in from of him.
That man had done nothing, neither his men!

They had done everything!
They had fight for death with their own selves!
They had been reduced to dust and they had comeback under the orders of their creators to end... themselves...

The young "man" was disgusted.
Disgusted by these mere mortals and their damned thirst for power.

He had been created, just like his dear friends, by those people. From his young age he had been taught to fight against those rebels, those pirates, those "eight sons of the piracy". From young he had followed his own self, days and nights, watching him growing up, collecting any information about him.
His friends were doing the same.
Witnessing their own selves laughing, smiling, crying... seeing them having emotions where they could only feel pain and anger.
Watching them growing up with a family, with love and affection while they were tortured and barely even looked by their creators.

They were the puppets, the weapons, the weaknesses and the fears of the people whom those around them called "their true selves".
They were empty at first, then after all those years, all those tortures, all those pains, they were filled with rage, with jealousy and their only goal was like their creators said "killed those who prevented you from living a normal life".
At first he thought that he had those exact persons in mind, but after all those years he came to the point where his mind began to head toward the ones who taught them this.

He remembered that summer day of 2010.
He remembered watching them with his friends.
They were having fun.
He remembered the moment his creators told them to head toward the old child playground, away from the habitations. He remembered the moment they had understood what was going to happen. But he didn't remembered if his friends were happy or not.
As far as he his concern, he was lost.

Yes, he was living for their capture.
Yes, he had been taught to track them down.
Yes, they were the one who made their lives so hard.
Yes, he wanted to see them killed... or did he?

Those words had resonated in his head again and again, but time did not let him take a decision as four of the kids were running toward the playground. He had not noticed but one of them was already hiding behind the slide, laughing quietly as he had heard his friends coming over.
It was weird but seeing them laughing together brightened his heart. It was just like seeing his own friends having fun, he wished he could see that one day, but he knew that the ones next to him would never laugh in their entire lives.

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